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Offline Rubystars

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Re: Liberal Terminology
« Reply #50 on: February 07, 2014, 09:23:48 PM »
So that means you would consider Jews not to be white?

There are Jews of all races.

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Re: Liberal Terminology
« Reply #51 on: February 08, 2014, 10:26:08 PM »
There are Jews of all races.

All Jews who don't have any admixture are completely Non-European. Chaim said European goyim raped Jewish women. Jews are NOT ethnic European. Jews are only European if a European converts to Judaism or if a European man has kids with a Jewish woman.

Just like Jews who don't have any admixture are completely Non-European, at the same time they are completely white and completely Asian since whites are also native to half of Asia and all of North Africa. Even the Bolshevik census bureau will say so although now they claim that all Indians are the same race as Orientals. India is on the border so it is mixed but it is complete nonsense to say all Indians have to call themselves "Asian" when Asian is used as a race and people will think they are Oriental.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Liberal Terminology
« Reply #52 on: February 09, 2014, 12:48:17 AM »
Some people might be wondering at this point, why do we need to know all this?

Liberals don't like to be straightforward when they are speaking. Humans in general like to use symbols, but liberals are very sneaky in the way they slip words into the culture.

For example notice the progression of how racial terms were handled. In the past, "negro" was simply a reference to black skin. It had no pejorative meaning whatsoever. Now liberals say the word "negro"
is unacceptable and racist. "Black" is still tolerated, even though it means the same thing, although even that is sometimes frowned on. "African American" is considered acceptable right now,
but the equivalent "European American" to refer to white people is not.

Let's look at immigration. Illegal immigrants used to be called illegal aliens. Now this is considered to be a pejorative term rather than a descriptive term by liberals. There was a shift toward calling them illegal immigrants.

This was slightly better for the liberals because then they could make arguments like "We are a nation of immigrants." This word served them better. Now even that's considered pejorative. Illegal aliens now must be referred to as undocumented workers or undocumented immigrants.

This very phrasing implies that the only thing they are lacking to be legitimate is some kind of paperwork. It ignores the reason why we have immigration laws and why we want to control the flood of immigration, especially from the third world. It ignores the devastating effects of importing millions of third world people into a first world nation and how that can affect quality of life, the economy, and the culture.

So by liberals using the word "undocumented immigrants", they are implying that if you give them amnesty and green cards, then everything will be ok. It implies that illegal aliens never did anything wrong.

Marriage in our culture was understood to be between a man and a woman. Then the concept of "gay marriage" was introduced. Now the homosexual activists find that to be offensive and say things like
"I'm not gay married, I'm just married." Now the terminology has shifted to "marriage equality". Every time you say the phrase marriage equality, you are repeating their propaganda. 

Abortion has code words too. "Choice" and "A woman's right to choose", and "reproductive health", are usually code words for abortion. There are others as well, but those three are very common. None of those terms seem to directly address the fact that living babies are being killed. None of those words force people to face the extremely harsh reality that is behind them. Now, when you oppose abortion, you are called "anti-choice", "anti-women's rights", "against women's reproductive health". So you see the devious and destructive nature of liberal phrasing.

The whole gender identity/sexual orientation topic has been one of the most transformative and devastating to Western culture. Pride parades are held in the open, some of which NAMBLA has taken part in. It was one thing when LGBT people simply wanted to avoid discrimination for jobs in which their status was not relevant, or to live without fear of being hurt or killed by others who disagreed with them. What they want now though is really stepping over the line. They have begun to transform society in very important ways. They are changing the definitions of marriage, parenthood, and family. They are telling children in schools that they have to share restrooms and locker rooms with the opposite sex regardless of how embarassing or dangerous that might be. They have begun to corrupt important societal institutions such as the military, the public school system, private organizations such as the boy scouts, etc.
They are subjecting women to danger by insisting that pre-surgical transwomen be allowed into women's public restrooms. They are subjecting children to danger by insisting that homosexuals be allowed to lead a group of young teen boy scouts out into the woods for a camping trip. They invade popular places such as Disney World and commit deviant acts in front of crowds of parents and children and then cry discrimination and bigotry when their audience doesn't approve.

The terminology I've discussed so far is important to understanding their agenda. Liberals will recognize many of the terms I listed and will be able to keep up to date with news articles on the subject. I want conservatives to be as well-informed for the current terminologies liberals are using, regardless of whether or not they disgust you. This is a topic that is going to be very important and is currently transforming society into something that most of us will not recognize.

It is vitally important that we understand what they are saying to each other. There's no way to fight against this if we remain in the dark and continue to simply think of this issue in simple ways.

