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The U.S. Won't Save Israel From Iran
« on: February 14, 2014, 10:12:13 AM »

Many consider the Geneva negotiations over Iran to be a betrayal of Israel by America. Yes, it certainly is a betrayal. But is anyone really surprised?

It should surprise no one that President Barack Obama didn't have Israel's back -- he has too many personal associations with Israel-haters to make him a reliable ally. But more fundamentally, it should surprise no one that an American president doesn't have Israel's back.

American presidents have routinely ignored Israel's security needs, or turned on Israel, when doing so served American political interests. Americans look after American interests and if Israel's vital interests clash with American interests of the day, Americans will look after their own needs.

Before Israel declared independence in 1948, the U.S. under President Harry Truman demanded that Israel postpone its declaration and place itself under UN Trusteeship. If Israel, didn't, warned Truman's Secretary of State, George Marshall, the U.S. would impose an arms embargo on Israel, even though the British, Jordanians and Egyptians were arming the Arabs. The effect of the Arabs being armed and the Israelis unarmed, the Americans said, would be a second Holocaust. The Americans also threatened UN sanctions against Israel.

The American position was understandable -- the U.S. expected Israel to lose and didn't want to needlessly offend the much more populous and energy-rich Arab invaders. The U.S. at the time was competing with the Soviet Union -- this was the beginning of The Cold War -- and it didn't want Arab oil to fall under Soviet control.

When Israel declared independence the Americans remained true to their word -- they imposed an embargo, and maintained it throughout Israel's war of independence, refusing to allow any arms sales to Israel, or even gifts of arms by American Jews, even though Israel was heavily outnumbered and outgunned by six Arab armies.

When it became clear in 1949 that Israel would win its War of Independence, Truman remained unsympathetic to Israel, demanding that Israel give up its territorial gains and make concessions to the Arabs, even though the Arabs were the aggressors and even though the war was still ongoing. Truman saw Israel's actions as "dangerous to peace" according to Truman's ambassador to Israel, who delivered Truman's demands, amid threats of UN sanctions, to Israel's Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion.

President Dwight D Eisenhower, who succeeded Truman, was no more sympathetic to Israel's security needs. When Egypt violated international law and the Armistice Agreement with Israel by blockading shipping in to Israel, the Eisenhower Administration stayed silent -- his policy was pro-Egyptian because he hoped to woo Egypt's leader, Gamal Abdel Nasser, to the anti-Communist camp.

Eisenhower also became hostile to Israel. In 1956, after Egypt seized the Suez Canal, an international waterway owned by the U.K. and France, these two countries and Israel jointly invaded Egypt to restore their rights and to open up shipping. Although U.S. president Eisenhower acknowledged that Egypt's "grave and repeated provocations" had led to the invasion, he was so determined to curry friendship with the Arab world that he forced the British, French and Israelis to withdraw.

To force the UK to do his bidding, Eisenhower threatened to financially cripple the UK - America's ally in World War II -- by selling U.K. bonds to devalue the pound and blocking a $1-billion IMF loan that the U.K. desperately needed. And to get Israel to withdraw from territories captured in the war, Eisenhower threatened Israel with expulsion from the UN, adding gravitas to his demands by making them in a radio and television address to the American people from the White House.

Other U.S. presidents also treated Israel harshly. Although we think of Israel as being militarily dependent on the U.S., the truth is far different. In the first decades following Israel's creation in 1948, the U.S. was less friend than foe, generally siding with Israel's Arab neighbours. The U.S. not only sold arms to Israel's enemies, it also lavished them with economic and military aid through a Marshall-type plan for the Middle East.

Meanwhile, the U.S. gave Israel little economic aid and no military aid in the early years -- the first military grant wouldn't come until 1974, a quarter century after Israel's founding. Until the Kennedy Administration in the 1960s, when the U.S. allowed Israel to purchase defensive anti-aircraft HAWK missiles -- but no planes, tanks, or offensive weapons -- the U.S. refused to even sell arms to help the fledgling state defend itself.

In every war involving Israel, the Arab states were the aggressors yet in every war, the Israelis knew they were fighting not only against the Arabs on the battlefield but against the U.S. diplomatically. The U.S. pressured Israel, generally successfully, to stop its military advances and to give up war gains.

The U.S. under President Ronald Reagan opposed Israel's decision to destroy Saddam Hussein's Osirak nuclear reactor, and when Israel went ahead in 1981 Reagan embargoed delivery of F-16 fighters to punish Israel. The U.S. under President George H Bush insisted that Israel not retaliate against Iraq when Saddam Hussein launched 39 Scud missiles into Israel. The U.S. under President George W Bush opposed Israel's decision to destroy Syria's nuclear reactor, which Israel did anyway, and it opposed an Israeli military strike on Iran.

The U.S. has historically been strongly predisposed against Israeli military action. Israel is on its own. The stars are aligned for a unilateral attack.

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: The U.S. Won't Save Israel From Iran
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2014, 10:13:23 AM »

How the U.S. & Iran have Cooperated to Sponsor Muslim Terror

(And this while loudly denouncing
one another in public...)

by Jared Israel
[Posted 13 April 2003]

For a list of Emperor's Clothes articles about the US, Iraq and Iran, go to


In a speech dated 31 March 2003, US Secretary of State Colin Powell accused Iran of supporting terrorists. And, said Powell, "Tehran must stop pursuing weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them."

An Iranian government spokesman dismissed Powell's remarks, saying, "The anti-Iran overture of the U.S. officials emanated from Washington's failure in its military scenario in Iraq." [1]

And an Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman added, "The U.S. unwavering support of Israel's state terrorism is a clear proof of U.S. double standards..." [2]


Do harsh words mean war?


Some critics of the US-British war in Iraq point to this exchange and to other statements, made by certain so-called neoconservatives, associated with the Pentagon. Based on the hostile statements made by the so-called neoconservatives and State Department people on the one side, and by Iranian leaders, on the other side, pundits of the left and right assure us that a) the war in Iraq is directed against Islam, and b) "Iran is next."

We have shown that *on the ground* Iran has quietly supported the US invasion. Odd behavior for a government that expects to be "next". [3]

But aside from that, the problem with the "Iran-is-next" argument is that harsh statements by top officials may be insincere. They may be intended to divert attention from the real situation, and/or to focus blame on a third party, a scapegoat (such as, for example, Israel).

It is even possible for intelligence officials from the US and Iran to meet for the purpose of planning public displays of mutual hostility aimed at diverting public awareness and scapegoating Israel.

Does that sound extreme? Read on...


Public enemies, private friends


Contrary to the mainstream media and supposed critics of US policy alike, Iran and the US have *not* had purely hostile relations since the overthrow of the Shah 24 years ago.

Rather, the US and Iran have had a complex relationship which includes attacking each other publicly even while they cooperate covertly to carry out sundry nefarious schemes.

That is precisely what happened in Bosnia in the early 1990s.

Let us look at the facts.

First, what sorts of insults did the US and Iran trade in the early 1990s?

Second, how do those compare to the insults they are trading *now*?

And third, in the early 1990s, were the US and Iran friends or enemies on the ground in Bosnia?


Déjà vu all over again


On 31 March 1993, UPI published a dispatch, entitled, "Iran Strongly Rejects 'International Outlaw' Label." [3A]

Some of it is quoted below. If you check back to what Powell and the Iranians said a couple of weeks ago, you will see that the 1993 insults were almost identical.

    [Start 1993 UPI dispatch]

    Iran reacted sharply Wednesday to remarks by U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher describing the Islamic Republic as an international outlaw and a supporter of terrorism, the Iranian state news agency IRNA said.

    A Foreign Ministry spokesman in Tehran described Christopher's remarks as ''unfounded, worthless and an indication of confusion in Washington's foreign policy,'' an IRNA dispatch monitored in Athens said.

    ...[Secretary of State Christopher] also accused Iran of trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction.

    The Iranian official said...Christopher's statement was ''aimed at diverting world public opinion from Washington's full-scale support for Israeli-sponsored state terrorism and for terrorist activities against those countries which oppose U.S. domination...''

    [End 1993 UPI dispatch]

Replace 'Warren Christopher' with 'Colin Powell' and 1993 sounds eerily like 2003.


Same script, same villain


Note that in both cases, the Iranian fundamentalists shift the attack from the US to Israel. The intended message is that the US does bad things, but that that is *because of* Israel.

Please also note that the same thing is now being said by many right wing and left wing critics of US policy.

Christopher calls Iran a "supporter of terrorism," and the unnamed Iranian official replies that Christopher is only trying to divert people from US support for Israeli actions. Thus the argument ends up focused on...Israel.

But in 1993 Iran was not sponsoring terrorism against Israel *only*. It was sponsoring terrorism against Bosnia too.


Dutch report: Pentagon secret service
 directed Iran's Bosnian terror.


Last year the Dutch government produced a report on Bosnia compiled based on an extensive study of intelligence documents.

Below is an excerpt from a (London) Guardian article summarizing the Dutch report: [4]

    [Start Guardian excerpt]

    Now we have the full story of the secret alliance between the Pentagon and radical Islamist groups from the Middle East designed to assist the Bosnian Muslims...[Meaning, the Muslim faction led by Alija Izetbegovic, which attacked the Bosnian Serbs, unlike the faction led by the more popular Fikret Abdic, which allied with the Bosnian Serbs - EC]

    In both Afghanistan and the Gulf, the Pentagon had incurred debts to Islamist groups and their Middle Eastern sponsors. By 1993 these groups, many supported by Iran and Saudi Arabia, were anxious to help Bosnian Muslims fighting in the former Yugoslavia and called in their debts with the Americans. Bill Clinton and the Pentagon were keen to be seen as creditworthy and repaid in the form of an Iran-Contra style operation - in flagrant violation of the UN security council arms embargo against all combatants in the former Yugoslavia.

    The result was a vast secret conduit of weapons smuggling though Croatia. This was arranged by the clandestine agencies of the US, Turkey and Iran, together with a range of radical Islamist groups, including Afghan mojahedin and the pro-Iranian Hizbullah...

    Arms purchased by Iran and Turkey with the financial backing of Saudi Arabia made their way by night from the Middle East...The report stresses that the US was "very closely involved" in the airlift. Mojahedin fighters were also flown in, but they were reserved as shock troops for especially hazardous operations....

    Rather than the CIA, the Pentagon's own secret service was the hidden force behind these operations...

    When these [weapon] shipments were noticed, Americans pressured UNPROFOR to rewrite reports, and when Norwegian officials protested about the flights, they were reportedly threatened into silence.

    Meanwhile, the secret services of Ukraine, Greece and Israel were busy arming the Bosnian Serbs. Mossad was especially active and concluded a deal with the Bosnian Serbs at Pale...

    [End Guardian excerpt]

In the above text, author Richard Aldrich puts a remarkable spin on the Dutch report.

He argues that the US was pressured into supporting Islamist terror in Bosnia because it had to make good on debts to Islamic terrorists, linked to Iran and Saudi Arabia.

That is quite a statement.

Look what Aldrich is conceding: that US intelligence had been working closely with Saudi and Iranian-backed terrorists (e.g., the 'Afghan Arabs' and Hizballah) *prior to Bosnia* and that the US did not want to damage those relationships.

Aldrich claims that this is why the U.S. helped out in Bosnia - to keep those relationships alive.

But in the same article, Aldrich states that, according to the Dutch report, the US *controlled* the Bosnian terror operations:

    "Rather than the CIA, the Pentagon's own secret service was the hidden force behind these operations..."

This makes Aldrich's argument preposterous. It would be one thing to say that the U.S. turned a blind eye to terrorist activities because it didn't want to alienate these terrorists and their backers in Saudi Arabia and Iran. But it is quite a different thing to claim the US took the initiative in organizing and coordinating a massive terrorist assault just to keep terrorist organizations happy. The fact that the Pentagon was the "hidden force behind these operations" shows that the Islamist terrorist assault on Bosnia was important US Establishment *policy*, not some weird fence-mending diplomacy.

The kind of spin in the Guardian article is often put forward when U.S. intelligence is caught organizing horrific activities. It is the Bumbling Bear Argument - U.S. intelligence does not *mean* to do bad things - it is naive and clumsy and therefore miscalculates, or foolishly tries to repay old debts, or isn't aware whom it is dealing with, or whatever.

(As discussed in "Worst kept secrets of the bumbling bear," the same sort of argument was made when the news broke that the CIA had been created by recruiting *thousands* of war criminals from Nazi intelligence. We were told that CIA Director Allen Dulles was supposedly fooled...poor bear...) [4A]

[Article continues after the photos]

These soldiers are not Arabs. They are Bosnian Muslims, that is, Slavs whose ancestors converted to Islam during the reign of the Ottoman Empire.

Before the 1990s, people in Bosnia would have laughed at this sight, thinking the men were going to a costume ball. But nobody was laughing in 1995. The caption reads, "One of the Bosnian Army's Muslim brigades marches through Zenica in a demonstration of strength by 10,000 soldiers." The (London) Times, 11 December 1995.

This photograph was published in some Western newspapers, but only once. Indeed, the Western media published very little about the fierce fundamentalism of the Bosnian 'government' or about the money, weapons and thousands of terrorists shipped into Bosnia by Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and other Islamist states. And none mentioned that the Pentagon was coordinating this violent onslaught. Nor did the media tell people that Bosnian Muslims were divided, that a large number of them opposed the extremists or that many were allied with the Bosnian Serbs.

Deprived of this basic information, bombarded with media reports describing an imaginary secular government in Sarajevo, most people in the West had no understanding of what was happening in Bosnia. They had no basis on which to reject editorials like the one that appeared on 9 May 1993 in The Scotsman.

The Scotsman and other Western newspapers mocked the Bosnian Serbs, claiming they suffered from a supposed cultural paranoia concerning Muslims in general and Bosnian Muslim fundamentalist leader Alija Izetbegovic and his followers in particular.

The Scotsman wrote with heavy sarcasm: "The essentially secular Muslim credentials of President Alija Izetbegovic are seen as evidence of a plot to establish a fundamentalist Muslim state in Islamic fundamentalist conspiracy which, in turn, no doubt, will be joined by Anglo American aggressors."

But as the Dutch government report indicates, the Serbs were quite right about the Anglo-American aggressors. And as for Mr. Izetbegovic's "secular credentials," he was openly a passionate devotee of the Ayatollah Khomeini. He believed it was an act of virtue to establish Islamic rule by violence. We have posted some of the thoughts of President Izetbegovic, so you can see for yourself. [8]

Were the Serbs paranoid? Keep in mind that the men in the picture above, dressed as holy warriors, were part of Alija Izetbegovic's army...


This Reuters photo appeared in The Independent, 11 December 1995, and as far as we can determine, never again. The caption, reads, "Faith in action: A Muslim brigade of the Bosnian Army marching in a military parade in Zenica, central Bosnia." Note that the headbands have Arabic writing. Bosnian Muslims speak Serbo-Croatian, as do Serbs and Croats, not Arabic. By 1995 the Bosnian army, so-called, was largely Islamized by the Mujahideen brought in by Iran and Saudi Arabia in a program coordinated by the Pentagon.


Hazardous operations...


The Guardian says the Mujahideen shipped into Bosnia "were reserved as shock troops for especially hazardous operations." This is an imprecise formulation. What was the practical function of these Mujahideen?

A London Telegraph article reported on the takeover of the Bosnian town of Fojnica by the Mujahideen. The Telegraph reports that the Mujahideen trained and led the Bosnian 'government's' infamous Handzar division. The rank and file consisted of Bosnian and Albanian Muslims who were following the tradition of local Muslims who joined the German Nazi Waffen SS during World War II. The Mujahideen trained other Bosnian troops as well (see pictures above). [5]

    [Start excerpt from Telegraph article] [6]

    These are the men of the Handzar division. "We do everything with the knife, and we always fight on the frontline," a Handzar told one UN officer.

    Up to 6000-strong, the Handzar division glories in a fascist culture. They see themselves as the heirs of the SS Handzar division, formed by Bosnian Muslims in 1943 to fight for the Nazis. Their spiritual model was Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who sided with Hitler... [That would be Haj Amin al-Husseini, who created and/or inspired today's Palestinian Arab organizations. - JI]

    They are trained and led by veterans from Afghanistan and Pakistan, say UN sources. The strong presence of native Albanians is an ominous sign. It could mean the seeds of war are spreading south via Kosovo and into Albania, thence to the Albanians of Macedonia.

    Pakistani fundamentalists are known to have had a strong hand in providing arms and a small weapons industry for the Bosnian Muslims.

    Hardline elements of the Bosnian army, like the Handzar, appear to have the backing of an increasingly extreme leadership in Sarajevo...

    [End excerpt from Telegraph article]

The "hazardous operations" of the mujahideen leading these Handzar troops included terrorist attacks on the non-Muslim population of Bosnia. (And remember, it was *Pentagon intelligence* which, according to the Dutch government report, coordinated these "hazardous operations"! )

Describing the work of the mujahideen who dominated the town of Fojnica, the Telegraph reports:

    [Start excerpt from Telegraph article]

    "The first political act in this new operation appears to have been the murder of the two monks in the monastery. Last month Brother Nikola Milicevic, 39, and Brother Mato Migic, 56, were surprised by a four-man squad.

    After an argument, Brother Nikola was shot dead on the spot. His colleague was only wounded, but finished off by a shot in the neck. [6]

    [End excerpt from Telegraph article]

Terrorist attacks such as the execution of the two Christian monks were intended to a) assert mujahideen control and b) exacerbate Christian-Muslim tensions, thus pushing rank-and-file Muslims into the Islamist camp. Thus, the presence of *thousands* of these terrorists had an immense impact on Bosnia, whose total population was at the time only about 4.3 million. [7]


What to make of Warren Christopher


Warren Christopher, US Secretary of State in 1993, seems like a mild-mannered man, almost painfully polite. But don't judge a book by its cover.

At the very time that Christopher's government was coordinating Iranian and Saudi terror in Bosnia, he was engaged in a dramatic battle of words with Iranian leaders over Iranian terrorism!

What can we say about Mr. Warren Christopher?

We can say that he was lying to divert the world's attention from mass murder and the destruction of a secular society, sponsored and coordinated by Pentagon intelligence.




    [Start quote from Los Angeles Times]

    Beginning in 1992, as many as 4,000 volunteers from throughout North Africa, the Middle East and Europe came to Bosnia to fight Serbian and Croatian nationalists on behalf of fellow Muslims. They are known as the moujahedeen. A military analyst called them "pretty good fighters and certainly ruthless." [8]

    [End quote from Los Angeles Times]

Perhaps one day the US may come into military conflict with Iran. But one *cannot* deduce this merely from the harsh things that the US and Iran say about one another in public. And if the US does ever come into military conflict with Iran, you can be sure of one thing: it will *not* be because Iran supports Islamist terror.

