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"Palestinians" have not written down any of their own history
« on: October 25, 2006, 01:03:35 AM »
Creating Palestinian History
by Rachel Neuwirth
Oct 24, '06 / 2 Cheshvan 5767

Professor Rashid Khalidi raises a very pertinent question in his article "Unwritten History", recently published in the Boston Globe. In essence, he laments that the Palestinians have not written down their own history and he observes that their failure to do so has made their claim for Palestinian statehood more problematic.

Mr. Khalidi's initiative must be welcomed by all those who seek the historical truth in the Middle East conflict. But we may wonder why it is that the history of the Palestinian people has suddenly become such an important issue. After all, many years ago, Yasser Arafat lifted any lingering doubt by tracing Palestinian history all the way back to the Jebusites.

Peoples - real ones - know their history. History precedes the collective consciousness of a people. Jews, Kurds, Tibetans, Mongols and a myriad others are very much aware of who they are. They need no latecomer to remind them of their origins, or to forge a newly minted history to redefine their identity. They know their past achievements and they have a common will for the future. So, if forty years after the word "Palestinian" entered the international lexicon - in its new, twisted and widely circulated meaning - we are still in search of their history, we may conclude it is because there has never been such a people. The "Palestinian people" was a late creation for political purposes aimed only at destroying the national aspirations of a real people - the Jews - rather than building a peaceful society.

I do not know what motivated Mr. Khalidi to delve into the historical quest of the Palestinian people. Was it to prop up a "cause" whose merit is increasingly questioned by their former supporters? Was it to create a means to cement the many disparate factions who are speaking with different voices? Or was it to counter what social anthropologist Ernest Geller observed, namely, that "nationalism [often] invents nations where they do not exist"? Whatever the motives may be, this historical investigation should be respectful of factual truths, which does not seem to be the thrust Mr. Khalidi had in mind, in view of the article he penned.

In his second paragraph, Mr. Khalidi writes:
The United Nations resolution of 1947 that led to the establishment of Israel called for such a [Palestinian] state. In the years before that, Palestinians similarly failed to win independence from the British, who held a League of Nations mandate over Palestine, in part because of internal rivalries, but also because of the constellation of forces arrayed against them.
The reality is quite different and Mr. Khalidi should know it. The United Nations did not "call for a Palestinian state."

The non binding UN Resolution 181 of November 1947 "recommended" a partition of Palestine. This resolution passed with a two-thirds majority. It was accepted by the Jewish Agency, and rejected by all Arab states and the Arab High Committee in Palestine. Similar Arab rejections occurred in the 1930s (Peel Commission, White Paper, etc.). Way before Resolution 181 passed, Mandated Palestine had already been partitioned through the creation of Transjordan by the British government, which breached the original provisions of the Mandate as they were set up in the San Remo Conference of 1920. In that regard, a further partition of Palestine, recommended by the UN in 1947, was clearly against international law and violated Chapter XII of the UN Charter.

Nothing in the above is "hidden history," as Mr. Khalidi pretends. It is all perfectly documented and it is only hidden to those who are bent on forging new facts to suit their agenda. Without going through every paragraph of Mr. Khalidi's article, it is clear that revisionism is rampant in its most obscene form. We are told that only the Egyptian army attacked Israel in 1948. One may wonder then why Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, together with Egypt, signed armistices in the first half of 1949, and Iraq withdrew its troops (without signing). We are told that Zionism was "both [a colonial] and a nationalist movement." Mr. Khalidi would be hard pressed to explain this contradiction in terms.

We are told that the PLO "could have held out for a better deal than the highly disadvantageous terms of the Oslo Accords." A better deal? Was Ehud Barak's proposal at Camp David not good enough for the PLO? Is Mr. Khalidi's idea of a better deal a fast track to the "phased plan" of destruction of Israel, as the "moderate" Faisal Husseini declared in Kuwait in June 2001, when he promised "a Palestinian state... from the river to the sea"?