It's really not that complicated even if it seems like it is, but it can seem extremely complicated if you feel overwhelmed by the long list of definitions.

Take your time and read through them and understand them. That will help to be able to understand the liberal speech.

I am writing a quiz now. It's not ready yet. It will help to test whether or not you learned the terminology in the previous posts. It might seem technical but it's really not. It just uses words I've already defined.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2014, 01:00:18 AM by Rubystars »

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Liberal Terminology
« Reply #53 on: February 09, 2014, 10:57:18 AM »

LGBT Terminology Quiz

Choose the letter which best fits the answer you think is right, then look below the question to find the answer(s).

1.What are the parts of a person's gender and sexual identity according to liberals?
a. sex, gender identity, cisgendered or transgendered, sexual orientation, and romantic orientation
b. sex, transgender, homoromanticism, zirself
c. sexual orientation, cisgender, transgender, romantic orientation

Answer: a

2. When a person's sex assigned at birth and their gender identity don't match, the person is:
a. Transsexual
b. Transgendered
c. Gay
d. Cisgendered

Answer: b

3. An adult woman who was born female, has a female gender identity, is sexually attracted to men and is romantically attracted to men would be:
a. A cisgendered lesbian homoromantic
b. A transgendered heterosexual heteroromantic
c. A cisgendered heterosexual heteroromantic

Answer: c

4. An adult woman who was born female, has a male gender identity, is sexually attracted to men and is romantically attracted to men would be:
a. A cisgendered lesbian homoromantic
b. A transgendered heterosexual heteromantic
c. A transgendered homosexual homoromantic

Answer: Conservatives would say b, Liberals would say c

5. When someone's sex assigned at birth and their gender identity are the same, they are:
a. transsexual
b. cisgendered
c. transgendered

Answer: b

6. A transwoman (male assigned at birth, surgically transitioned to female sex), is:

a. a mutilated man
b. a genuine woman

Conservative answer: a
Liberal answer: b

7. A transman (female assigned at birth, surgically transitioned to a male sex), is:
a. a mutilated woman
b. a genuine man

Conservative answer: a
Liberal answer: b

8. A man goes to a bar with the intent of picking up a woman to have sex with. He has no intentions of having any kind of relationship with this woman after the sexual act. He goes back on the bar
scene to do this frequently, and has no intentions of ever "settling down" and having a family. He would best be described as:
a. homoromantic heterosexual
b. aromantic homosexual
c. aromantic heterosexual

Answer: c

9. A man enjoys sexual relationships with both men and women, but has ever only felt an emotional connection to other men. He intends to go to a state that allows homosexual "marriage" to marry
his boyfriend. He would best be described as:
a. homoromantic heterosexual
b. homoromantic bisexual
c. heteroromantic bisexual

Answer: b

10. Liberals will be offended if you call a transman:
a. she
b. he
c. it

Answer: a and c

Liberals will be offended if you call a transman "she" even though the person was born female because the current gender identity is male and the person may have surgically transitioned to have male-appearing genitalia.

Calling a transman "it" offends liberals because that word is usually applied to objects or animals, and occasionally to children. The word "it" is not generally applied to adult humans. The liberals feel that calling a transman or a transwoman an "it" is dehumanizing.

11. A non-binary or genderqueer person might not want to be referred to by male or female pronouns. If they say that they only want to be referred to by gender-neutral pronouns, which would be the equivalent of he or she to use?
a. it
b. zit
c. ze

Conservative answer: a (caution, this might get you accused of a hate crime)
Liberal answer: c

In the same scenario, what would be the gender neutral equivalent of himself or herself?

a. itself
b. zitself
c. zirself

Conservative answer: a (caution, this might get you accused of a hate crime)
Liberal answer: c

12. Chaz Bono (born female, transitioned to a male) would best be described as:
a. a transman
b. a transwoman
c. a mutilated woman
d. a mutilated man

Conservative answer: c
Liberal answer: a

13. If someone declares that they are straight but not narrow, what are they declaring themselves as?
a. bisexual
b. transgendered
c. an LGBT ally

Answer: c

14. What term is more inclusive?
a. gay rights
b. queer rights

Answer: b
"Queer" can refer to many different sexual orientations besides just homosexuality. It includes things like bisexuality, pansexuality, skoliosexuality, pedophilia, etc.

15. If someone is primarily sexually attracted to people who are non-binary (considering themselves neither male or female), what is their sexual orientation?
a. homosexual
b. transsexual
c. skoliosexual

Answer: c

16. A person who feels they have no gender identity, and chooses to have surgery to remove secondary sexual characteristics would best be described as:
a. agendered and neutrois
b. someone in need of serious psychiatric help
c. skoliosexual

Conservative answer: b
Liberal answer: a

17. Which of the following do liberals see as subject to change over the course of a person's life?
a. sexual orientation
b. Physical sex
c. gender identity

Answer: b and possibly c under some circumstances

At the very least liberals see physical sex as something subject to change through hormones and surgery.