One last thought. As you will recall, in 1993, the Iranians charged that American public condemnations of Iran were aimed at:

    "...diverting world public opinion from Washington's full-scale support for Israeli-sponsored state terrorism and for terrorist activities against those countries which oppose U.S. domination...''

But as the Dutch report shows, at the very time that an Iranian official uttered these words, the US was in fact providing full-scale support for *Iranian-sponsored* state terrorist activities against the Bosnian Serbs. And it was the Serbs who opposed U.S. domination.

And, according to the Dutch report, it was Ukraine, Greece and *Israel* which provided the Bosnian Serbs with arms to resist this attack by *thousands* of mujahideen and the local Islamic fundamentalist troops they led.

Some of these mujahideen were from the pro-Iranian Hizballah, which specializes in attacking Israel, and some were battle-hardened from fighting the Reds in Afghanistan. Those would be the infamous 'Afghan Arabs'.

But wait. Don't we have a name for the 'Afghan Arabs' whom Iran and Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were shipping into Bosnia and whose terrorist actions Pentagon intelligence was coordinating?

Why yes, we do.

It's Al Qaeda.
Above, Abu Abdel Aziz, leader of mujahideen terrorist/trainers in Bosnia. The photo appeared in Newsweek, 5 October 1992, in an article entitled, ''Help from the Holy Warriors.'' The London Times wrote that "Aziz claimed to have spent six years fighting in Afghanistan, and had also seen service as a 'holy warrior' in the Philippines, Kashmir and Africa." (9 May 1993). And nine years later, the Gulf News had him leading terrorists who kidnapped European and Asian tourists in Philippines. (5 July 2002 )

Jared Israel
Editor, Emperor's Clothes

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Footnotes and Further Reading


[1] Supplied by BBC Worldwide Monitoring March 31, 2003, Monday; Headline: Iranian media behaviour 0600 - 1400 gmt, 31 March 03; Source: BBC Monitoring research in English 28 Mar 03; Iranian Radio

[2] BBC Monitoring Middle East - Political Supplied by BBC Worldwide Monitoring March 31, 2003, Monday; Headline: Iran rejects Colin Powell's terrorism accusations as baseless; source: IRNA news agency, Tehran, in English 1527 gmt 31 Mar 03; Text of report in English by Iranian news agency IRNA

[3] See "Reader Says: 'EC is Wrong; Iran is not Helping the US in Iraq.'"

[3A] United Press International March 31, 1993, Wednesday, BC cycle Section: International Headline: Iran Strongly Rejects ''International Outlaw'' Label Byline: By Ralph Joseph Dateline: Athens, Greece

[4] To read the Guardian article, go to "Dutch Report: Us Sponsored Foreign Islamists In Bosnia," at

[4A] Regarding the significance of the creation of the CIA out of thousands of Nazi war criminals, see "Worst kept secrets of a bumbling bear," at

[5] A Bosnian Islamist newspaper commemorates the Bosnian Waffen SS Division known as 'Handzar' (Scimitar). See, "Himmler was their Defender!"

[6] Daily Telegraph 29 December 1993; Headline: Albanians and Afghans fight for the heirs to Bosnia's SS past; Byline: Robert Fox; Dateline: Fojnica, Bosnia-Herzegovina


 [8] Los Angeles Times October 7, 2001; Section: Part A; Part 1; Page 1; National Desk Headline: Response To Terror; Bosnia Seen As Hospitable Base And Sanctuary For Terrorists; Byline: Craig Pyes, Josh Meyer, William C. Rempel, Times Staff Writers; Dateline: Zenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina

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Re: The U.S. Won't Save Israel From Iran
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2014, 10:14:52 AM »

Years ago, Zalmay Khalilzad, who became the US envoy to Iraq, revealed the US strategy behind the first Gulf War...
Strengthen Iran, Contain Iraq...
by Jared Israel

[Posted 26 April 2003]


In July 1989 Zalmay Khalilzad wrote an article for the Los Angeles Times entitled, "Iran Future as a Pawn or a Gulf Power." I believe it provides an important clue as to the real reason for the US-led devastation known as Operation Storm, or the Gulf War. It also provides food for thought concerning the current invasion.

As discussed in "Who is Zalmay Khalilzad?", during the 1980s Mr. Khalilzad was a top U.S. State Department planner of the mujahideen war against the Afghan secular government and its Soviet patron. [1]

In 1988 Khalilzad wrote a briefing paper for the new Bush administration. In it he called for strengthening Iran and containing Iraq. [2]

In the early 1990s, Khalilzad was director of planning for the Pentagon at a time when Pentagon intelligence was working with Iran and Saudi Arabia, coordinating Muslim fundamentalist terror in Bosnia. [3]

And now he is perhaps the top political planner on the ground in Iraq. He is special envoy for Iraq and Afghanistan and the "Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for [the Persian] Gulf, Southwest Asia and Other Regional Issues, National Security Council." [4]

Take a look at this excerpt from the LA Times article that Khalilzad wrote in July 1989. It deals with the aftermath of the terrible war that consumed Iraq and Iran throughout the 1980s:

    [Excerpt from LA Times starts here]

    Iran Future As A Pawn Or A Gulf Power
    Byline: Zalmay Khalilzad
    Los Angeles Times July 16, 1989, Sunday, Home Edition Section: Opinion; Part 5; Page 2; Column 4; Opinion Desk

    The Iraqis devastated the Iranians toward the end of the war, capturing as much as half of the Iranian tanks, armor and artillery. Iraqi successes forced Iran to accept a cease-fire that Khomeini compared to drinking a "poisoned chalice." Iraq is now militarily dominant, with 45 battle-tested divisions against Iran's 12, with even larger ratios of strength in tanks and aircraft. Tehran is looking for ways to overcome strategic inferiority and gain a degree of protection against Iraq.

    [Excerpt from LA Times ends here]

This is the missing piece that explains the puzzle of the first Gulf War, namely: why did the US let Iraq get into Kuwait - or, some would say, lure Iraq into Kuwait - and then respond with such relentless force to this relatively minor invasion?

Sure, Iraq was a significant regional military force, but assuming it wanted to attack its neighbors, where could it go? Here's a nice map of Iraq and surrounding countries

If Iraq attacked Saudi Arabia, to the south, it could be sure of a massive US response. If it attacked Jordan, to the west, it would have to fight not only Jordan but possibly other Arab states and Israel and probably the US as well.

But to the east was Iran. According to Khalilzad, Iran was dangerously weak after nearly a decade of war against Iraq. And militarily, Iraq was relatively strong.


Iranian fundamentalism: pivotal force among Muslims


The 1979 takeover of Iran by Islamic fanatics represented the greatest political advance for Muslim fundamentalism in many years. It altered the balance of power in the Middle East and Central Asia.

The US and Saudi Arabia used the Islamist victory in Iran to energize their Muslim fundamentalist attack force in Afghanistan. And, during the ten-year holy war in Afghanistan, US intelligence became skilled in handling Islamist terrorists. They created an apparatus including intelligence services in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and mujahideen, both from Afghanistan and from other countries, whom they recruited to fight in Afghanistan. At the same time, the Western media was trained to describe Islamist terrorists as freedom fighters and to demonize their opponents as human rights abusers. [1]

By the end of the 1980s, the US and European establishments were positioned to make the best use of Iran.

The long, drawn-out war with Iraq had greatly weakened Iran. This made the Iranian leadership easier to deal with since 'a weak servant is a loyal servant.'

At the same time, during the war the US deepened its covert ties with the Iranian leaders by secretly sending them arms and spare parts. This is a much-overlooked side of the Iran-Contra scandal, often described only from the viewpoint of the illegal arming of the gangster-terrorist Contras in Nicaragua by the Reagan administration.

Without US arms, Iran would have been hard-pressed to fight Iraq. Why? Because, as Seymour Hersh pointed out in the New York Times, Iran's entire arsenal was US-derived:

    "…Iran at that time was in dire need of arms and spare parts for its American-made arsenal to defend itself against Iraq, which had attacked it in September 1980."
    -- The New York Times, December 8, 1991, The Iran Pipeline: A Hidden Chapter/A special report.; U.S. Said to Have Allowed Israel to Sell Arms to Iran, By Seymour Hersh.

Apart from the question of who attacked whom, Hersh's point is right on target.

So: by the end of the 1980s, the Iranian clerics were a) weakened and b) had worked closely for a decade with US intelligence. They could be incorporated into large-scale U.S. covert operations. This is exactly what happened in Bosnia - in Europe! - in the early 1990s. [3]


The Gulf War: protecting a US asset


I cannot say with certainty that if the US had not smashed the Iraqi military in 1991, Iraq would have renewed the war with Iran.

Nor can I know what discussions went on, in secret, between US intelligence - including perhaps Dr. Khalilzad - and the Iranians.

But it is clear from Khalilzad's article that US strategists were worried because Iran suffered from "strategic inferiority" and needed "a degree of protection."

If Iraq had conquered Iran, it would have been a world-class setback for Islamic fundamentalism.

The US and European foreign policy establishments did not want this to happen because Islamism was (and still is) an important weapon in their struggle for total world domination. [4]

For starters, the defeat of "revolutionary" Iran would have hurt the US and Saudi-backed fundamentalists in Afghanistan and the  Bosnian Islamist, Alija Izetbegovic, who was sponsored by the US and the Islamist states. [5]

Driven from state power, humiliated by Iraq, the ayatollahs would have been a joke.

I believe the first Gulf War must be viewed in this context.

The US-led military coalition was responding, it claimed, to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, which was, by modern standards, a small-scale invasion, perhaps comparable to the unprovoked US attack on Panama in 1989.

The punishment was grotesquely out of proportion to the crime.

Iraq's military and industry were crippled. It was hobbled with sanctions. The strategic relationship in the Persian Gulf changed in a matter of days. Iran gained years of breathing space to recover from the losses and grave political strains created by eight years of relentless war, which decimated a generation of Iranian men.

It is a stark testimony to the 'reliability' of the Western media that virtually nobody noted how much Iran gained from the Gulf War.

"Strengthen Iran and contain Iraq," Khalilzad had urged the first Bush administration, and so Bush did - with a vengeance. [4]

And what happened next? Khalilzad became the top policy planner at the Pentagon, and the Pentagon moved against Bosnia, coordinating a campaign of Islamist terror which involved Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and - wouldn't you know it? - Iran. [6]

And now, the US has taken Iraq into receivership, a move that can only further strengthen Iran's fundamentalist rulers, giving them at last and at least a safe rear to expand their organizational strength among Muslims in the former Soviet Union, Asia, the Middle East and Europe as well.

And who is the US political envoy in Iraq? Who is the National Security Council Director for the Persian Gulf including Iran and Iraq, and also Southwest Asia "and other regional issues"?

Why, it is none other than Zalmay Khalilzad, the veteran U.S. expert on using Islamic terror against secular regimes.

Jared Israel
Emperor's Clothes

[Footnotes and Further Reading Follows the Appeal]


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Footnotes and Further Reading


[1] See, "Zalmay Khalilzad - Envoy for Islamic Terror," by Jared Israel, at

Regarding the creation of an Islamic terrorist movement by the US and Saudi Arabia during the 1980s Afghan war, see, "Zbigniew and Zalmay's Excellent Afghan Pro-Terrorist Propaganda Adventure," by Jared Israel
(Above title refers to bigniew Brzezinski and Zalmay Khalilzad)

The above article proves that former Carter security adviser Brzezinski and Afghan adviser Zalmay Khalilzad, two key planners of the Afghan holy war in the 1980s, were sufficiently aware of the true nature of the mujahideen to create a company to do propaganda work for these gentlemen. If you check the 'Footnotes and Further Reading' section at the end, you'll find a lot of related information/documentation. Food for thought.

[2] The following excerpt from a 1992 New York Times article reports on Khalilzad's strategy of "strengthening Iran and containing Iraq."

    [Excerpt from NY Times article starts here]

    Mr. Bush and his aides were urged to rethink Persian Gulf policy from the moment they took office. Shortly after Mr. Bush won the Presidency in November 1988, a State Department strategist drafted a paper for the President-elect urging that the United States take a fresh approach to the region.

    Mr. Khalilzad advised in the paper that America's new policy should concentrate on strengthening Iran and containing Iraq. The paper was included in the State Department Policy Planning Staff's official 'transition book,' which reviewed all the foreign policy issues the new President would soon have to confront.

    -- The 1992 CAMPAIGN - Bush's Greatest Glory Fades As Questions on Iraq Persist; June 27, 1992, Saturday, Late Edition - Final George Bush Section 1; Page 1; Column 5; Foreign Desk

    [Excerpt from NY Times article ends here]

[3] * Regarding the 'Bosnian period' in Khalilzad's career, go to

* Regarding Pentagon coordination of fundamentalist terror in Bosnia during this same period, see, "U.S. & Iran: Enemies in Public, but Secret Allies in Terror," by Jared Israel, at

[4] To read the National Security Council notice announcing Khalilzad's appointment as top man for the Persian Gulf, Southwest Asia and "Other Regional Issues", go to

Defenders of US policy claim that the US-Saudi creation of an Islamic fundamentalist terrorist force in Afghanistan in the 1980s was a mistake. But the "Jihad Textbook Scandal" belies that claim.

During the period from the early 1980s up to and including the current time, USAID paid the Afghan center at the University of Nebraska to write, edit and print millions of Islamic fundamentalist textbooks. Until recently the books included illustrations of jihadists killing infidels. Now apparently the pictures have been removed, but the Islamic fundamentalist message remains. The books have been distributed to schools in Afghanistan. For children.

This is still going on. USAID distributed millions of Islamist textbooks in Afghanistan last year. Mr. Bush defended the textbooks as beacons of tolerance.

All the Afghan Islamists, including the Taliban, have used the books. For years, the books included pictures of mujahideen killing infidels with modern (i.e., US-supplied) weapons. Now we are told the pictures have been removed. But the Islamic fundamentalist message remains.

Why would the US ship many millions of these books into Afghanistan unless they wished to foment Islamic fundamentalism and terror?

The distribution of these books combines two crimes: indoctrinating children with monstrous ideas and violating Afghan national sovereignty.

We have posted two articles on this subject:

* "Bush & the Media Cover up the Jihad Schoolbook Scandal," by Jared Israel

* "The ABC's Of Jihad In Afghanistan * Courtesy, USA"

[5] Regarding the philosophy of the US-backed leader, Alija Izetbegovic, in Bosnia, see "Who was Alija Izetbegovic?
Moderate 'George Washington' of Bosnia or Islamist Murderer?"


Note added April 27, 2004 - For more on what lies behind the Iraq war, see Jared Israel's series, "How the Lies of Scott Ritter Reveal the Strategic Goals of the Bizarre Iraq War"
Part 1 is posted at

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Re: The U.S. Won't Save Israel From Iran
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2014, 10:18:17 AM »

Why Bush Sr.'s 1991 Gulf War? To Protect Iranian Islamism.

Like father, like son: this is also the purpose of Bush Jr.'s war.

Historical and Investigative Research - 20 Dec 2005
by Francisco Gil-White

This piece defends and supports with evidence one hypothesis of what the 1991 Gulf War was really about: protecting Islamist radicalism in Iran.

This piece is included in the present series to explain Bush Jr.'s current war on Iraq because HIR believes that in order to understand the present we must know the past. So, in order to understand current US policy towards Iraq, I will argue, one must understand what past US policy towards both Iraq and Iran has been. Consider: before the 1991 Gulf War there was the Iran-Iraq war, during which we had the Iran-Contra affair, the scandal of which revealed US policies to be strengthening Iran against Iraq. After the 1991 Gulf War, US policy was to contain Iraq, which also had the effect of strengthening Iran against Iraq. This makes it unsurprising that the 1991 Gulf War, too, had the effect of strengthening Iran against Iraq. Quite consistent. The first hypothesis for any policy ought to be that its actual effects are intended, particularly when policies producing identical effects are launched over and over again, with numbing consistency. This first hypothesis is the one that I will defend.

Table of Contents
( hyperlinked < )

<  Introduction

<  The hypothesis: the US has a pro-Islamist,
pro-terrorist policy.

<  The suspicious prelude to the 1991 Gulf War:
Khomeini, the Iran-Iraq War, and the Iran-Contra affair.

<  The mastermind: Zalmay Khalilzad.

<  Iraq was an obstacle to the US's pro-Islamist policy;
hence, the Gulf War.

<  The US ordered Kuwait to provoke Iraq.

<  The hypothesis that the US attacked Iraq 'for oil' is absurd.


I believe the US has a pro-Iranian policy, by which I mean not a policy to help ordinary Iranians, but a policy to support the Islamist terrorists who run the country. My view will be surprising if you have noticed at all the tradition of public invective between US and Iranian officials. This loud trading of insults goes back to 1979, when the Shiite Muslim fundamentalist Ayatollah Khomeini assumed power in Iran, after which large crowds of Khomeini-backed Iranian students, having seized the US embassy in Tehran and taken hostage its personnel, began chanting, fist over head, Khomeini’s new name for the United States: “Great Satan.” US government officials reciprocated with counter-denunciations of the Iranian mullahs, calling them “extremists” and “terrorists.” I was young but I remember watching some of this on my TV set, in real time. It was impressive. One really got the feeling of a great enmity between the US and Iranian governments, and this impression has been reinforced over the years by the mutual and repeated denunciations of US and Iranian officials. Just recently, Bush Jr. has included Iran in his ‘Axis of Evil.’ The only thing that can possibly top that is “Great Satan,” but Khomeini used it already.

Should we infer the structure of alliances from these mutual accusations?

No. The people who run countries routinely misrepresent what they are doing. And politics doesn’t just make strange bedfellows; it can also make bedfellows who merely pretend to be estranged. In consequence, a scientist cannot proceed directly and uncritically from official statements to a model of geopolitical alliances, lest he become a propagandist. Any claim about how the various forces are aligned requires a demonstration whose logic and documentation others can check, and which makes reference to the behaviors -- not the official statements -- of governments.

For this reason, the current threats to attack Iran over its nuclear program should be taken with a big grain of salt.

