It is obvious these are miracles. But, is it not possible for g-d to use natural causes to perform miracle? Im just trying to find a relationship between science and the torah
It is possible to reconcile... True, it is through 'natural forces' which Hashem manipulates the world. It is believed that every thing which happens, from a leaf falling from a tree, to life and death itself, are all controlled by G-d.
The Torah does give those who 'want to' believe that it was 'just nature' concerning the splitting of the sea. The Torah narrative says that an eastern wind blew all night before the sea split.
Ramban- It was the will of HASHEM to split the sea with an eastern wind so it would appear as if the wind split the sea into partitions. Because of this, the Mitzrim thought that perhaps the wind made the sea dry, and it wasn’t the hand of HASHEM doing this for Yisroel. Even though the wind doesn’t split the sea into partitions, they didn’t pay attention to this and chased after the Jews because of their tremendous desire to
The Ramban tells us that an eastern wind began to blow - this was the wind that split the sea. At first it made small indentations in the sea, but as the night wore on, the wind became stronger and those small indents grew in size and depth until the sea itself was split into 12 distinct pathways - ready for each Shevet to cross in its own channel.
Why split it with an Eastern wind?
The Ramban explains that HASHEM split the sea with an eastern wind “so that it would appear as if the wind split the sea into partitions.”
But by definition a miracle must exceed nature, go beyond the natural. The Hail which fell during the Ten Plagues were an example of such a miracle, it was a frozen hail stone with a burning flame in the center... It mixed FIRE with WATER and it was an obvious miracle.
The Blood which all the water of the Egyptians turned into is another miracle. Only water for Egyptians was turned into blood, the Jews had regular water. This shows us that Hashem can discern a Jew from a non-Jew.
But every breath we take is a miracle, when a baby is born we witness a miracle, the entire process of the universe is a miracle... So in a way it is true that science is (the study of the natural world) also miraculous.