However the fact that there are people who claim to be genderfluid, that is, their gender identity switches or changes from time to time, indicates that to some degree gender identity is also fluid to a liberal.
However they will be very contradictory about this and claim at the same time that a transgender person cannot change their mind to be more in tune with their body. They say that trying to help a transgender person
to accept their birth sex and become cisgendered is to be evil and abusive toward them.

So liberals are not very consistent on this. A genderqueer or genderfluid person is somehow ok to them but a woman who claims she is a man apparently has no choice but to be a man and a man who claims he is a woman apparently has no choice but to be a woman.

Liberals don't always make sense but this is the way they seem to think.

18. People who get pleasure from either receiving or causing pain, or dominating their partner or being submissive to their partner in a slave-like way are in the following lifestyle:
a. sadomasochism,
b. skoliosexuality
c. homosexuality

Answer: a

19. Someone whose sex assigned at birth and gender identity match (for example, they were born female, and have a female gender identity, or were born male and have a male gender identity) would best be described as:
a. transgendered
b. genderqueer
c. cisgendered

Answer: c

20. Someone who was born between male and female physically, because of a birth defect or genetic condition that causes this, is called:
a. Binary
b. Transsexual
c. Intersex

Answer: c
They would also be considered to be non-binary and are referred to as intersex because they do not fit male or female. It is important to know that these people do not CHOOSE to be in between male and female because intersex is a physical condition. Some people really are born that way physically. However these people are often exploited or recruited by the LGBT activists.

Scenario Questions:
21. Your twenty something son tells you that he feels like a woman inside and wants to transition physically into a woman. This upsets you very much and you tell him that he needs to be heterosexual because of what the Bible teaches. The son declares to you that he IS heterosexual and that you don't have to worry about him being homosexual. Later on, you see him kissing another man and holding hands with them.

You go to confront him about this and he insists that he IS heterosexual. Why is he saying this?

a. He's being dishonest with you and lying to your face
b. He believes he is a woman inside, and therefore having a romantic relationship with a man would be heterosexual behavior according to his understanding

Answer: b

22. Under the same scenario, why might the son be confused by your telling him to be heterosexual?
a. He thinks he is a heterosexual woman, and what he declared to you was a gender identity, not a sexual orientation
b. He's just really stupid not to understand why you would say that

Answer: a

23. Your daughter in 3rd grade comes home crying one day and says that boys were allowed to go into the girl's restroom and they were peeking at her in the stall while she tried to pee. You go to the school and ask the teacher about what happened and they tell you that there are transgender children in your daughters class that even though they were assigned male at birth, they have a right to use the girl's restroom just like any other girl. Of course you argue that the restroom should be for girls and that this upset your daughter. The teacher is likely to believe that:
a. Your daughter is transphobic and needs to be taught that the boys she sees are really girls
b. You are a bad parent for teaching your child transphobia and CPS might need to be called to keep you from teaching your daughter to hate other people.
c. You are right and from now on the girl's bathroom will be for girls

Answer: a and b

The teacher in this case is a liberal and will see your traditional views of the world as being bad. Your daughter's feelings of fear and embarrassment don't matter to the teacher because this is only seen as evidence of your daughter being the hateful/transphobic person. The boy's actions are not seen as inappropriate because your daughter will be accused of making it up because of her "hate", and you will be blamed as a bad parent for teaching her "hate".

24. Your teen son has joined a boy's football team. He does really well. He's big, fast, and pretty strong too. It is understood that this team will only play against other boy's teams. One night a competition is held and a team from another school comes. You are looking forward to the game. Once you get to the stands however, you notice something very odd. There's a woman playing on the opposite team. Your son is reluctant to be aggressive with her in the same way or to tackle her, and doesn't perform as well as a result. Other boys also feel like they have to hold back around this girl and their performance also suffers. The opposing team wins. When you complain about this, you are likely to be told that:
a. you are being sexist and old-fashioned and the girl's team won fair and square
b. you are right that the girl shouldn't be subjected to a contact sport like that playing against men who could injure her
c. you are right that it's not fair for your son to have to play against a woman when he is a gentleman who would hold back from being rough with her

Answer: a

Liberals don't really care about women's rights, but they will use that as a platform to try to disrupt any institution. In places like Texas, football is a very popular sport. If liberals can disrupt this game or cause problems with their agenda, they'll do it.
If you have any questions or comments feel free to post them.