The hypothesis: the US has a pro-Islamist,
pro-terrorist policy

Since the supposed enmity between the US and Iranian governments dates to 1979, it is significant that in 1979, as is relatively well known, the US created and then sponsored throughout the 1980s a ‘holy warrior’ movement in Afghanistan. The point of this was to attack the Soviet Union which had a border with Afghanistan. The man who invented this strategy, Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, has recently explained to Le Nouvel Observateur, proudly, that the production of fanatical Muslim terrorists in Afghanistan -- the mujahedin (or mujahideen), who went on to become an international mercenary force -- was quite deliberate, and meant to generate a conflict on the Soviet border (my emphasis, below):

[Quote from Le Nouvel Observateur begins here]

LE NOUVEL OBSERVATEUR: Former CIA director Robert Gates states in his memoirs: The American secret services began, six months before the Soviet intervention, to support the Mujahideen [in Afghanistan]. At that time you were president Carter’s security advisor; thus you played a key role in this affair. Do you confirm this statement?

ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Yes. According to the official version, the CIA's support for the Mujahideen began in 1980, i.e. after the Soviet army's invasion of Afghanistan on 24 December 1979. But the reality, which was kept secret until today, is completely different: Actually it was on 3 July 1979 that president Carter signed the first directive for the secret support of the opposition against the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And on the same day I wrote a note, in which I explained to the president that this support would in my opinion lead to a military intervention by the Soviets.[1]

[Quote ends here]

It appears that the interviewer was a bit shocked, for he asked:

[Back to Le Nouvel Observateur]

LE NOUVEL OBSERVATEUR: ...don't you regret having helped future terrorists, having given them weapons and advice?

ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: What is most important for world history? The Taliban or the fall of the Soviet Empire? Some Islamic hotheads or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?

LE NOUVEL OBSERVATEUR: "Some hotheads?" But it has been said time and time again: today Islamic fundamentalism represents a world-wide threat...


[Quote ends here]

It has been said that what Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Robert Gates were trying to do was give the Soviet Union its Viet Nam: a withering conflict it could not win. The comparison, however, has a few problems. The US wanted the war on Viet Nam; the Soviets, by contrast, didn't ask for an Islamist terrorist disaster on their border -- it came courtesy of the United States. The masses of Vietnamese supported the people whom the US fought; the Afghan movement, by contrast, was manufactured from the outside, by the US. Finally, Viet Nam is far away from the US whereas Afghanistan is smack against the former Soviet Union. What is undeniable is that the US ruling elite succeeded in producing a conflict on the Soviet border that the Soviets could not win. Moreover, this Islamist terrorist movement would grow and feed the growth of other such movements in Central Asia and the Middle East.

Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski also began at this time a secret buildup of Saudi Arabia's military, which Reagan also continued, and which made this country, according to Frontline (PBS), “ultimately...the largest beneficiary of U.S. weapons sales in the entire world” and “one of the most heavily armed countries in the world.”[2] Frontline says lots of interesting things. For example, that “years before Desert Storm [i.e. the 1991 Gulf War] billion-dollar state-of-the-art military bases were already in place [in Saudi Arabia], built to U.S. military specifications, ready and waiting for the arrival of American soldiers.” Now, Saudi Arabia is an Islamist theocracy, and in addition spends millions of its oil dollars every year sponsoring Islamist terrorism and antisemitic agitation all over the world. If the US both allies with and arms this country to the teeth, then it is allied with its antisemitic Islamist and terrorist policy. When did this begin? Frontline says: “The story of the Saudi military build-up begins...during the last days of the Shah of Iran.” In other words, Jimmy Carter began the extreme military buildup of Saudi Arabia right around the time that the Ayatollah Khomeini came to power, because Khomeini is who replaced the shah.

So we’ve got that the US began serious sponsorship of Islamist terrorism in Afghanistan in 1979. It was also in 1979 that the US began seriously arming the Saudi Arabian Islamist terrorists. And look: the Ayatollah Khomeini, an Islamist terrorist, came to power in Iran in...1979.

A trifecta?

Yes, assuming that the Ayatollah Khomeini was a US asset. From the above context, this hypothesis should at least be put on the table.

Jared Israel from Emperor’s Clothes has argued for some time -- and has carefully documented -- that the US ruling elite actively promotes Islamist terrorism in Asia because it destabilizes the big Asian countries -- Russia, China, and India -- that compete with the US for geopolitical influence. This strategy works, he says, because these countries have Muslim populations on both sides of their borders.[3] According to Jared Israel, the promotion of Islamist terrorism is no mere side effect of US foreign policy, but its main goal.

Is he right?

As we have seen above, the US ruling elite has already confessed that Jared Israel is right in the case of Afghanistan. To see whether he is right in general, we can put his hypothesis to the test. There is no better test than to look at US foreign policy towards Iran and Iraq, for Jared Israel’s hypothesis here will either produce absurdities at every turn, or else it will tend to explain everything. Why? Because the contest between these two states was always perceived to be decisive for the success or failure of theocratic Islamism in the Middle East. As Milton Viorst puts it:

“At stake was whether the secular [but still ruthless] Baathism of Saddam or the radical [Muslim fundamentalist] Shiism of Khomeini would prevail in Iraq, and perhaps in the Middle East.”[4]

With stakes like these, Jared Israel’s hypothesis of a pro-Islamist US foreign policy requires, for example, that the outcome of the Iran-Iraq war was not good for the US ruling elite, because,

“in August 1988 Iran’s deteriorating economy and recent Iraqi gains on the battlefield compelled Iran to accept a United Nations-mediated cease-fire that it had previously resisted.”[5]

As Jared Israel himself has pointed out, his hypothesis here predicted that the United States would do something dramatic to re-strengthen Iran relative to Iraq, and look: just three years later, in 1991, the US launched the Gulf War against Iraq.[6] What I will show in this piece is that Jared Israel’s hypothesis can account for every little detail of the Gulf War of 1991, including its prelude and aftermath.

The point of this series of articles is to provide the historical background necessary to a proper understanding of Bush Jr.’s current war on Iraq. I have argued in the General Introduction that the point of Bush Jr.’s war is to chew up Iraq, making it soft for Iran to swallow.[6a] Certainly, the consequence of Bush Jr.'s attack plus withdrawal will be that Iran will swallow up Iraq, as I also argue in that piece. This will be portrayed by US officials as an ‘unfortunate’ and ‘unintended’ consequence. But it would be remarkable for the US to manage accidentally the result it has clearly been working very hard to produce since 1979. What I aim to show is that the result of the US invasion of Iraq -- strengthening Iran -- will be consistent with a long string of major US foreign policy initiatives in the Middle East.

Our present focus is the 1991 Gulf War against Iraq which, as I will show, was explicitly meant by US policy planners to weaken Iraq and make Iran in consequence relatively stronger. This is indeed what the war achieved. But since US foreign policy in the prelude to the Gulf War was also perfectly consistent with the view that the US favors the Iranian Islamists, I will begin by taking a look at this prelude, the better to understand the Gulf War itself.

The suspicious prelude to the 1991 Gulf War:
Khomeini, the Iran-Iraq War, and the Iran-Contra affair

After taking power in 1979, the Ayatollah Khomeini immediately provoked a war with Iraq. The Washington Post wrote that “...after [Khomeini] returned to Iran in triumph in February 1979 he set about encouraging Iraqi Shiites -- who make up about half that country’s 13 million population -- to rise against their Sunni Moslem leaders.”[7] But that’s not all Khomeini did. Milton Viorst gives a more complete account:

“In January 1979, the ayatollah Khomeini had returned in triumph to Iran after fifteen years in exile. Iraq promptly recognized the new regime and extended friendly overtures, but Khomeini was not impressed. He blamed Saddam personally for his expulsion from An Najaf [in Iraq, where he had been living in exile] and left no doubt that he regarded Saddam’s state not just as anti-Shiite but as anti-Islamic, heretical and illegitimate. …As early as the summer of 1979, Khomeini repudiated the 1975 treaty between the shah and Iraq in which the two states pledged noninterference in each other’s internal affairs. He proceeded to supply arms to Kurdish guerrillas fighting Baathi rule in the north, and in An Najaf he financed the Shiite leader Ayatollah Baqir al-Sadr, who provoked disorders to the end of replacing the Baathis with a fundamentalist theocracy.”[8]

Now, under the official hypothesis that he was the enemy of the US ruling elite, Khomeini’s immediate provocation of a war with Iraq is difficult to explain. You see, the previous autocratic and repressive dictator of Iran, the Shah (King) Reza Pahlavi, had been a total US puppet (installed in power in a 1953 CIA coup, about which more in a forthcoming piece), and in consequence most of the military equipment of the Iranian armed forces was American-made. As a result of the fact that the Iranian revolution had involved some fighting, “Iran at that time was in dire need of arms and spare parts for its American-made arsenal.”[9] And yet Khomeini went out of his way to engage in dramatic anti-American provocations at the same time that he picked a fight with Iraq. For example, Khomeini seized the US embassy in Iran and took its personnel hostage.

An absurdity? On the face of it, certainly. If Khomeini needed US spare parts for its military, then how could he afford to attack Iraq and the US simultaneously?

But the absurdity can be resolved if you posit that in reality the US ruling elite and Khomeini were never enemies. In this view, like his predecessor the shah, Khomeini was a US asset, and his ‘provocations’ were part of a US-driven political theater for the unsuspecting global audience, there to generate certain appearances that the US ruling elite found useful for its geopolitical game.[9a] What this view requires is that Khomeini would get his money and spare parts from the US quite despite his apparent provocations.

And he did.

The Washington Post claimed in 1980 that “the seizure of the American hostages has deprived Iran’s military of much-needed U.S. and European spare parts for its almost entirely imported military equipment.”[10] But this was false. The ‘hostage crisis’ did not deprive Khomeini of anything. On the contrary. The United States government offered to pay billions of dollars in exchange for the release of the hostages, which Iran accepted (the final sum was close to $8 billion).[11] And throughout the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, Iran received secret shipments of US weapons, which became a great embarrassment to the Reagan administration when this became known in 1986 (this was called, alternately, ‘Iran-gate’ and the ‘Iran-Contra scandal’). US officials claimed when caught that the arms shipments had the purpose of getting Iran to lean on the Hezbollah terrorists it has always patronized in Lebanon, who at the time had taken some other Americans hostage. The media was quick to make this explanation seem credible. For example, the Washington Post told its readers late in 1986 that, “according to informed sources” (in other words, according to alleged sources that nobody could check), “an Iranian government emissary told U.S. representatives he would arrange for the release of an American hostage held in Lebanon if the United States would sell Iran 500 TOW antitank missiles.”[11a] But this explanation was absurd. History’s greatest power does not arm to the teeth a fifth-rate power so it can grovel for its influence on a tiny terrorist organization in third country, and maybe get some hostages released.

In any case, it couldn’t be true even in principle. Limited congressional investigations into the relationship between Reagan and Khomeini brought to light in 1991, as the New York Times reported later, that:

“Soon after taking office in 1981, the Reagan Administration secretly and abruptly changed United States policy and allowed Israel to sell several billion dollars’ worth of American-made arms, spare parts and ammunition to the Iranian Government. . .

. . .The change in policy came before the Iranian-sponsored seizure of American hostages in Lebanon began in 1982. . .” [my emphasis] [12]

So the US had the Israelis sell “several billion dollars’ worth” in arms secretly to the nearby Iranians; meanwhile, explains the NYT, “The Reagan Administration continued to replenish Israel’s stockpile of American-made weapons.” But the key point is this: if the US policy to send US armament to Iran began before the hostages were taken in Lebanon, then arming Iran had nothing to do with buying the freedom of these hostages. The NYT pretends that, since it didn't, “No American rationale for permitting covert arms sales to Iran could be established.” But this is false. Such a rationale could be established, it’s just that the New York Times is not allowed to say it: the US had a policy to sponsor the growth of Islamist terrorism, which is precisely why the US program through Israel “was overtaken by the [direct US] arms shipments to Iran,” as the same NYT article states.

The NYT says that, in deciding to arm the Iranian Islamists, “the [incoming] Reagan Administration secretly and abruptly changed United States policy.” Is that so? I would argue that there was no abrupt change whatsoever. Consider what happened in the case of the hostages that were taken in the American embassy in Tehran, a crisis that began in the Carter presidency: “Carter, as President,” as the same article explains, “offer[ed] to accept an Iranian request and release embargoed Iranian military goods worth about $150 million -- if the hostages were freed.” Compare that to the $5.5. billion that Reagan offered and delivered to the Iranians in exchange for the same embassy hostages. And as I show in the previous piece in this series, it is hard to make sense of what happened in the embassy ‘hostage crisis’ unless we assume that Jimmy Carter was running that show in order to raise the prestige of both the Iranian Islamists and the PLO.[13] Reagan’s policies -- including his policies towards the PLO -- were Carter’s.[14] There was no abrupt change.

Now, since the arms shipments to Iran during the Iran-Iraq war at first went through Israel, and given that Iran's new Islamist government was loudly calling for the destruction of Israel, one may ask: What was the Israeli government thinking? The New York Times argues that Israel wanted Iraq and Iran mutually weakened, and tries to make it seem as if Israel had an independent foreign policy on this question. And yet the NYT also states all of the following about the supposedly ‘Israeli’ program:

1) that “Chartered aircraft from Argentina, Ireland and the United States were used to fly American-made arms to Israel and, in some cases, directly to Teheran”;

2) that these “chartered flights carrying American arms for Iran originated from a covert air base near Tucson, Ariz., known as Marana Air Park”;

3) that “For years, the Central Intelligence Agency has used Marana for secret arms shipments”;

4) that there was a continuous “flow of spare parts and other equipment for Iran’s F-14 fleet” and that these “sensitive items, whose exports are closely monitored by American officials, were transferred from United States stockpiles to Israel, which has no F-14’s”; and finally

5) that “Former Israeli officials said the 1981 agreement with [Secretary of State Alexander M.] Haig was coordinated by Robert C. McFarlane, who was then the State Department counselor.” [NOTE: By 1994, three years after the NYT article, Milton Viorst was writing like this: “Subsequently, it was revealed that...Alexander Haig, first authorized...arms to Iran in 1981.”[15]]

I think the most reasonable interpretation is that the US was deciding Israel’s foreign policy to Israel’s detriment, as it often has. This is certainly suggested by the fact that, as the NYT also states, it was “Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon [who] was selling [the] American-made military materiel” to the Iranians who were calling for the destruction of Israel. Ariel Sharon is the man now selling Israel out by allowing unrepentant antisemitic terrorists to take complete control over Gaza and the Gaza-Egypt border, according to the wishes of the United States foreign policy elite.

When did the secret arms shipments to Iran cease? Who knows if they ever did. But Milton Viorst states that “Subsequently, it was revealed that...the [arms] shipments went on without significant interruption until the end of the Iraq-Iran war.”[16] Depending on whether this means the cease-fire in 1988, or else the official ending of the war in 1990, the US shipped arms to the Iranians for at least two or four years after the Iran-gate scandal first began making headlines in late 1986! The public scandal, president Reagan’s public apology, the investigations, etc., were all supposed to have put an end to the arms sales. But according to Viorst they continued.

How can anybody argue that these arms sales had anything to do with freeing hostages in Lebanon?

The bulk of the evidence suggests, on the contrary, that the US ruling elite perceived a geopolitical benefit to itself in strengthening the Iranian Islamists, and that Khomeini was always a US asset. From this point of view the US pulled off a masterstroke, because, although the Soviets were obviously not happy with Khomeini’s Islamism, they preferred anything to a US puppet on their border. Thus, by replacing the shah with Khomeini, who gave a convincing theatrical performance as a savage enemy of the United States, the US switched to a policy of destabilizing its Soviet rival with Islamist terrorism while appearing to fight the very ideology it was sponsoring. Brilliant.

So what happened immediately before the Iran-Iraq war, and what happened during the Iran-Iraq war, is consistent with Jared Israel's hypothesis that the US ruling elite sponsors the Iranian Islamists. What happened after the Iran-Iraq war, and leading up to the 1991 Gulf War, which is our ultimate goal, is also consistent, as I now show.

The mastermind: Zalmay Khalilzad

To follow the career of Zalmay Khalilzad is to see the US policy at work, because he has been one of its main architects. Consider the following chronology of events:


Iran, badly beaten by the Iran-Iraq war, and considerably worse off than Iraq, agrees to a cease-fire. Zalmay Khalilzad, at the time “an official in the [US State Department’s] office of Policy Planning” writes a briefing paper for incoming president Bush Sr., in which he calls for “strengthening Iran and containing Iraq.”[17]


Zalmay Khalilzad, in a Los Angeles Times article entitled “Iran Future As A Pawn Or A Gulf Power,” frets out loud that,

“The Iraqis devastated the Iranians toward the end of the war, capturing as much as half of the Iranian tanks, armor and artillery. Iraqi successes forced Iran to accept a cease-fire that Khomeini compared to drinking a ‘poisoned chalice.’ Iraq is now militarily dominant, with 45 battle-tested divisions against Iran’s 12, with even larger ratios of strength in tanks and aircraft. Tehran is looking for ways to overcome strategic inferiority and gain a degree of protection against Iraq.

…A further weakened Iran would not increase stability but would increase Iraqi preeminence in the Gulf and make Iran more vulnerable to Soviet influence.”[18]

Clearly, Khalilzad preferred that Iran become a Gulf power, not a pawn. And he obviously didn’t like Iraq being strong relative to Iran.


“Zalmay Khalilzad [becomes] assistant under secretary of defense for policy planning...” a post that he will hold until 1992.[19] This captures 1991, the year that the US launched the Gulf War against Iraq.

1991 - The Gulf War

The US destroys Iraq’s military and civilian infrastructure, thereafter imposing such harsh sanctions that 500,000 children die (more than died in Hiroshima).[20] This was completely out of proportion to Iraq’s offense (attacking the despotic Kuwaiti monarchy), even if one accepts the official story of how that happened. But what did this all amount to, geopolitically? The US was “strengthening Iran and containing Iraq,” precisely as Khalilzad had advised.


In a Washington Post editorial entitled "Arm the Bosnians," Zalmay Khalilzad argues (from his new perch at Rand Corp.) that the Bosnian Muslims should be armed, and that the Afghan strategy -- relying on Islamic states to arm and train terrorist 'holy warriors' -- should be followed.[21] The US did precisely this. As an investigation by the government of the Netherlands established, Pentagon military intelligence coordinated with Iran the importation of thousands of foreign mujahideen ('holy warrior') mercenaries into Bosnia.[22] These soldiers fought for the Bosnian Islamist and terrorist Alija Izetbegovic, whose policy was genocide.[22a]


Iran cooperated closely with the US invasion of Iraq (while directing the usual public invective at the US to distract the issue); and the US took military action, while invading Iraq, to strengthen the Iranian regime.[23] The man in charge of US operations in Iraq and Afghanistan is, guess who? That’s right: Zalmay Khalilzad.[24]


Zalmay Khalilzad, now US ambassador to Iraq, calls for “a withdrawal of American forces next year”[25] even as he observes that Iran is “advancing its long-term goal of establishing [regional] domination.”[26]

Do you see above anything inconsistent with a pro-Iranian policy? Me neither.