It is not through these manipulative approaches that the "Palestinian people" will acquire their lettres de noblesse. But Mr. Khalidi's exercise is useful in that it shows to what shameful lengths the promoters of the Palestinian cause are prepared to go in their futile quest to turn lead into gold. It also shows his misguided belief that going back a mere eighty years is sufficient history to buttress the inexistent identity of the "Palestinian people."
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Offline MarZutra

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Re: "Palestinians" have not written down any of their own history
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2006, 07:46:41 AM »
I thought I'd take the time to post one of my many letters to our Members of Parliament and the Prime Minister Stephen Harper.  Perhaps it might encourage many more to write theirs.  Enjoy:

Dear Hon. Peter MacKay,

Thank you so much for your reply.  With all, and in all, due respect, I wish people would actually take the time to research the history and the origins of this so-called "Palestinian People".  It behooves any unbiased thinking person who does research this specific and unfortunate tragedy not to conclude that the entire “Palestinian People” is predicated and propagated on a pure fabrication: a total lie.  I, personally will not call these people "Palestinians" because it just furthers their falsity.  When Egypt held Gaza and Jordan held and distroyed the so-called "Westbank" (which is Judea and Samaria) not one utter of a "Palestinian", so the term "Arab" is quite accurate in this specific case.  Further, and franky, I wish to ask why in G-d's name are we Canadians even trying to distance Jews from Judea or Jews (Samaritans) from Samaria but continually doing everything to fabricate the relationship of Arabians to "Palestine"?

Palestine was never a Nation so how could it even be considered a Nationality?  The Arabs/Moslems claim that those "evil" Jewish (Zionists) “stole” the Arab’s land.  If that truly is the case, who did the British “steal” this land from?  Did not the Jews “steal” the land from the British, not the Arabs as the "Palestinians" promulgate?  The Ottoman’s held the land for 500 years, so when exactly was it Arab land?  Do you not find it questionable that the entire English Speaking, Civilized Christian, World has knowledge of, with historical and archeological accuracy, to conclude 1000's of years of Jewish history relating specifically to their land but very minimal evidence, if any, relating the Arabians to a "Palestine"? 

Now I’m no genius, but was there not already a “Two State Solution” in 1923 that formed the “Palestinian” Moslem Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on 76% of what was “Palestine” under the British Mandate?  I am actually quite positive that the splitting of “Palestine” into one to be a Jewish Israel and the other an Arab/Moslem “Palestine” was too quite illegal via international law specifically according to the wording of the Balfour Declaration itself, how did this happen?  Lastly, did not the Jews offer the Moslems their own State, with UN support in 1947 only to be turned down due to their desire to vanquish the Jews and drive them into the Sea as per history emphatically has shown repeatedly Pre and Post Israel?

Might you, and the Government of Canada, truly research this fraudulent movement; “The Palestinian People” and open the books to the world for them to judge their imperialistic intentions our/themselves?  It is not always the British or the Americans whom are evil “Imperialists” the Russians and the Moslems are too well versed at that game if one truly wishes to enter into factual debate.  Here is a, and the, specific example.

I do hope for the best and that this murderous movement will be openly exposed, confronted and transferred from the Jewish Homeland.  Transfer was held positive, successful and non “racist” or “expansionist” by many millions in the past: Turkey/Greece, Russia/Europe, Germany/Poland/Czeck, India/Pakistan etc. etc. so why do these Jews continually get shafted via corrupt international politics and continue their catering to one terrorist group after another.  I am absolutely sure that the Government of Canada would not deal with the PLO/PLA, El Fatah, Hamas, Hizbollah and so forth if those terrorist entities came to power in Quebec and were responsible for the continual mass murder of Canadian civilians.  Why does Israel have to be forced to do this?  Should Canada not step up to the plate in the name of truth, honest, justice, reason and a real peace?

I’ll leave you to ponder this tragic situation.  I know that if I were living there, I’d not wish to cater to those whom wish for my extinction politically, economically, socially and most of all religiously.

Thank you and very warm regards to your family,

"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline TheCoon

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Re: "Palestinians" have not written down any of their own history
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2006, 08:27:21 AM »
You have to actually have a history to record it. I would love the "palestinian" people to be history. ;)
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!