Watching one of Chaim's Hebrew videos ("The Left's Obsession with JTF") tonight I began to understand the Left.
You know when you're arguing with someone. They hold onto their opinion so dearly. Then you start bringing out facts to the contrary. They can't take it. They don't listen. They'll curse you, ignore you-whatever it takes to shut you up because it's almost like you're killing them They feel their whole self collapsing in the face of the truth.
This is the Left in Israel when they start hearing from us.
Their whole lives revolve around a lie. They pride themselves in knowing better than the Torah and believing that Judaism is outdate and stupid. They try to pretend that Judasim nothing more than a culture and a language. No mitzvot. No Divine mandate. Just be like everyone else and do whatever your heart desires.
When Chaim speaks the truth. They go nuts. They feel their whole being, their ego, everything they believe in crumbling.
Because if the Torah is right-they're lives are all wrong.
If Israel survives-it means G-d is in the picture. It means the Jews have a special mission. It means we're here for a purpose.
This they cannot bear.
They'd sooner support the Arabs and destroy Israel if it will prove that Torah and the unique mission of the Jewish people is a lie.
In fact their obsessed with destroying Israel, to try to erase any trace of why they are here in this world.
With Israel gone they can go back to pretending they're just like everybody else.
They are not insane. They know deep down what their policies will lead to. And they want it.
Sometimes when a person belives in something so strongly-it becomes even more important than their own life.
They would sooner get killed and get their Jewish brothers and sisters killed (R"LZT) than admit that their whole lives are a lie.
This is evil. And it must be stopped.