I point out that “Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter’s national-security adviser...was Khalilzad’s mentor when they were both on the faculty at Columbia [University].”[27] Zbigniew Brzezinski, as we saw earlier, is who invented the US’s policy of supporting Islamist terrorism in Afghanistan in 1979, and also the policy of arming Saudi Arabia to the teeth. So the argument that the US does not have a general policy to sponsor Islamist terrorism in Asia is becoming...awkward. Moreover, it is worth pointing out that if sponsoring Islamist terrorism in Asia has indeed been the US’s policy, then Iraq has been an obstacle to it, because it has been a secular state, and an influential regional power. So perhaps the Gulf War -- like Bush Jr.’s current war against Iraq -- can be explained as the US removing a thorn on the side of its pro-Islamist strategy.

I turn to this next.

Iraq was an obstacle to the US's pro-Islamist policy;
hence, the Gulf War.

Let’s go back again to the year 1988. I remind you that, after 8 long years of devastating war between Iran and Iraq, this is what happened:

“in August 1988 Iran’s deteriorating economy and recent Iraqi gains on the battlefield compelled Iran to accept a United Nations-mediated cease-fire that it had previously resisted.”[28]

That same year, General Norman Schwarzkopf, who was to wage the Gulf War just three years later in 1991, was appointed to head the United States Central Command, or Centcom. What is Centcom?

“Centcom’s commander…is the overseer of all United States military activities in 19 countries of the Middle East, Africa and the Persian Gulf.”[29]

Milton Viorst writes that, upon assuming command,

“Schwarzkopf transformed the Central Command, which had been established in 1983 to counter a Soviet threat, to confront the Iraqis, who he believed had become the real enemy in the region.”[30]

Does it strike you as strange that the US should have transformed Centcom in 1988 to target Iraq? After all, Centcom is a very big deal, as you can see above, and the Soviet Union still existed. Moreover, Centcom “had been counter a Soviet threat.” Ah, yes, but a Soviet threat to whom? To answer this question is to dispel the mystery of why Iraq became Centcom’s new target.

As the New York Times explained, also in 1988,

“The origins of the Central Command go back to 1979 when the Shah of Iran was overthrown and his country was in turmoil as a result of the Islamic revolution…

To provide a military capability to back up President [Carter's] policy in the Gulf, [in 1980] a command designated the Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force, which was to be a precursor of Centcom, was formed.

Paul X. Kelley…[its] first commander…was told to draw up plans to defend Iran against a Soviet invasion…”[31]

It is perfectly clear from the above that the US created Centcom explicitly to defend Ayatollah Khomeini’s Islamist Iran, immediately after Khomeini came to power, in 1979. Isn’t this consistent with the view that the Ayatollah Khomeini was always a US asset? And what else is consistent with this view? Why, that Iraq should have become Centcom’s new target in 1988, because in that year Iran lost the war with Iraq and was left vulnerable to its neighbor, as we saw.

What was at stake in the Iran-Iraq war? I remind you:

“At stake [in the Iran-Iraq war] was whether the secular [but still ruthless] Baathism of Saddam or the radical [Islamist] Shiism of Khomeini would prevail in Iraq, and perhaps in the Middle East.”[32]

If that’s what’s at stake, then support for Iran, since 1979, meant support for Islamism as the main force that would prevail in the Middle East. When the US re-oriented Centcom to protect Iran from Iraq, therefore, it was protecting the growth of Islamism. And when the US destroyed Iraq in the Gulf War, it was doing the same.

Some have claimed (including the general himself) that Norman Schwarzkopf came up with the idea of reorienting Centcom against Iraq, but he was just following orders.[33] Schwarzkopf was responsible, however, for implementing this policy, and he also directed the Gulf War against Iraq. He obviously has many uses, because it was also Norman Shwarzkopf who did the preparatory diplomacy for this war.

I turn to this next.

The US ordered Kuwait to provoke Iraq

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Re: The U.S. Won't Save Israel From Iran
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2014, 10:19:02 AM »
According to the London Times,

“When Schwarzkopf moved to Central Command [Centcom] in 1988, he quickly immersed himself in Arab culture and customs. He wore Arab dress to a dinner with Kuwaiti officers. He embarked on a round of diplomacy in Arab capitals.”[34]

Diplomacy for what?

As it turns out, to convince the countries of the Gulf that they should now view Iraq as their enemy. This took some work, because these Gulf states had just financed Iraq’s war effort against Iran precisely because, to them, it was the Iranian Shia fundamentalists who posed the real threat, not the Iraqis. Kuwait, especially, was worried about the Iranians because it has a large Shiite minority.[35]

The Houston Chronicle explained:

“[Schwarzkopf] believed that Iraq's victory over Iran had altered the balance of power in the Persian Gulf… [But] King Hussein of Jordan counseled Schwarzkopf: ‘Don't worry about the Iraqis. They are war-weary and have no aggressive intentions against their Arab brothers.’ Even King Fahd of Saudi Arabia and Sultan Qaboos Bin Said of Oman, who disdained Saddam as a thug, were not alarmed by him.”[36]

But according to Milton Viorst, Schwarzkopf was relentless:

“Schwarzkopf was here on visits before the war, maybe a few times a year,” an American diplomat in Kuwait told me after the liberation. “He was a political general, which was in itself unusual. He kept a personally high profile, and was on a first-name basis with all the key ministers. He had good political instincts, and though there were no agreements or commitments, when the invasion occurred he already had the ties that he thought he needed. The Kuwaitis feared that when they called, we wouldn’t come. Schwarzkopf insisted -- explicitly or not -- that we would…”

Schwarzkopf acknowledges that he toured the Gulf giving out warnings on Iraq… [He] does not challenge the legitimacy of Saddam’s concerns over money and the islands, but defines his own mission as one of persuading the Gulf Arabs that Iraq had superseded Iran as their chief threat.[37]

How interesting… Schwarzkopf himself recognizes that Iraq had legitimate concerns “over money and the islands.” We shall get to those.

But notice that the general “defines his own mission as one of persuading the Gulf Arabs that Iraq had superseded Iran as their chief threat.” His mission was therefore not to warn the Gulf Arabs of a real danger, but to persuade them to believe in a particular, supposed danger. If the danger had been real, there would have been absolutely no need for Schwarzkopf to convince anybody in the Gulf, because Gulf states would have been much more aware of this danger than Schwarzkopf. What Schwarzkopf’s repeated cajoling and arm-twisting in the Gulf suggests, therefore, is that he was making clear to the client states of the US in the Gulf how seriously the United States wanted them to assume this position: that Iraq was now The Enemy.

What followed is consistent with this analysis. After Norman Schwarzkopf went around the Gulf whispering that Iraq was a big threat, Kuwait, the state that got the most ‘warnings’ from Schwarzkopf about how dangerous Iraq supposedly was, went quite -- quite -- out of its way to pick a fight with Iraq. But Kuwait was small and utterly defenseless relative to Iraq (as the Iraqi attack proved). Hadn't Schwarzkopf just told the Kuwaitis to be careful because Iraq was now the Big Threat?

Put yourself back in high school, and imagine that you sit right behind the class wimp. Someone comes over to him and whispers in his ear that the class bully hates his guts and is out to get him. Other things are said but you don’t manage to hear it all. What do you predict? That the wimp will run and hide, perhaps. That would be a reasonable prediction. If the class wimp instead gets up and calls the bully names, spitting in his face for good measure, you would likely be shocked. But suppose there was some evidence to suggest that the wimp’s disrespect was deliberately timed so that the minute the class bully gets going with him the teacher walks in on them, and the bully is thrown out of school. What would your hypothesis be now? You didn’t hear everything that was whispered in the prelude to the fight, but you would be foolish not to suspect that what you saw was a piece of theater to ‘get’ the class bully, especially if the class wimp was unable to wipe a devilish grin from his face. The wimp was bait. You might infer all this even if you had missed the whispering part, but if you saw the whispers before the action took place the case would be all but closed.

I will now give you a close up of Norman Schwarzkopf’s whispers to the Kuwaitis, and of the puzzlement they caused in the region. Then I will show you the Kuwaitis having trouble wiping off a devilish grin.

The following excerpt, from Milton Viorst, summarizes what happened, and also makes an interesting reference to those Iraqi concerns “over money and the islands” that even Schwarzkopf, the man who bombed and overran Iraq, recognized were legitimate:

[Excerpt from Milton Viorst begins here]

“Jordan’s Crown Prince Hassan first my attention...[that]… the evidence suggested collusion -- deliberate or inadvertent -- between the United States and Kuwait during the previous spring and summer [leading up to the Gulf War]...

The Prince noted that the entire Arab world had been bewildered by Kuwait’s defiant behavior toward Iraq over the course of their disputes in early 1990. The squabbling began with Kuwait’s overproduction of oil, which coincided with a fall in the world price far below the target set by OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries). Oil economists pointed out that, as a country of a half-million citizens, with foreign investments that generated a huge income, Kuwait could afford a major price drop... Iraq, a country of seventeen million, was, by contrast, deeply in debt from eight years of war and desperately short of cash for reconstruction. Though Kuwait’s policy might make economic sense, the prince said, governments do not normally make decisions without considering their political consequences, and certainly no responsible regime could fail to take into account the disparity in military power that existed between Iraq and Kuwait.

What was the explanation...? Kuwait’s oil policy severely weakened Iraq.

...The Iraqis were transforming Um-Qasr, a fishing village on its narrow Gulf coastline, into a major naval facility. ...Um-Qasr needed only Bubiyan and Warba, uninhabited Kuwaiti islands at the mouth of the port, for its security. The Iraqis asked Kuwait either to cede the islands or to lease them, but Kuwait refused any agreement at all. Meanwhile, with Soviet power slipping rapidly, Washington could, for the first time since Britain’s departure, contemplate keeping a permanent fleet in the Gulf. Many Arabs wondered whether Kuwait’s hard line on the islands was meant to assure American naval supremacy in the Gulf.

During the negotiations in early 1990, in fact, Kuwait offered concessions on nothing, including division of the Rumaila oil fields on its boundary with Iraq, a dispute dating back to colonial times. What is more, Kuwait raised the ante by demanding repayment with interest of loans it had made to Iraq during the war, loans which Iraq had assumed would be forgiven [because Iraq had been fighting a war with Shia Islamist Iran and one of the main beneficiaries of the Iraqi victory was the Kuwaiti ruling class, which was very worried about its own large Shia minority, as discussed above]. Iraq’s answer was to demand compensation for some $2.5 billion in oil that it accused Kuwait of stealing by slant drilling into its Rumaila wells. To make matters worse, the Kuwaitis were said to have twice offended Iraq by sending home emissaries who had come for prearranged meetings with the emir. Even disregarding the snub, most Arabs agreed that Kuwait was being imprudent.

‘We couldn’t put together the pieces of the mosaic,’ said an advisor to Prince Hassan, ‘but we were suspicious. The Kuwaitis were very cocky. They told us officially that the United States would intervene. We don’t know where they got that impression, from the United States itself or from another party, like the British or the Saudis. But they said they knew what they were doing. They seemed to think they were safe.’”[38]

[Excerpt from Milton Viorst ends here]

Now, if “[General Norman] Schwarzkopf was [in Kuwait] on visits before the war, maybe a few times a year,” as an American diplomat told Milton Viorst, then it is naturally from Schwarzkopf that the Kuwaitis got the impression that America would protect them.

Naturally, Kuwaiti officials will not say in public, “Yes, we are an American puppet, and we were told to provoke Iraq with a promise of American military support, so we did as we were told.” But precisely because they can’t, it is interesting that what they have said in public comes as close as possible to being such an admission without actually saying it outright.

Sheikh Ali al Khalifa, former Kuwaiti minister of oil, at first “denied that Kuwait, in negotiating with Iraq, was influenced by the prospect of American military support…” He gave Milton Viorst the Kuwaiti party line, accusing Saddam Hussein of everything under the sun. But then he concluded with this stunning admission, which Viorst himself puts in italics:

“But the American policy was clear... We understood it but Saddam didn’t. We knew the United States would not let us be overrun.”[39]

Sheikh Salem, the Kuwaiti foreign minister, explained to Viorst that, although the US did not put it down explicitly on paper, the understanding between the US and Kuwait was perfectly clear, and Viorst himself puts his words in italics:

“By the time the crisis began in early 1990, we knew we could rely on the Americans. There was an exchange of talks on the ambassadorial level just before the invasion. No explicit commitments were ever made, but it was like a marriage. Sometimes you don’t say to your wife ‘I love you,’ but you know the relationship will lead to certain things.”[40]

The US could not quite put it down on paper that it would defend Kuwait because that might deter the Iraqis from attacking. So Schwarzkopf informally schmoozed the Kuwaitis for a couple of years and made sure that they believed the US’s assurances.

Now, under which hypothesis is it necessary for the US ruling elite to get Kuwait to provoke a war with Iraq? Under the hypothesis where the US means to defend Iranian Islamism but must appear to be fighting for some other reason. By getting Kuwait to provoke Iraq, the US could claim in public that it was just defending an innocent country, while critics of US foreign policy complained bitterly that the US was just defending its Kuwaiti oil. The entire debate was effectively a diversion, because ‘protecting Iran as part of a pro-Islamist policy’ was not even one of the hypotheses that anybody in the media put on the table to explain the Gulf War.

Under the hypothesis that the US meant to protect its access to Gulf oil, by contrast, it is not necessary to get Kuwait to provoke Iraq. On the contrary, it is absurd. I turn to this next.

The hypothesis that the US attacked Iraq 'for oil' is absurd

I understand that many people think the US does everything 'for oil.' It is a popular view partly because of the numbing repetition of it, and repetition has an effect. But a scientist should care only whether there is any evidence to support it, and whether it makes logical sense.

According to the New York Times, when Jimmy Carter established Centcom in 1979 he did so because he was “Fearful that the Soviet Union would take advantage of Iranian instability and try to gain control of the Persian Gulf oilfields.”[41] Now, an ability to protect oil may be a plausible side-benefit of Centcom, but it really is hard to argue that this was its main purpose.

We have seen above that US policy has gone quite out of its way to sponsor Islamist movements even when there is no oil involved, and Brzezinski himself explained that the promotion of Afghan Islamism was meant to bring down the Soviet Union. At the very same time that Brzezinski inaugurated the Islamist policy, Centcom was created explicitly to protect the new Islamist Republic: Iran, also on the Soviet border. This is consistent with a general pro-Islamist policy. By contrast, even assuming that the original goal of Centcom really was to protect US oil interests in the Gulf from the Soviets, nothing at all suggests that Iraq had replaced the Soviet Union as a threat to these interests when Centcom was reoriented in 1988 to counter Iraq. Consider:

1) As a potential threat to the US’s oil interests, in 1988 Iraq was diminutive relative to the Soviet Union -- a virtual nonentity.

2) By 1988 Iraq was brutally weakened and tired by 8 years of war with Iran, even it if was a little better off than Iran.

3) It had plenty of its own oil, so the economic motivation to attack neighboring countries for oil was weak.

4) The geostrategic motivation was even weaker, because Saddam Hussein knew perfectly well that anybody who attacked US puppets in the Gulf would invite America's wrath (the US had already made this perfectly clear during the Iran-Iraq war by putting the American flag on Kuwaiti tankers).[42]

5) As we saw, getting Iraq to attack Kuwait required so much effort by the United States that this point alone makes it quite obvious that Iraq was not a threat to US oil interests in the Gulf.

If the US wanted to protect its access to Gulf oil, all it had to do was warn the Iraqis very loudly that any messing with the US's client states in the Gulf would be punished. Then, if Iraq did anything, the US could punish Iraq. But what the US did instead was provoke a war with Iraq, when Iraq was obviously not a threat.

This is precisely what just happened, too, with Bush Jr.'s war on Iraq.

The most reasonable conclusion for the 1991 Gulf War is that the US attacked Iraq in order to protect Iranian Islamism. It was "strengthening Iran and containing Iraq," precisely as Zalmay Khalilzad had recommended. The bulk of the evidence suggests this is also what Bush Jr.'s war is all about.

The next piece in this series is:

    "THE BIG PICTURE: US policy towards Iran in the broadest historical perspective"; Historical and Investigative Research; 4 January 2006; by Francisco Gil-White

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Re: The U.S. Won't Save Israel From Iran
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2014, 10:20:25 AM »

Dutch Report: Us Sponsored Foreign Islamists In Bosnia
By Richard J Aldrich
Reprinted from The Guardian (LONDON)
Monday April 22, 2002
Comments by Jared Israel
[Posted 22 April 2002]

The long-awaited Dutch government report on the Bosnian war has been released. Elsewhere we discuss the so-called massacre in Srebrenica (1), dealt with in the report. But aside from Srebrenica, the report has very important things to say about US cooperation with and sponsorship of Islamist terrorism in Bosnia. This is discussed in the Guardian article, below.

The Guardian gave their article the title: "America Used Islamists To Arm The Bosnian Muslims."

This is misleading. The U.S. did not support *all* Bosnian Muslims, it supported the faction led by Alijah Izetbegovic. Izetbegovic is a Muslim fundamentalist who began his political career supporting the Nazis during World War II. (2)

During the fighting in Bosnia, Muslims were sharply divided between pro and anti-Izetbegovic factions. Many anti-Izetbegovic Muslims allied with the Bosnian Serbs. The Western media labeled these people, "Muslim Rebels." But Izetbegovic's Islamist faction was referred to as "the Muslim-backed government in Sarajevo."

(In olden times, a priest officiated in the coronation of a European king. But in Bosnia, a government was created by the Western media.)

Even among Muslims, one could argue that Izetbegovic was not the leading politician. In the 1990 elections, the biggest vote-getter was Fikret Abdic. And it was Abdic who led the anti-Islamist Muslims who were allied with the Bosnian Serbs. For more on Mr. Abdic, see the article, "Pro-Yugoslav Muslim Leader Put On Trial," at

For more on the role of foreign Islamists in the Bosnian conflict, see "Bin Laden in the Balkans" at

-- Jared Israel


America Used Islamists To Arm The Bosnian Muslims
The Srebrenica Report Reveals The Pentagon's Role In A Dirty War

By Richard J Aldrich

The official Dutch inquiry into the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, released last week, contains one of the most sensational reports on western intelligence ever published. Officials have been staggered by its findings and the Dutch government has resigned. One of its many volumes is devoted to clandestine activities during the Bosnian war of the early 1990s. For five years, Professor Cees Wiebes of Amsterdam University has had unrestricted access to Dutch intelligence files and has stalked the corridors of secret service headquarters in western capitals, as well as in Bosnia, asking questions.

His findings are set out in "Intelligence and the war in Bosnia, 1992-1995". It includes remarkable material on covert operations, signals interception, human agents and double-crossing by dozens of agencies in one of dirtiest wars of the new world disorder. Now we have the full story of the secret alliance between the Pentagon and radical Islamist groups from the Middle East designed to assist the Bosnian Muslims - some of the same groups that the Pentagon is now fighting in "the war against terrorism". Pentagon operations in Bosnia have delivered their own "blowback".

In the 1980s Washington's secret services had assisted Saddam Hussein in his war against Iran. Then, in 1990, the US fought him in the Gulf. In both Afghanistan and the Gulf, the Pentagon had incurred debts to Islamist groups and their Middle Eastern sponsors. By 1993 these groups, many supported by Iran and Saudi Arabia, were anxious to help Bosnian Muslims fighting in the former Yugoslavia and called in their debts with the Americans. Bill Clinton and the Pentagon were keen to be seen as creditworthy and repaid in the form of an Iran-Contra style operation - in flagrant violation of the UN security council arms embargo against all combatants in the former Yugoslavia.

The result was a vast secret conduit of weapons smuggling though Croatia. This was arranged by the clandestine agencies of the US, Turkey and Iran, together with a range of radical Islamist groups, including Afghan mojahedin and the pro-Iranian Hizbullah. Wiebes reveals that the British intelligence services obtained documents early on in the Bosnian war proving that Iran was making direct deliveries.

Arms purchased by Iran and Turkey with the financial backing of Saudi Arabia made their way by night from the Middle East. Initially aircraft from Iran Air were used, but as the volume increased they were joined by a mysterious fleet of black C-130 Hercules aircraft. The report stresses that the US was "very closely involved" in the airlift. Mojahedin fighters were also flown in, but they were reserved as shock troops for especially hazardous operations.

Light weapons are the familiar currency of secret services seeking to influence such conflicts. The volume of weapons flown into Croatia was enormous, partly because of a steep Croatian "transit tax". Croatian forces creamed off between 20% and 50% of the arms. The report stresses that this entire trade was clearly illicit. The Croats themselves also obtained massive quantities of illegal weapons from Germany, Belgium and Argentina - again in contravention of the UN arms embargo. The German secret services were fully aware of the trade.

Rather than the CIA, the Pentagon's own secret service was the hidden force behind these operations. The UN protection force, UNPROFOR, was dependent on its troop-contributing nations for intelligence, and above all on the sophisticated monitoring capabilities of the US to police the arms embargo. This gave the Pentagon the ability to manipulate the embargo at will: ensuring that American Awacs aircraft covered crucial areas and were able to turn a blind eye to the frequent nightime comings and goings at Tuzla.

Weapons flown in during the spring of 1995 were to turn up only a fortnight later in the besieged and demilitarised enclave at Srebrenica. When these shipments were noticed, Americans pressured UNPROFOR to rewrite reports, and when Norwegian officials protested about the flights, they were reportedly threatened into silence.

Both the CIA and British SIS had a more sophisticated perspective on the conflict than the Pentagon, insisting that no side had clean hands and arguing for caution. James Woolsey, director of the CIA until May 1995, had increasingly found himself out of step with the Clinton White House over his reluctance to develop close relations with the Islamists. The sentiments were reciprocated. In the spring of 1995, when the CIA sent its first head of station to Sarajevo to liaise with Bosnia's security authorities, the Bosnians tipped off Iranian intelligence. The CIA learned that the Iranians had targeted him for liquidation and quickly withdrew him.

Iranian and Afghan veterans' training camps had also been identified in Bosnia. Later, in the Dayton Accords of November 1995, the stipulation appeared that all foreign forces be withdrawn. This was a deliberate attempt to cleanse Bosnia of Iranian-run training camps. The CIA's main opponents in Bosnia were now the mojahedin fighters and their Iranian trainers - whom the Pentagon had been helping to supply months earlier.

Meanwhile, the secret services of Ukraine, Greece and Israel were busy arming the Bosnian Serbs. Mossad was especially active and concluded a deal with the Bosnian Serbs at Pale involving a substantial supply of artillery shells and mortar bombs. In return they secured safe passage for the Jewish population out of the besieged town of Sarajevo. Subsequently, the remaining population was perplexed to find that unexploded mortar bombs landing in Sarajevo sometimes had Hebrew markings.

The broader lessons of the intelligence report on Srebrenica are clear. Those who were able to deploy intelligence power, including the Americans and their enemies, the Bosnian Serbs, were both able to get their way. Conversely, the UN and the Dutch government were "deprived of the means and capacity for obtaining intelligence" for the Srebrenica deployment, helping to explain why they blundered in, and contributed to the terrible events there.

Secret intelligence techniques can be war-winning and life-saving. But they are not being properly applied. How the UN can have good intelligence in the context of multinational peace operations is a vexing question. Removing light weapons from a conflict can be crucial to drawing it down. But the secret services of some states - including Israel and Iran - continue to be a major source of covert supply, pouring petrol on the flames of already bitter conflicts.

Richard J Aldrich is Professor of Politics at the University of Nottingham. His 'The Hidden Hand: Britain, America and Cold War Secret Intelligence' is published in paperback by John Murray in August.

[email protected]

(c) Guardian 2002 Reprinted for Fair Use Only,3604,688310,00.html




1) For a list of Emperor's Clothes articles on Srebrenica, with brief descriptions, go to

2) For a revealing quote from Alijah Izetbegovic's book, "Islamic Declaration," and a bit on his role during World War II, see "JOE LIEBERMAN - APOLOGIST FOR THE FASCIST KLA" at

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Re: The U.S. Won't Save Israel From Iran
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2014, 10:21:30 AM »

If the Ayatollah Khomeini was an enemy of the United States ruling elite, why did he adopt the CIA's security service?

Historical and Investigative Research - 23 Feb 2006
by Francisco Gil-White

In June of 1980, the New York Times reported that the new leader of Iran, the Ayatollah Khomeini, was complaining loudly that many people who had served under the Shah had not been purged from the government bureaucracies. “He singled out the Foreign Ministry for criticism, saying that in this department and in other ministries there were ‘the same emblems and the same corruption’ as before.”[0] It is curious that he should not have singled out SAVAK -- especially SAVAK.

SAVAK had been the Iranian Shah (King) Mohammed Reza Pahlavi's feared security service, which routinely tortured and assassinated dissidents, and spied on everybody. It had been created by the CIA after the CIA installed the shah in power in a 1953 coup d'état.[1]  As a dissident leader prior to the Iranian Revolution of 1979, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini had been denouncing SAVAK. So why so much noise now about other ministries being full of Shah agents and nothing in particular about SAVAK?

Earlier the same month, the Washington Post had published an interesting article with the title: “Khomeini Is Reported to Have a SAVAK of His Own.”[1a] And what was Khomeini’s own SAVAK like? It was none other than SAVAK itself. Here is what the Washington Post writes (emphases are mine):

“Though it came to power denouncing the shah’s dreaded SAVAK secret service, the government of Iran’s Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini has created a new internal security and intelligence operation, apparently with a similar organizational structure and some of the same faces as its predecessor.

The new organization is called SAVAMA. It is run, according to U.S. sources and Iranian exile sources here and in Paris, by Gen. Hossein Fardoust, who was deputy chief of SAVAK under the former shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and a friend from boyhood of the deposed monarch.

...‘SAVAK is alive and kicking’ in the form of SAVAMA, claims Ali Tabatabai, former press counselor at the Iranian Embassy in Washington under the shah... now president of the Iran Freedom Foundation in Bethesda [Maryland, near Washington D.C.]… ‘There are large numbers of former SAVAK people’ in the new organization, he says. ‘In fact, with the exception of the bureau chiefs [who ran the individual sections of SAVAK] the whole organization seems to be intact.’

In Paris, a French lawyer who specializes in representing Iranian exiles told Washington Post correspondent Ronald Koven that ‘SAVAMA is SAVAK without any change in structure. They just replaced some of the chiefs...

...Tabatabai, who claims he has good sources on the situation in Tehran, says that SAVAMA’s organization ‘is almost a carbon copy’ of SAVAK’s, with nine bureaus. These, he said, cover personnel, collection of foreign intelligence, collection of domestic intelligence, surveillance of its own agents and security of its own agents and security of government buildings, communications, finances, analysis of collected intelligence, counterintelligence, and recruitment and training.”

What Tabatabai is describing above is the security apparatus of a totalitarian police state: the nine bureaus of SAVAK/SAVAMA were spying on ordinary Iranians and even on SAVAK/SAVAMA itself. They were also torturing and murdering ordinary Iranians, as they judged it necessary: “SAVAK used torture systematically as a tool of internal repression.” The Ayatollah Khomeini, of course, installed a totalitarian police state, so from this point of view swallowing SAVAK -- which had a great deal of experience running the shah’s totalitarian police state -- was convenient. But it was still a perfectly absurd thing for Khomeini to do if he was really an enemy of the US ruling elite, because it was this ruling elite’s CIA that had installed Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi in power and created SAVAK for him, and therefore only an ally of the US ruling elite would welcome the “very close ties that SAVAK, under the shah, [had] maintained with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.”

Of course, US officials were very busy telling everybody that the Ayatollah Khomeini (whom they would soon start arming to the teeth, in secret, for the entire duration of the Iran-Iraq war[1b]) was supposedly their enemy, so they rushed to deny that there was really that much SAVAK in SAVAMA. As reported in the same article:

“In Washington, however, U.S. government analysts offer a more subdued assessment.

‘It may be tempting to look at SAVAMA as SAVAK reborn,’ one source said, ‘but that is too fanciful for the facts.’ …U.S. sources say that some vestiges of the previous system could be useful [to new regime]. So, some former SAVAK functionaries -- described as ‘lower level’ -- who were able to function for the shah without being tainted now work for Khomeini.”

Uh-huh. But as you can see from one of the quotes above, the one thing that both US and Iranian exile sources were definitely agreeing on was that “SAVAMA…is run…by Gen. Hossein Fardoust, who was deputy chief of SAVAK under the former shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi...”

Not only that:

“Fardoust...[was] a longtime friend, classmate and confidant of the shah. Fardoust, Tabatabai says, was also head of a special SAVAK bureau that summarized all intelligence information. Fardoust delivered it personally to the shah daily.”

This Fardoust was not exactly “lower level,” was he? Nor was he merely “tainted”: Fardoust had been running Iran for the shah. It also turns out that “Fardoust’s deputy at SAVAMA is said to be Gen. Ali Mohammed Kaveh, formerly the head of the SAVAK bureau dealing with analysis of collected intelligence.” This Kaveh was not exactly “lower level” either. Finally, “In three former bureaus dealing with personnel organization and summation of intelligence, Tabatabai claims, every member who worked for Fardoust when he was deputy chief of SAVAK still works for him as chief of SAVAMA.”

The US ruling elite did not support Ali Tabatabai’s Iran Freedom Foundation, which wanted to topple Khomeini,[2] and it was awkward for the US ruling elite that Ali Tabatabai was explaining out loud how the Ayatollah was running Iran with the CIA’s SAVAK, just like the shah had before him. It is possible that Tabatabai's assassination in his Bethesda, Maryland home, shortly after he made the above statements to the press, was unrelated to the CIA.[3] However, it does seem significant that,

“Only Tabatabai was willing to let his name be attached publicly to the foundation. Only Tabatabai was eager to go before television cameras and radio microphones to discuss the positions of the foundation. In the end, said one of the original 10 [founders] who asked that his name not be used, their fears for the safety of their families and themselves were borne out by what happened to Tabatabai. ...‘Our object was primarily to expose the true nature of Khomeini,’ he said.

...Tabatabai was president of the foundation as well as its spokesman. Because of his prominent public profile, the Iran Freedom FOUNDATION (IFF) became in turn the most widely known of nine anti-Khomeini groups in the United States.

...In all cases, it was Tabatabai who took the public stage. ... He appeared on talk shows, both radio and television, locally, nationally and in Canada. He helped organize a major anti-Khomeini demonstration in Los Angeles earlier this month, designed to bring together the different anti-Khomeini groups.”[4]

In other words, Tabatai had a big mouth, and he was the only person that needed shutting up -- everybody else had already gotten the message. With Tabatabai out of the picture, problem solved. And indeed, I was unable to find mention of the SAVAK/SAVAMA identity in newspaper articles since. On the contrary: the next year, The New York Times 'informed' the public in a headline that “[SAVAMA] Isn’t Like Savak Under Sha,” stating in the body of the text that “Savak [was] disbanded after the 1979 revolution.”[5] An article in The Christian Science Monitor, the same year, did say that “Savama [was] the name given [to] the reconstituted Savak secret police organization, so long a weapon of terror and torture in the late Shah’s hands,” but it rushed to assure its readers that the reason “many Savak members gladly serve in Savama” was “to save their own skins.”[6] This, however, does not answer the obvious question: Why would Khomeini trust them? For SAVAK to become SAVAMA it is not enough that SAVAK members want to survive and thrive; it is also necessary that Khomeini have no problem making people trained by ‘Great Satan,’ and until very recently working for ‘Great Satan,’ the very basis of his own power.

Footnotes and Further Reading

  • “QUOTATION OF THE DAY: KHOMEINI DEMANDS GOVERNMENT PURGE”; New York Times. (Late Edition (East Coast)). New York, N.Y.: Jun 28, 1980. pg. 1.5
  • [1] "HOW THE UNITED STATES DESTROYED DEMOCRACY IN IRAN IN 1953: Re-print of 16 April 2000 New York Times article"; with an introduction by Francisco Gil-White; Historical and Investigative Research, 5 January 2006;

[1a] Khomeini Is Reported to Have a SAVAK of His Own; Khomeini Reported to Have Own SAVAK-Style Agency, The Washington Post, June 7, 1980, Saturday, Final Edition, First Section; A1, 1706 words, By Michael Getler, Washington Post Staff Writer

[1b] "Why Bush Sr.'s 1991 Gulf War? To Protect Iranian Islamism: Like father, like son: this is also the purpose of Bush Jr.'s war"; Historical and Investigative Research; 20 December 2005; by Francisco Gil-White

    NOTE: The Iran-Iraq war is covered in the section titled: "The suspicious prelude to the 1991 Gulf War: Khomeini, the Iran-Iraq War, and the Iran-Contra affair.

[2] Exiles plan assault on Iran, Christian Science Monitor (Boston, MA), June 19, 1980, Thursday, Midwestern Edition, The News Briefly; Pg. 2, 206 words, WITH ANALYSIS FROM MONITOR CORRESPONDENTS AROUND THE WORLD, EDITED BY DEBRA K. PIOT, Washington

Iranian emigre sources here say exiled Iranian Prime Minister Shahpour Bakhtiar has reached agreement with former generals of the dethroned Shah for a counterrevolution and military moves, based in Iraq, against the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's regime, Monitor correspondent John Cooley reports.

After several visits to Iraq and a meeting with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in Baghdad, Mr. Bakhtiar met Tuesday in Paris, where he lives in exile, with Gen. Gholam Ali Oveissi and Gen. Ahmed Palizban, both of whom have been gathering forces and arms in Iraq for an Iraqi-supported strike against the Ayatollah, the emigres said.

"We know there are military units inside Iran which will support any serious move to restore order. The goal of such a movement would be to establish a military government for two to three years, followed by a popular referendum on the country's constitutional future," Ali Akhbar Tabatabai, spokesman for the Iran Freedom Foundation, which supports Mr. Bakhtiar's cause in the United States, told the Monitor.

The US State Department has shied away from backing Mr. Bakhtiar or the Iran Freedom Foundation...

[3] “Terrorism came to Washington once again yesterday. The chaos and violence of world events crystallized in an instant in a Bethesda home as a gunman pumped bullets into the stomach of Ali Akbar Tabatabai.”

    SOURCE: New Case of International Terrorism; Reminder of Vulnerability, The Washington Post, July 23, 1980, Wednesday, Final Edition, First Section; A14, 917 words, By Phil McCombs, Washington Post Staff Writer

[4] Victim Led in Forming Anti-Khomeini Group, The Washington Post, July 23, 1980, Wednesday, Final Edition, First Section; A12, 654 words, By Donnel Nunes, Washington Post Staff Writer

[5] AROUND THE WORLD; Iranian Says Secret Agency Isn't Like Savak Under Shah, The New York Times, June 1, 1981, Monday, Late City Final Edition, Section A; Page 5, Column 2; Foreign Desk, 183 words, Reuters, TEHERAN, Iran, May 31


“A senior Iranian official said today that Iran has a new intelligence agency but that it is not like the Shah's hated Savak secret police since it is run along Islamic lines.

Asked at a news conference to confirm the existence of a secret agency called Savama, a Government spokesman, Behzad Nabavi, said, ‘Yes, we have an intelligence organization.’

Revolutionary Iran needs an intelligence agency, Mr. Nabavi said, adding: ‘But of course it does not have the same methods as the C.I.A. or K.G.B. or Savak. It must have Islamic methods and not stray from religious precepts.’

Savak, disbanded after the 1979 revolution, was believed responsible for torturing and killing thousands of suspected political opponents of the Shah. Savak agents ‘were all robbers, drinkers of alcohol, knife-wielders and degenerates,’ Mr. Nabavi said. He did not directly confirm the name Savama, which is believed to stand for the Iranian National Information and Security Organization, or say how long it had existed.”

[6] War between mullahs, leftists staggers Iran, Christian Science Monitor (Boston, MA), August 14, 1981, Friday, Midwestern Edition, Pg. 3, 848 words, By Geoffrey Godsell, Staff correspodent of The Christian Science Monitor

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Re: The U.S. Won't Save Israel From Iran
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2014, 10:24:55 AM »

Grand Theater: The US, The PLO, and the Ayatollah Khomeini.

Why did the US government, in 1979, delegate to the PLO the task of negotiating the safety of American hostages at the US embassy in Tehran?

Historical and Investigative Research - 10 Dec 2005
by Francisco Gil-White

Late in 1979, student followers of the Ayatollah Khomeini, the leader of the Islamist coup d’Etat that followed the Iranian Revolution of 1978-79, attacked the US embassy in Tehran and took about 90 hostages. Khomeini would not receive US officials for negotiations, he said, because the United States was “Great Satan.” But the US government proposed, and Khomeini accepted, that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) be the mediator. The PLO eagerly participated because, it said, it wanted to help protect American lives... And then the PLO in fact obtained a promise from Khomeini that the safety of the hostages would be guaranteed (it was). The New York Times quipped that “Yasir Arafat is so busy playing statesman,”[1] but the New York Times had eagerly built Arafat up for the role (as shown below), helping this antisemitic terrorist organization to shine on the world stage as powerbroker and benefactor. One is entitled to wonder: What in the world is the PLO? How does it get away with this? This piece will seek to throw some light on these questions.


This piece is the second in a series of articles that HIR is producing to fill out the historical background necessary to understand US president George Bush Jr.'s ongoing war on Iraq. So you may be wondering: What is the relevance of the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979 to a US war against Iraq taking place in the year 2005?

In 1979, as I will argue, the US ruling elite produced the Iranian ‘hostage crisis’ in order:

    1) to raise the prestige of Khomeini's loudly anti-Israeli Islamists, who took over Iran; and

    2) to raise the prestige of the PLO.

As I will show, these two objectives were subgoals of a more general strategy to support Islamist Iran against secular Iraq, and simultaneously to generate a diplomatic process towards a PLO state on Israeli soil -- precisely what the US government is also doing now (and what it did in between). The point of all that will be explained further below and in subsequent pieces, but I give a general picture of the present situation in the appendix.

In sum, a proper understanding of the hostage crisis of 1979, I aim to show, will help us see just how consistently pro-PLO, pro-Iran, and pro-Islamist -- and in consequence how anti-Israeli -- US policy has been over the years. This piece will focus on the PLO side of the equation; the coming pieces will take a closer look at the Iranian connection.

Table of Contents
( hyperlinked █ )

█ Introduction (above)

█ The PLO is asked to mediate the hostage crisis

█ The geopolitical game of the US ruling elite in the Iranian hostage crisis

    ■ Exhibit A: The PLO’s behavior

    ■ Exhibit B: Jimmy Carter’s behavior

    ■ Exhibit C: The behavior of US Intelligence and the State Department

█ But. . .why does the US attack Israel? Is it for oil?


The PLO is asked to mediate the hostage crisis _____________________________________________________

The Iranian Revolution of 1978-79 forced the Iranian shah (or king) Mohammed Reza Pahlavi to flee the country. The shah had been a repressive, right-wing US puppet (more on this in forthcoming pieces). After his exile, the de facto head of state, soon to be made de jure head of state, became the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, a leader of the opposition forces and an Islamist terrorist who achieved undisputed total power when he violently defeated the progressive workers movements that had joined his Islamist forces in fighting against the shah (more about this important struggle in forthcoming pieces).

The PLO had not been a mere observer in the events leading up to Khomeini's rise to power. In fact, the PLO had been training Iranian guerrillas since the early 1970s. As a token of thanks for this, once in power, the Ayatollah Khomeini immediately seized the Israeli diplomatic mission in Tehran and gave it to the PLO.[2] Also: “Arafat received a pledge from Ayatollah Khomeini that the Iranians would ‘turn to the issue of victory over Israel’ after Iran had consolidated its strength.”[2a] The PLO had been calling (still is) for the destruction of Israel, so that is what “victory” meant.[2b] Khomeini took to denouncing Israel every opportunity he had.

Later that year, as many will vividly remember, student followers of Khomeini in Tehran, protesting that the US had allowed the exiled shah into the US for medical treatment, seized the US embassy in Tehran on 4 November and took hostage those in it, producing the ‘hostage crisis.’ They would not release the hostages, the students said, until the US turned the shah over for trial in Iran. Many were shocked. But what was truly shocking was this: four days later The New York Times announced that the PLO, a terrorist organization, “had begun efforts to protect the lives of Americans held hostage.”

“UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., Nov. 7 -- Palestine Liberation Organization officials said in interviews here today that a two-member PLO delegation, headed by a leader of Al Fatah, the main guerilla group, had arrived in Teheran and had begun efforts to protect the lives of Americans held hostage by students in the United States Embassy.”[3]

(For those of you whose eyes are popping, I have provided a scan of the original NYT piece in the footnote.)

And why was the PLO doing this?

“In response to a question as to whether the initiative of the PLO was an effort to improve its image, [PLO spokesperson Rahman] said: ‘It is what we consider our moral responsibility toward a group of human beings.’”


The New York Times also reported that, “Zehdi Labib Terzi, the chief Palestinian observer here, said that the delegation had been the idea of Yasir Arafat, head of the PLO.” But somebody else was claiming the credit for planting the idea in Arafat's head: the US government. In fact, there had been a formal request, as reported in the same NYT piece:

    “In Washington, Representative Paul Findley, Republican of Illinois, said that he telephoned Mr. Arafat in Beirut yesterday and proposed the mission, knowing that Mr. Arafat was a friend of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.”

This may require a pause for proper digestion. Yasser Arafat was not nobody. In 1979, he was a friend of the Ayatollah Khomeini, whom he had helped install in power, and an American congressman was boasting to the press about having phoned “Mr. Arafat” to ask if he could help the United States, a superpower, in a crisis. The PLO didn’t merely oblige this US congressman but announced happily that it had the problem licked:

“Mr. Terzi said: ‘We have great hope the Iranian students will respond to our appeal.’ The aim of the mission as reported from here last night was to seek the release of the hostages. Today, Mr. Terzi and Mr. Rahman spoke of protecting the hostages’ lives.

The PLO delegation in Teheran ‘will just sit down and reason with the students,’ Mr. Terzi said, adding: ‘We have learned how to handle such cases.’”[4]

Do you see anything incongruous in how these PLO officials swaggered? They breezily announced that they would free the hostages in Tehran! The next day they ‘limited’ themselves to claiming they would protect the hostages’ lives. And how? They’d sit down with the students and talk it out because the PLO, they said, was quite good at this. How nice. But at the precise moment these PLO officials spoke, 7 November 1979, the Ayatollah Khomeini -- an iron-fisted, repressive Islamist terrorist -- was putting a rubber stamp on what had been obvious for months: that he was the supreme, absolute, and totalitarian ruler of Iran.[5] This Ayatollah Khomeini had publicly endorsed the takeover of the US embassy in Tehran, and the PLO had yet to have its first official contact with Khomeini on the hostage issue. But the PLO was already announcing the problem solved? The PLO did not behave like a stateless terrorist group fighting for a scrap of land in the Middle East; it strode like an imperial power on its way to deal with a vassal state.

If it waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck...

What am I saying? That perhaps the PLO was in reality an imperial power dealing with vassal states? That would be absurd. But a slightly different proposal is not absurd, and it will easily account for the PLO’s behavior. Make two assumptions: 1) the PLO was (and is) a covert US pet, and 2) so was Khomeini. Now the interpretation becomes that the United States, a de facto imperial power with client states and organizations all over the world, was producing its own Grand Theater. This explains why the whole idea of PLO mediation came from the US ruling elite.

Let us call this my hypothesis.

Is it reasonable? Let us first see whether my hypothesis can account for how the two PLO officials above swaggered. Here is my proposal: In the glare of the spotlight, overconfident PLO mercenaries who understood that the profile of their organization was being raised by their patron superpower, and who could see that the outcome was foreordained, became too giddy and spoke too boldly in their first press appearances on this matter, going so far as to attribute the whole initiative to Yasser Arafat (see above), and to declare the problem solved already. A mistake.

But my hypothesis can neither stand nor fall on how it accounts for such a small detail as this; it must be evaluated against a background of facts. And it must form part of a reasonable theory. What theory would this be? In other words, if the Iranian ‘hostage crisis’ was US-produced Grand Theater, what was the purpose of it?

I claim it had two immediate objectives:

    1) To raise the prestige of the PLO, the better to generate a diplomatic process leading to a PLO state on Israeli soil.

    2) To present Islamist terrorism as a supposedly effective way to oppose Western, and especially US, imperialism, the better to win many Muslims to this ideology.

Is this reasonable?

The first claim will be shocking if you hold to the mainstream hypothesis that the US is an ally of Israel. And the second will be shocking if you hold to the mainstream hypothesis that the US ruling elite fights Islamist terrorism. (The idea that the US ruling elite was sponsoring an enemy state may also trouble you, but that is not what I am proposing -- I think the Iranian ruling elite is allied with the US ruling elite, and the rest is theater).

However counter-intuitive my proposals may at first seem, what matters is whether they agree with the historical evidence.

I have researched the history of US foreign policy towards the Jewish people and state since the 1930s to the present, and this evidence supports the view that the US ruling elite -- contrary to the common belief -- is an enemy of Israel. These findings will mostly not be addressed in this piece, but you are free to consult them.[5b] As for Islamist terrorism, though its foot soldiers certainly do hate the United States, their leaders are in my view allied with the US ruling elite, which sponsors this ideology in part because it assists US imperialism, as it destabilizes the great Asian powers with Muslim populations on their borders: Russia, China, and India. It is Jared Israel who first proposed this interpretation.[5c]

The question of US policy towards Iranian Islamism, and of the US's broader geopolitical strategy in Asia, will be taken up more fully in other HIR pieces, still to come. Here below I will evaluate, against a background of relevant facts, my hypothesis that the US ruling elite meant to raise the PLO's prestige in 1979, and that, in order to do this, it set the Iranian ‘hostage crisis’ in motion.


The geopolitical game of the US ruling elite in the Iranian hostage crisis

Exhibit A: The PLO’s behavior

Here is a basic question:

    What should follow the PLO’s arrogant declaration, made without first speaking to Khomeini, that the PLO will solve a hostage-taking which Khomeini has publicly endorsed, in Khomeini’s country, where Khomeini is the supreme, autocratic, and totalitarian ruler?

The answer to this question will be a ‘prediction’ and what it states will depend, naturally, on our working hypothesis. So let us consider two competing hypotheses.

The mainstream hypothesis:

Assumptions: The US ruling elite is an ally of Israel and an enemy of Islamist terrorism. The PLO is what it seems: a stateless terrorist group. And the Islamist terrorist Khomeini is also what he seems: the enemy of the US.

Relevant facts not under dispute: Khomeini is the leader of a new Islamist state, using the hostage crisis to raise his prestige in his own country and on the world stage as a supposed challenger to the United States, calling the US ‘Great Satan.’[5d] The request for PLO mediation has been made by -- of all countries -- ‘Great Satan’: the United States.

Prediction: As a consequence of the PLO’s absurd effrontery, a product of ‘Great Satan’ intervention, Khomeini will protect his prestige and rule out any role for PLO mediation.

My hypothesis:

Assumptions: The US ruling elite is an enemy of Israel. The PLO and Khomeini are both covert instruments of the US ruling elite, which is using both instruments to conduct Grand Theater on the world stage, one purpose of which is to make the PLO shine in a positive light the better to use it against Israel.

Analysis: Under these assumptions, Khomeini will have to allow the PLO to play its role and shine, despite its effrontery. Why? Because this is what the US ruling elite wants, and they call the shots. Of course, it will be necessary first to get PLO officials to tone it down a bit in public, so as not to embarrass Khomeini too much because Khomeini is playing his own role: that of defiant anti-American leader. He has to look fearless.

Prediction: After some corrective official statements by the PLO to the effect that, ahem, the PLO really can’t do anything unless Khomeini gives permission, because Khomeini is the boss, Khomeini will allow the PLO to act as mediator, letting this terrorist organization shine as supposed protector of American lives.

Of course, the above are not really predictions, because we are looking at the past, not making guesses about the future. But that matters little. What matters is which hypothesis is most consistent with the facts. Science can look forwards or backwards; what a scientist may not do is defend absurdities.

Let us now review what happened.

The day immediately after the PLO’s Zehdi Labib Terzi made his strikingly confident statements that the PLO would solve everything quickly, The New York Times reported statements from the PLO that sounded a different note:

“…PLO officials here [in Tehran], appearing somewhat embarrassed, were saying that there had been no offer of mediation. The organization’s observer at the United Nations, Zehdi Labib Terzi, had said the trip was aimed at insuring safety of the hostages. The PLO officials here appeared to be concerned that the organization not seem to be intruding itself into the situation against the wishes of the Ayatollah.

‘The PLO office in Teheran has never announced such a thing and never has anything been said about mediation,’ said Sakher Darvish, the Palestinian spokesman here. ‘This is spread by the press agencies and we completely deny the matter.’

...The PLO has said at its Beirut headquarters that the mission to Teheran was inspired by ‘humanitarian objectives.’ Officials here, however, were guarded in their comments, knowing that any mediation must have the approval of Ayatollah Khomeini.”[6]

But even as the PLO corrected its exuberance of the day before, there was no question that its profile was being raised. The same NYT article wrote that,

“The PLO appeared to be the strongest hope of negotiating the release of the hostages after Ayatollah Khomeini last night refused any meeting with former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, named by President Carter as special representative in the embassy crisis.”

The PLO: “the strongest hope,” according to The New York Times.

And then, two days later, again consistent with my hypothesis, there was the following NYT front page headline:


Consider the context. The “NEW IRAN OFFICIAL” was Abolhassan Bani-Sadr, Iran’s new foreign minister in the government that Khomeini had just appointed. The shah was the repressive right-wing US puppet whom the Khomeini movement had replaced, and he was hated in Iran. The world was told that the seizure of the US embassy and its hostages was in retaliation for the US having allowed the shah to enter the United States for medical treatment. First the students, then Khomeini, and now Khomeini’s new government were refusing to release the hostages unless the shah were turned over for trial in Iran. So what we learn above is that, though the Iranians may have been snubbing US representatives, they certainly were talking to the PLO. The headline above was saying that the Iranians were tough mothers but the PLO might be able to deal with them.

It was front page news in the New York Times that the new Foreign Minister of Iran met with the PLO.

But if you think that is amazing, consider the subtitle for the same article, written in lower case type:

“Foreign Minister Also Meets U.S. Chargé”

This was a reference to “L. Bruce Laingen, the American chargé d’affaires under guard in the [Iranian] Foreign Ministry building since the takeover of the embassy.” So, in the middle of a hostage crisis at the US embassy in Iran, The New York Times was treating the meeting of Bani-Sadr with the PLO as more important than his meeting with the highest-ranking US embassy official in Iran at the time.[8]

The same article explained that “The new [Khomeini-appointed] Foreign Minister met this morning with two officials of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Abu Walid and Hani al-Hassan, head of the PLO’s office here…Dr. Bani-Sadr was scheduled to meet with them again.” But The New York Times assured its readers that the Ayatollah Khomeini, not the PLO, called the shots in Iran, a point that apparently required clarification: “But they [the PLO] cannot make any move without approval from the Ayatollah.”

Something else that is worthy of note is the representation of the PLO in The New York Times as brave peace-seekers.

    “A PLO official said they must decide soon whether to drop the efforts. Already the leaders of Al Fatah, the main guerrilla group in the PLO, are under attack from more radical [Palestinian] organizations…”

So the most prestigious print source in the world told its readers that the PLO was taking political risks to help the hostages; the PLO, therefore, should be considered moderate, said the NYT, relative to “more radical organizations.” This is precisely the representation that was required to launch, a little over a decade later, the Oslo ‘Peace’ Process, which the US forced Israel to participate in (consult the footnote), and which brought the PLO into Israeli soil, from which position it has been much better able to murder innocent Israelis and indoctrinate the West Bank and Gaza Arabs into its ecstatic genocidal ideology.[9] So this is consistent with the hypothesis that we are looking at US-driven political theater meant, in part, to raise the prestige of the PLO in order to attack Israel -- so long as we assume, that is, that the New York Times does the bidding of the US ruling elite, as HIR has repeatedly argued.[9a]

On November 17th, a NYT headline announced:

“IRAN SAID TO PLEDGE HOSTAGE PROTECTION; P.L.O. Reported to Get Assurance During Endeavors in Teheran on Behalf of Americans.”[10]

The body of the article explained:

“BEIRUT, Lebanon, Nov. 15 -- Iranian officials told the Palestine Liberation Organization that they would protect the lives of the Americans and others being held hostage at the United States Embassy in Teheran, Arab officials close to the Palestinians said here today.

The assurances were said to have been made by telephone to Yasir Arafat, the guerilla leader, after his representative visited Teheran last week…

…Palestinian leaders now believe that outside diplomatic endeavors have no chance of success for the time being. But they keep open the possibility that the PLO may step in again at a later stage.

Abolhassan Bani-Sadr, Iran’s director of foreign policy, is understood to have told [PLO official] Abu Walid…that the Iranians would call in the PLO if they decided to free the hostages.”

So, readers of The New York Times were told that the PLO had secured the safety of the hostages, and might yet free them. Again, this is consistent with my hypothesis. In fact, the PLO swaggered so mightily at this time that it allowed itself to insult the United States publicly in the middle of its mediation process, explaining that it was not acting impartially but taking Khomeini's side, which the US, by the way, took sitting down.[10a]

One week later The New York Times carried another headline that made the PLO the center of everything:

“PLO HINTS AT SHIFT IN IRANIAN DEMANDS: Aide Says US Hostages Might Be Freed if Shah Is Returned, but Captors Press Demands”[11]

The body of the article explained that the demand was no longer for the Shah to be handed over to the Iranians for trial, but merely that he leave the US.[11a] Apparently, the Ayatollah Khomeini was not as tough as he seemed. But the PLO evidently was very powerful:

“Reporters reminded [PLO spokesman Mahmoud] Labadi that the Iranian students holding the hostages threatened to kill them if the United States let the Shah go anyplace but Iran. ‘That is not true,’ he said. ‘If the Shah is sent to Mexico there would be no problem…’”

Amazing. Total confidence was back: the PLO had become the de facto Foreign Ministry of Iran, speaking for its government. In that capacity, as the same article reported, the PLO organized an Iranian delegation and arranged meetings for them with the representatives of various Arab governments.[11b]

Many months later, escaped Iranian officials declared that the PLO had in fact been behind the whole thing from the beginning:

“On Oct. 12, 1979, a senior P.L.O. delegation, including Abu Jihad, Abu Walid (who is in charge of ''special operations'') and Col. Husni Ghazi al-Hussein, arrived in Teheran. Iranian officials who have fled the country claim that this P.L.O. team, in a series of meetings with Iranian revolutionary leaders arranged by Abu Hassan, proposed the assault on the United States Embassy that took place on Nov. 4. It is impossible to prove or disprove this report in the absence of further details. But Western European intelligence sources report that Abu Hassan was one of the counselors who urged Khomeini to reject any prompt resolution of the embassy occupation, and that the original assault force included several Iranians who had been trained at Palestinian camps in Lebanon.”[11c]

What happened, in the end?

The shah was not turned over to Iran, but instead spent time in Egypt, Morocco, Bahamas, and Mexico. And the hostages, precisely as the PLO promised, were not killed. The US proposed buying the freedom of the hostages to the tune of $5.5 billion.[12] On 21 January 1981, the hostages were freed; they had been treated well.[13] The payment to Iran was closer to $8 billion -- it was called the “largest private financial transfer in history,” and it came in very handy for Iran’s war with Iraq, which raged since September 1980.[13a]

    [Iran used the money to buy US weapons, which the US sent secretly throughout the Iran-Iraq war. When exposed, this was called the ‘Iran-gate’ scandal (or the Iran half of the ‘Iran-Contra’ scandal, because Ronald Reagan was simultaneously training the Contra terrorists who murdered innocent peasants in Nicaragua). But that's another story, to be told in a forthcoming piece.]

By the time the hostages were released, the PLO was keeping itself out of this particular spotlight because the Arab states had taken Iraq’s side against Iran in the Iran-Iraq war, and the PLO couldn’t afford to be opposing the entire Arab world (Iraq had an Arab ruling elite, and the Iranians are not Arabs). Still, the PLO got to shine quite a bit, dressed up as a positive diplomatic force on the world stage.

The behavior of the PLO, then, is consistent with my hypothesis. And so is the behavior of the president of the United States, to which I now turn.

Exhibit B: Jimmy Carter’s behavior

As you may recall, the officially given reason for allowing the exiled Iranian shah into the US had been that he needed medical treatment. According to Khomeini, admitting the shah had been the trigger for taking the US embassy hostage, and he was promising not to release the hostages unless the shah were turned over by the United States for trial in Iran. But had the US really admitted the shah for medical reasons? On 21 March 1980, a NYT editorial proposed instead that “The [shah’s] medical emergency may have been a convenient pretext.”[14]

Why this suggestion?

The New York Times was addressing a question that many people had to be turning over in their minds because, obviously, “President Carter did know that to admit the Shah would run at least a diplomatic risk.” In fact, “[Carter] was warned that admitting the Shah might jeopardize the [US] embassy.” And yet despite all this Jimmy Carter allowed the deposed Iranian dictator into the United States. This provided quite a bit of fodder for speculation, because the shah, after all, was universally reviled. If admitting him into the United States carried a significant probability of losing the US embassy in Tehran to an armed mob, Carter obviously should have left him outside, whether or not the shah needed US medical treatment.

It turns out, however, that the shah didn't even need US medical treatment. As the NYT piece explained, “[David] Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger had made the Shah a symbol of American constancy,” and David Rockefeller, who was a personal friend of the shah, “favored the Shah’s permanent residence in the United States as the least that should be done for a former ally.” So it is more than a little suspicious that “The Shah’s condition was diagnosed mainly by a single doctor engaged by David Rockefeller.” This doctor must have been less than honest because there was, apparently, no medical emergency requiring a US hospital: “[The shah’s] health did not require him to come to the United States after all...there is no special magic to the hospitals in New York.”

So why did Jimmy Carter let the shah in?

After pointing out the problems with the official story, The New York Times proposed this alternative: that Carter's move was perhaps meant “to test Iran’s tolerance for the Shah’s permanent residence in the United States.” This is a remarkable hypothesis. Are we to believe that Carter, despite having been warned that this might cost him the US embassy in Tehran, with 90 people in it, let the shah into the United States, anyway, just to see if something bad really would follow? The New York Times would like you to think that the people who run superpower states approach foreign policy like the child who, warned not to stick his hand into the hornet's nest, does it anyway -- to see what happens. This is absurd under any circumstances, but more so with an impending US presidential election, and Carter running for a second term, as was the case.

One does not resolve an apparent absurdity by proposing a bigger one.

My hypothesis says that Khomeini belonged to the US ruling elite, and that Jimmy Carter needed to produce the appearance of a provocation so that Khomeini could seize the US embassy in Tehran. The point? To get the Grand Theater rolling. And why? Because Jimmy Carter wanted to raise the profile of both Khomeini and the PLO, his clients. Losing the US election was neither here nor there for Carter -- it was part of the US ruling elite's Grand Theater (Reagan's policies towards the PLO and towards Iran were Carter's[14a]).

Is this absurd?

Not if it agrees with the evidence. A forthcoming HIR piece will examine US policy towards Iraq and Iran, and the relationship of the Ayatollah Khomeini to the US ruling elite of both parties, Democrat and Republican; here, let us focus on Jimmy Carter's pro-PLO diplomacy.

Only two years before, in 1977, Jimmy Carter had been working overtime to give the PLO the dignity of a ‘government in exile,’ as opposed to the dignity of a terrorist organization, and had been energetically pushing for the idea of a PLO state.[15]

This is what The New York Times wrote in 1977:

    “[Congress] watches, with a mixture of admiration and doubt, Jimmy Carter’s efforts to reassure the Israelis while trying to get them back to the pre-1967 borders with a new Palestinian ‘homeland’ on their flank.”[15a]

If Congress had “admiration” for the president’s Middle East diplomacy, which involved trying to force the Israelis to give up strategic territory won in a defensive war in which Israel's Arab enemies had meant to exterminate the Israeli Jews, what does this mean?[15aa] That the US government, across the board, favored an anti-Israeli policy.

And who would Carter's “Palestinian ‘homeland’” be for? Two months later, the Associated Press wrote this (my emphasis):

    “Reports in the state-controlled Egyptian news media said the Americans were suggesting that the Palestinians form a government in exile as one way of making themselves eligible for [the] Geneva [peace conference]. The argument, the reports said, was that the Palestine Liberation Organization cannot now be invited because it does not represent a state.”[15b]

If “the Americans” wanted the PLO to have the dignity of a “government in exile” so it could participate at the Geneva peace conference, then the US ruling elite was obviously trying to create a PLO state. And Jimmy Carter was passionate about this. A few days later, The New York Times wrote,

    “[US] Sec[retary] of State Vance agrees with Arab nations... [and] observes [that] US is anxious over Israeli refusal to accept 2 Arab pre-conditions to conf[erence], including relinquishment of most of the territory occupied since '67 war and acknowledgement of right for existence of some kind of Palestinian state. [He] remarks [that] if Israelis continue to refuse to make commitments before conference, Pres Carter has said that he would publicly issue peace plan.”[15c]

The PLO was murdering innocent Israeli civilians, consistent with its founding charter mandate, which openly calls for the destruction of Israel via the extermination of the Jewish people.[15d] And yet US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance was pretending that the problem was the “Israeli refusal to accept...right for existence of some kind of Palestinian state.”  But that's not the end of it. As you can see above, either the Israelis would cooperate with Jimmy Carter's effort to create a PLO state in the West Bank and Gaza, or Carter would launch the process leading to such a state without involving the Israelis: “if Israelis continue to refuse to make commitments before conference, Pres Carter has said that he would publicly issue peace plan.” The anti-Israeli stance of the United States government was simply extreme. And Carter's position is uncannily similar to the threats that George Bush Sr. delivered to the Israelis in 1991, when the US finally succeeded in getting an Israeli government to participate in the effort to create a PLO state.[15e]

The next year, in 1978, when Israel tried to defend itself from PLO attacks against its civilians, launched from PLO bases in southern Lebanon, United States President Jimmy Carter forced the Israelis to back down.[16]

The above is all consistent with my hypothesis, and makes it entirely unsurprising that Jimmy Carter should have tried to improve the PLO's image the year after, in 1979, by setting in motion the 'hostage crisis.' By contrast, the mainstream hypothesis, namely, that the United States ruling elite favors Israel, is not supported by the above mountain of relevant facts.

From this perspective, the spectacularly flawed and disastrous Delta Force operation to rescue the hostages looks like more Grand Theater, there to convince everybody that everything had been tried and now a diplomatic solution—buying the hostages to the tune of $8 billion, as it turns out—would have to be found.

But there are other facts, as well, that support my hypothesis. I turn to these next.

Exhibit C: The behavior of US Intelligence and the State Department

Just seven years before the taking of the hostages in Tehran, at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich,

“members of the Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage by the Palestinian terrorist organization Black September…the attack led directly to the deaths of 11 Israeli athletes…”[17]

According to a State Department document unearthed by historian Russ Braley, and reproduced on the web by World-Net Daily in 2002, US Intelligence knew, at least as early as 1973, that Black September was just a cover for Yasser Arafat's Al Fatah, the controlling core of the PLO.[18] Indeed, the document says: “no significant distinction now can be made between the BSO [Black September Organization] and Fatah.” The document further explains that “The collapse of Fatah’s guerrilla efforts led Fatah to clandestine terrorism against Israel and countries friendly to it.” It concludes: “Fatah leadership including Arafat now seem clearly committed to terrorism.”

The 1973 State Department document was sent to American embassies all over the world, and they were instructed as follows: “This brief should not be attributed to CIA in any way, and owing to extreme sensitivity of information it should be conveyed orally only.” So the State Department preferred that the general public not know these things about the PLO.

But why? Why was the confirmation that the PLO was responsible for the Munich massacre, and that it would henceforth focus on terrorist activity, so “sensitive” that the public shouldn’t know about it? Why was it so “sensitive” that, beyond the recipients of this document, the few who could be privy to this information should get it only as a rumor, rather than a claim officially confirmed by US Intelligence?

The mainstream hypothesis that the US government is opposed to terrorism and allied with Israel would seem to require the US to make this information public in order to embarrass the PLO, because nobody denied back then that the PLO was a terrorist organization dedicated to the destruction of Israel. If you accept the mainstream hypothesis, then, it is not merely awkward but absurd that the US State Department should have protected the PLO. And if degrees of absurdity can be contemplated, then the US State Department's behavior is radically absurd, because the PLO was guilty of murdering US diplomats -- that is to say, employees of the US State Department.

On that point, consider what else the 1973 State Department document mentioned above says:

“Question of link between Black September Organization (BSO) and Fatah has been subject of much public discussion since murder of US diplomats in Khartoum. Fatah leader Arafat has disavowed connection with BSO, and many in Arab world and elsewhere have pointed to Arafat’s disavowal as justification for continuing financial and other support for Fatah.

…Arafat continues to disavow publicly any connection between Fatah and terrorist operations. Similarly, Fatah maintains its pretense of moderation vis-à-vis the Arab governments, a pose which most of these governments find convenient for their public position toward the Palestinian cause.” [emphasis added]

Diplomats are supposed to be sacrosanct in international law, so the murder of diplomats is about as serious as a crime gets. But the US didn't want to prosecute. On the contrary, the State Department -- the employer of the US diplomats whom the PLO murdered in Khartoum -- made clear in this 1973 document that assisting the PLO’s “pretense of moderation” was vital to the United States government. It kept this information secret and assisted Arafat’s denials, it appears, to avoid inflaming the American public against the PLO, and to foster a political climate that made it possible for the Arab states to support the PLO under guise of furthering “the Palestinian cause.”

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Re: The U.S. Won't Save Israel From Iran
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2014, 10:27:02 AM »
That was 1973.

By late 1979, our year of focus, despite the State Department's efforts, the general public understood perfectly well that the PLO was in the business of killing innocent men, women, and children. This was not especially difficult given that PLO terrorism from southern Lebanon had made necessary an Israeli invasion in order to protect its civilians, as mentioned above. To get a sense for how clear it was in the public mind that the PLO was a terrorist organization, consider that in September of that year African American leaders of the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), the late Martin Luther King's organization, met with Yasser Arafat. To what end? These fools were there to destroy King’s legacy by having a hug fest with a world famous racist, heaven knows why. But political correctness required them to say that they were “ ‘appealing to the PLO to stop killing Israeli men, women and children and…urging…the PLO to recognize the right of Israel to exist,’ [SCLC chairman] Fauntroy said.”[19] In 1979, therefore, the public was not confused: it understood that the PLO was a terrorist organization.

So what happened is this: During the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979, the United States turned to a famous terrorist organization, which the US government knew since 1973 was guilty of murdering American citizens, and asked it to -- what? To go save the lives of American citizens.

Isn't this an absurdity? It certainly is under the mainstream hypothesis, which says that the US ruling elite is a friend of Israel and opposed to terrorism, and moreover, responsible to the US citizenry, members of whom the PLO had murdered. But under my hypothesis what the US ruling elite did is not absurd.

    1) Grant that the PLO cannot help but murder innocent Israelis -- it is the PLO's very purpose for existing, as explained in its founding charter.

    2) Grant that people are therefore bound to notice that the PLO is terrorist (as I've documented above).

    3) Assume that the US ruling elite took the PLO under its wing in order better to attack Israel by creating a PLO state on Israeli soil.

What follows?

    That the US ruling elite will have an interest in mobilizing a dramatic circus to clean up the PLO's international image, because without improving the PLO's image as the supposed 'relative moderates,' the creation of a PLO state will be impossible.

Under my hypothesis, what the US government did makes sense.

My analysis here supports the view that the PLO is a client organization of the US ruling elite, wielded by this elite as a weapon against Israel. For more documentation of this hypothesis, consult:

    “Is the US an Ally of Israel?: A Chronological Look at the Evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.


But. . .why does the US attack Israel? Is it for oil?

Many find appealing the hypothesis that US foreign policy in Asia is primarily driven by the US’s hunger for cheap oil. By this hypothesis, the US ruling elite provides protection, sponsorship, and legitimization to the PLO in order to attack Israel because this keeps the oil-rich Arab states happy. Even if we accept this hypothesis, the US is an enemy of Israel -- for oil, if you wish, but still an enemy.


1) It hardly follows that if the US did not support the PLO the Arab states can afford to hurt the US (the Arab states are fifth-rate powers, and the US is the greatest power in history);

2) The piece cited above, Is the US an Ally of Israel?, which documents US foreign policy towards the Jewish people and state since the 1930s until the present, documents quite a few cases of US intervention against Israel that appear entirely gratuitous from the point of view of the hypothesis that hunger for cheap oil is the principal motivator;

and, more decisively,

3) Jared Israel’s documentation and analysis on Emperor's Clothes have already refuted the hypothesis that US geostrategy in Asia is driven primarily by a hunger for cheap oil.[20] The main goal is political hegemony in Eurasia, and to this end Islamist terrorism is promoted as a way of destabilizing states that compete with the US for power.[21] Another main goal, in my view, is to speed the destruction of Israel.

Forthcoming work on HIR will defend a more plausible hypotheses to explain the animus against Israel in the US ruling elite, and the reason why the Western mass media cooperates with this anti-Israeli policy.

The next piece in this series is:

    "WHY BUSH SR.'S 1991 GULF WAR? TO PROTECT IRANIAN ISLAMISM: Like father, like son: this is also the purpose of Bush Jr.'s war"; Historical and Investigative Research; 20 December 2005; by Francisco Gil-White


Footnotes and Further Reading



Here is a brief summary of the geopolitical structure of what the US is doing right now, the better to compare it to similar geopolitical patterns in the past.

As defended in the General Introduction to this series of articles, the broad effect of Bush J'r.'s invasion-plus-withdrawal of Iraq will be to foster the growth of Islamist terrorism in Asia.[1a] More narrowly, two specific effects of Bush Jr.'s war on Iraq will be:

1) to destroy Iraq as a state, turning it instead into a messy collection of militias and Islamist terrorist groups that prey on innocent people and for which no state will publicly take responsibility; and

2) upon US withdrawal, to make Iraq a de facto province of Iran.

This is happening at the same time that Iran is renewing loud calls for the destruction of the Jewish state.[1aa] Hence, it matters that Iraq, soon to be Iran's chaotically terrorist westernmost province, almost borders Israel.

Important and powerful groups inside Lebanon and Syria also mean to destroy the Jewish state, and here too, Iran plays a role, through its support of the Lebanese Hezbollah terrorists who are also patronized by the government of Syria, a situation that US officials appear to approve of. Consider:

“...successive American administrations have been reluctant to openly push for an end to Syrian protection of Hezbollah. In fact, the United States has been unwilling even to publicly request that the Syrians end this protection. While this stems in part from the long-standing American policy of avoiding public statements which mention or suggest that Syria controls Lebanese policy decisions, it may also reflect a tendency to underestimate the degree of control that Damascus has established over Hezbollah, which is usually regarded as an Iranian proxy.”[1e]

At first blush this is all consistent with an anti-Israeli US policy, as are many other things.

Notice, for example, in the map above that Saudi Arabia is a mortal enemy of Israel which, like Iraq, is prevented from having a border with Israel only by diminutive Jordan. Saudi Arabia is also “ultimately...the largest beneficiary of U.S. weapons sales in the entire world [and] one of the most heavily armed countries in the world.”[1ab]

Remember, also, that under US pressure the ‘Israeli government’ allowed the PLO to become the sovereign in Gaza, with the Gaza-Egypt border no longer even patrolled by Israeli troops.[1c]  Though most people don’t know this, US Intelligence certainly does: PLO/Fatah is an organization descended from the WWII Final Solution against the Jews, and chartered to finish it.[1b]

Egypt is a country that in fact borders Israel in the south and which, in the past, has mobilized wars against Israel with the loudly stated objective of exterminating the Israeli Jews.[1d]

One hardly needs to be a military strategist to see that the Israeli Jews are being squeezed from all sides with their backs against the Mediterranean sea. If a military strategist were needed, however, we could turn to the Pentagon, because the Pentagon authored a study in 1967 that concluded Israel could not survive without the West Bank and Gaza Strip.[1f] (By the way, the US would like for the West Bank also to be completely in PLO hands.) So, taken together, the effects of US policy are to prepare the ground for the next great genocide of the Jewish people, which is to take place in Israel in the near future -- perhaps the very near future.

Is this what the US ruling elite wants?

We cannot exactly say they are against it, because the US ruling elite has gone rather out of its way to produce such results. And when we look back into history, we find that what happened in 1979 has a geopolitical structure identical to the current concatenation of events -- so this is no fluke. You may now appreciate why there is good reason to pay attention to 1979 when puzzling over present events.


[1] A Carnival of Crisis; New York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Nov 18, 1979. p. E18 (1 page)

[1a] "Bush Jr.'s War on Iraq: A general introduction"; Historical and Investigative Research; 1 December 2005; by Francisco Gil-White

[1aa] "the Iranian President [called] for Israel to be 'wiped off the map'..."


[1ab] The emphasis in the quotation is mine. It comes from:

    "The Arming of Saudi Arabia" Transcript of PBS FRONTLINE Show #1112; Air Date: February 16, 1993

[1b] On the Nazi roots of the PLO, read, the most complete documentation is here:

    “HOW DID THE ‘PALESTINIAN MOVEMENT’ EMERGE? The British sponsored it. Then the German Nazis, and the US.”; Historical and Investigative Research; 13 June 2006; by Francisco Gil-White.

Some of this material was originally published here:

    “Anti-Semitism, Misinformation, And The Whitewashing Of The Palestinian Leadership”; Israel National News; May 26, '03 / 24 Iyar 5763; by Francisco J. Gil-White

Concerning the PLO Charter, here are the relevant articles:

    Article 9…says that “armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine.”

    Article 15 says it is “a national duty to repulse the Zionist imperialist invasion from the great Arab homeland and to purge the Zionist presence from Palestine.”

    Article 22 declares that “the liberation of Palestine will liquidate the Zionist and imperialist presence and bring about the stabilization of peace in the Middle East.”

In other words, the PLO has always held that "the liberation of Palestine" means purging or liquidating the Jews, which of course means killing the Jews because any kind of negotiation is out of the question: “armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine.” This explains why the PLO is always killing Jews even when it says that it is negotiating for 'peace.'

The translation for the PLO Charter articles above is by:

    The Associated Press, December 15, 1998, Tuesday, AM cycle, International News, 1070 words, Clinton meets with Netanyahu, Arafat, appeals for progress, By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent, EREZ CROSSING, Gaza Strip. [Emphasis added]

[1c] "Palestinians celebrated a step toward independence from Israel on Friday with a jubilant ceremony opening the Rafah border crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, their first self-governed passage to the outside world.

The event marked a milestone in the long Palestinian-Israeli conflict by giving a Palestinian government control over an international border crossing for the first time."

SOURCE: Israelis Hand Off Gaza Crossing; Palestinians Take Control of Rafah, The Washington Post, November 26, 2005 Saturday, Final Edition, A Section; A01, 1275 words, Scott Wilson, Washington Post Foreign Service, JERUSALEM Nov. 25

[1d] Israel suffered terrorist attacks from its Arab neighbors in the period 1964-67, and when they staged a full-scale military provocation, the US refused to help; from “Is the US an Ally of Israel?: A Chronological look at the evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[1e] SOURCE: "Hezbollah: Between Tehran and Damascus"; Middle East Intelligence Bulletin; Vol. 4, No. 2; February 2002; by Gary C. Gambill and Ziad K. Abdelnour

[1f] If you would like a short analysis of the significance of the Pentagon document, visit:

For the Pentagon document itself, you have the following three options:

    1) This Pentagon document was apparently declassified in 1979 but not published until 1984. It was published by the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs:

    2) It was also published by the Journal of Palestine Studies:
    "Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense"; Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 13, No. 2. (Winter, 1984), pp. 122-126.
    This file is especially useful because it shows a map with the "minimum territory needed by Israel for defensive purposes."

    3) Finally, the Pentagon study is republished as an appendix in:
    Netanyahu, B. 2000. A durable peace: Israel and its place among the nations, 2 edition. New York: Warner Books. (APPENDIX: The Pentagon Plan, June 29, 1967; pp.433-437)

[2] Just two weeks after the Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran and took power, the New York Times reported:

    “The PLO announced today that its chairman, Yasser Arafat, had accepted an invitation to visit Teheran soon. It also said that followers of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini had seized the former Israeli diplomatic mission in Teheran, and the PLO had accepted an offer to turn it into a Palestinian embassy.

    Wafa, the Palestinian press service, reported that the Ayatollah’s forces had contacted Mr. Arafat by telephone yesterday and proclaimed their solidarity and gave their thanks.

    Palestinian sources said that Mr. Arafat’s group had sent arms to the revolutionary forces in the last four months and had trained Iranian guerillas since the early 1970s.”

SOURCE: P.L.O. Is Cool to Dayan Remarks; Statements Given Prominence; By MARVINE HOWE Special to The New York Times. New York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Feb 15, 1979. p. A12 (1 page)

[2a] “An exultant Yasir Arafat, leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, proclaimed here today that the Iranian revolution had ‘turned upside down’ the balance of forces in the Middle East.

‘Today Iran, tomorrow Palestine,’ he said.

Mr. Arafat received a pledge from Ayatollah Khomeini that the Iranians would ‘turn to the issue of victory over Israel’ after Iran had consolidated its strength, the Teheran radio reported.

…Bantering and grinning, the guerrilla leader declined to furnish details about support the PLO had given to various Iranian guerrilla organizations, saying:

‘It is enough that we are here, and no matter ho much we have helped we cannot offer as much back as the Iranian people have offered us. It is enough for us to be among the Iranian people.

Asked whether the Palestinian movement felt ‘stronger’ since the Iranian uprising, he said:

‘Definitely. It has changed completely the whole strategy and policy in this area. It has been turned upside down.’”

SOURCE: Arafat, in Iran, Reports Khomeini Pledges Aid for Victory Over Israel; Visit a Sign of Iran's Sharp Turn ARAFAT, IN TEHERAN, PRAISES THE VICTORS; By JAMES M. MARKHAM Special to The New York Times. New York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Feb 19, 1979. p. A1 (2 pages)

[2b] The PLO has always meant to destroy Israel via genocide. It is commonly believed that as a result of the Oslo 'Peace' Process the PLO abandoned its goal of destroying Israel. This is belied by the ongoing PLO murders of innocent Jews, which in fact accelerated dramatically with the Oslo Process. But to see a thorough documentation that the Oslo Process was a 'Trojan Horse', which the PLO used to be in a better position to kill Jews, read:

    In 1994 Yasser Arafat was given a Nobel Peace Prize, and the CIA trained the PLO, even though Arafat's henchmen were saying in public, this very year, that they would use their training to oppress Arabs and kill Jews; from “Is the US an Ally of Israel?: A Chronological look at the evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White

[3] P.L.O. Aides Say Group Is in Iran, But U.S. Official Expresses Doubt; P.L.O. Said to Make Contact 'Leading Figure' in Al Fatah; By ERIC PACE Special to The New York Times. New York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Nov 8, 1979. p. A10 (1 page)

[4] P.L.O. Aides Say Group Is in Iran, But U.S. Official Expresses Doubt; P.L.O. Said to Make Contact 'Leading Figure' in Al Fatah; By ERIC PACE Special to The New York Times. New York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Nov 8, 1979. p. A10 (1 page)

[5] IRAN'S CIVIL GOVERNMENT OUT; HOSTAGES FACE DEATH THREAT; OIL EXPORTS BELIEVED HALTED; STUDENTS WARN U.S. Ayatollah Instructs Secret Revolutionary Council to Form a Cabinet Council's. Membership Is Secret. Iran's Civil Regime Cedes Power to Ayatollah's Islamic Authority. 'Fight the Americans'. Brzezinski Called 'American Wolf'; By JOHN KIFNER Special to The New York Times. New York Times (1857. Nov 7, 1979. p. A1 (2 pages).

[5b] “Is the US an Ally of Israel?: A Chronological look at the evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.


[5d] “Taking their cue from Ayatollah Khomeini, who excoriated the United States as ‘the Great Satan which gathers the other Satans around it,’ demonstrators outside the [US] embassy walls chanted ‘Khomeini fights, Americans tremble.’”

SOURCE: Held Hostage in Iran--60 Americans; New York Times (1857-Current file); Nov 11, 1979; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times (1851 - 2002); pg. E1.

[6] IRANIANS BAR HOSTAGE TALKS, REPEATING DEMANDS FOR SHAH; U.S. LETS ENVOY CONSULT P.L.O.; PALESTINIANS ARRIVE Guerrilla Aides in Teheran, but Hope of Mediation Is Believed to Fade U.S. Envoy Reported Arrested Iran Dims Outlook for P.L.O. Role In Freeing U.S. Embassy Hostages Liaison Between Iran and P.L.O. Students Find a Document New Government Was Forecast Shah's Renunciation Proposed Students Parade an American; By JOHN KIFNER Special to The New York Times. New York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Nov 9, 1979. p. A1 (2 pages)

[7] NEW IRAN OFFICIAL REAFFIRMS DEMANDS U.S. TURN OVER SHAH; BUT CONFERS WITH P.L.O. AIDES Foreign Minister Also Meets U.S. Charge--4 Diplomats Report Hostages Well but Tired Bani-Sadr Meets Palestinians New Iranian Official Reaffirms Demands That U.S. Turn Over the Shah 'Petition' by Hostages Cited 'Set an Example for All Nations'; By JOHN KIFNER Special to The New York Times. New York Times (1857. Nov 11, 1979. p. 1 (2 pages)

[8] For a definition of a Chargé D'Affaires, see:'affaires

[9] In 1991, Bush Sr.'s administration forced Israel to participate in the Oslo process, which brought the PLO into the West Bank and Gaza; “Is the US an Ally of Israel?: A Chronological look at the evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[9a] "DID THE NATIONAL SECURITY ACT OF 1947 DESTROY FREEDOM OF THE PRESS?: The red pill..."; Historical and Investigative Research; 3 January 2006; by Francisco Gil-White

[10] IRAN SAID TO PLEDGE HOSTAGE PROTECTION; P.L.O. Reported to Get Assurance During Endeavors in Teheran on Behalf of Americans. By HENRY TANNER Special to The New York Times. New York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Nov 16, 1979. p. A17 (1 page)

[10a] Since it had been a US congressman who had asked the PLO to get involved, the excerpt below makes clear that the PLO could also afford publicly to insult the United States. How did the US take this? Sitting down.

    “Ayatollah Khomeini has made Palestinian statehood a high-priority point in foreign policy, PLO officials say with gratitude. His rise to power thus strengthened the Palestinians. Anything that might weaken him or drive him into isolation could only be bad for the Palestinians, they add.

    Against this background, Mr. Arafat has felt it necessary to emphasize that the PLO stands ‘at Khomeini’s side’ and that he had never any thought of becoming an impartial mediator standing at an equal distance from Teheran and Washington.

    Today, in another effort to get this idea across to Mr. Arafat’s own supporters, the PLO leadership issued a communiqué sharply criticizing American and allied naval maneuvers ‘near Iranian territorial waters’ and calling President Carter’s decision to freeze Iran’s assets dangerous and illegal.”

SOURCE: IRAN SAID TO PLEDGE HOSTAGE PROTECTION; P.L.O. Reported to Get Assurance During Endeavors in Teheran on Behalf of Americans. By HENRY TANNER Special to The New York Times. New York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Nov 16, 1979. p. A17 (1 page)

[11]  P.L.O. HINTS AT SHIFT IN IRANIAN DEMANDS; Aide Says U.S. Hostages Might Be Freed if Shah Is Returned, but Captors Press Demands; Special to The New York Times. New York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Nov 23, 1979. p. A18 (1 page)

[11a] “TUNIS, Nov. 22 – A spokesman for the Palestine Liberation Organization [Mahmoud Labadi] hinted today at a softening in the stand of the militant Islamic regime of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini by saying that the hostages being held in the American Embassy in Teheran would probably be released if the deposed Shah left the United States.”

SOURCE: P.L.O. HINTS AT SHIFT IN IRANIAN DEMANDS; Aide Says U.S. Hostages Might Be Freed if Shah Is Returned, but Captors Press Demands; Special to The New York Times. New York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Nov 23, 1979. p. A18 (1 page)

[11b] “The PLO has been sponsoring a three-man delegation that came to Tunis to ask the Arab heads of state or representatives to back their confrontation with the United States. The Iranian delegation was rebuffed by the summit conference but managed to arrange meetings with Mr. Arafat, President Hafez al-Assad of Syria Prime Minister Salim Hoss of Lebanon and Foreign Minister Ali Abdel Salam al-Turayki of Libya.”

SOURCE: P.L.O. HINTS AT SHIFT IN IRANIAN DEMANDS; Aide Says U.S. Hostages Might Be Freed if Shah Is Returned, but Captors Press Demands; Special to The New York Times. New York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Nov 23, 1979. p. A18 (1 page)

[11c] “TERROR: A SOVIET EXPORT”; New York Times. (Late Edition (East Coast)). New York, N.Y.: Nov 2, 1980. pg. A.42; by Robert Moss

[12] U.S. PROMISES IRAN $5.5 BILLION ON DAY HOSTAGES ARE FREED; ASSETS ARE PUT AT $9.5 BILLION In All, 70 Percent Would Be Made Available Within a few Days of Americans' Release; By BERNARD GWERTZMAN Special to The New York Times. New York Times (1857. Jan 11, 1981. p. 1 (2 pages)

[13] 'ALIVE, WELL AND FREE'; Captives Taken to Algiers and Then Germany-- Final Pact Complex Transferred to U.S. Custody 52 Hostages Fly to Freedom, Ending Long Ordeal in Iran Negotiations Were Intense Drama Seized World's Attention Americans Examined by Doctors; By BERNARD GWERTZMAN Special to The New York Times. New York Times (1857-Current. Jan 21, 1981. p. A1 (2 pages).

[13a] "Largest Private Financial Transfer in History"; New York Times; Jan 25, 1981; by STEVEN RATTNER; pg. E3

[14] Was the Shah's Trip Necessary?; New York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Mar 21, 1980. p. A26 (1 page).

[14a] To see how friendly Reagan's policies towards the PLO were, consult the years 1981, 1982-83, and 1985 in the following documentation:

    “Is the US an Ally of Israel?: A Chronological Look at the Evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

Reagan's policies towards Iran were also extremely friendly: he armed Iran to the teeth, secretly selling the Iranians billions of dollars in military equipment every year for the duration of the Iran-Iraq war. This topic is covered in the following piece:

    "WHY BUSH SR.'S 1991 GULF WAR? TO PROTECT IRANIAN ISLAMISM: Like father, like son: this is also the purpose of Bush Jr.'s war"; Historical and Investigative Research; 20 December 2005; by Francisco Gil-White

[15]  In 1977 Jimmy Carter worked hard to give the terrorist PLO the dignity of a 'government in exile'; “Is the US an Ally of Israel?: A Chronological Look at the Evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[15a] Source: The Policy Of Confusion, By James Reston; New York Times (1857-Current file); May 13, 1977; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times (1851 - 2001); pg. 20

[15aa] In 1967, after the Six-Day War, the US put pressure on Israel to relinquish the territory gained, even though it knew it was indispensable to Israeli defense; “Is the US an Ally of Israel?: A Chronological Look at the Evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[15b] The Associated Press, August 2, 1977, AM cycle, 911 words, By BARRY SCHWEID, Associated Press Writer, ALEXANDRIA, Egypt

[15c]  The New York Times Company: Abstracts; Information Bank Abstracts; New York Times; August 8, 1977, Monday; Section: Page 1, Column 4; Length: 147 Words; Byline: By Bernard Gwertzman; Journal-Code:  Nyt; Abstract.

[15d] The following articles from the PLO Charter were translated by the Associated Press and published in the following piece: The Associated Press, December 15, 1998, Tuesday, AM cycle, International News, 1070 words, Clinton meets with Netanyahu, Arafat, appeals for progress, By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent, EREZ CROSSING, Gaza Strip. [Emphasis added]

    Article 9…says that “armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine.”

    Article 15 says it is “a national duty to repulse the Zionist imperialist invasion from the great Arab homeland and to purge the Zionist presence from Palestine.”

    Article 22 declares that “the liberation of Palestine will liquidate the Zionist and imperialist presence and bring about the stabilization of peace in the Middle East.”

This is clear.

If armed struggle is the only way to “liberate Palestine,” then the PLO is committed to killing Jews -- any appearance of negotiation will merely be a ploy to secure a better position from which to kill more Jews. The outcome of the Oslo 'Peace' Process has been perfectly consistent with this analysis.

The language of purging and liquidating, evoking the way that the German Nazis also spoke about the Jews, who are here rendered as “the Zionist presence,” is more than suggestive that the PLO means to exterminate the Israeli Jews.

Al Fatah, the controlling core of the PLO, was grandfathered by Hajj Amin al Husseini, a leader of Adolf Hitler's extermination program against the European Jews, who played a leading role in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Jews (and also Serbs and Roma) in Yugoslavia and Hungary. This Hajj Amin had agreed with Hitler that if the German armies conquered British Mandate Palestine Hajj Amin himself would take charge of the extermination of the Jews there. So the case is closed.

If you wish to read about the Nazi history of the PLO, you will find the most complete documentation here:

    “HOW DID THE ‘PALESTINIAN MOVEMENT’ EMERGE? The British sponsored it. Then the German Nazis, and the US.”; Historical and Investigative Research; 13 June 2006; by Francisco Gil-White.

Some of this material was originally published here:

    “Anti-Semitism, Misinformation, And The Whitewashing Of The Palestinian Leadership”; Israel National News; May 26, '03 / 24 Iyar 5763; by Francisco J. Gil-White

[15e] Bush Sr.'s administration forced Israel to participate in the Oslo process, which brought the PLO into the West Bank and Gaza. "Is the US an Ally of Israel?: A Chronological Look at the Evidence; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.

[16]  “In June 1978, Prime Minister [Menachem] Begin, under intense American pressure, withdrew Israel's Litani River Operation forces from southern Lebanon… The withdrawal of Israeli troops without having removed the PLO from its bases in southern Lebanon became a major embarrassment to the Begin government…”

    SOURCE: “Israel 1967-1991; Lebanon 1982”; Palestine Facts.

Keep in mind that the US invaded Panama on the official grounds that one American soldier had been killed. But when scores of Israeli civilians were being murdered by the PLO terrorists, the US would not allow Israel to protect itself.

[17] Munich massacre; From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

[18] WND Exclusive: “New evidence Arafat killed U.S. diplomats: Nixon historian finds CIA report on Fatah link to 1973 murders”; World Net Daily; March 18, 2002; 1:00 a.m. Eastern; By Joseph Farah.

The State Department document that WND cites is in three pages, and you may view them here:

1) 1973 State Department Telegram; PAGE ONE
2) 1973 State Department Telegram; PAGE TWO
3) 1973 State Department Telegram; PAGE THREE

[19] PLO to Continue Attacks, Arafat Tells SCLC Group, The Washington Post, September 21, 1979, Friday, Final Edition Correction Appended, First Section; A23, 560 words, From News Services, BEIRUT, Sept. 20, 1979

[20] "The Empire Isn't In Afghanistan For The Oil!"; Emperor's Clothes; 17 May 2002; by Jared Israel.

"The Great Afghan Oil Pipeline Disaster: Comic Relief For a War-Torn World"; Emperor's Clothes; 6 March 2003; by Jared Israel

"Two News Reports on Supposed Oil Pipeline"; Emperor's Clothes; 6 March 2003

"Emperor's Clothes Interviews UNOCAL OIL"; Emperor's Clothes; 9 July 2002; Interviewer: Jared Israel; Interviewee: Barry Lane, UNOCAL's manager for public relations.

[21] To read Jared Israel's articles on the promotion of Islamist terrorism in Asia, and its likely motives, visit: