Author Topic: Sarah Palin predicted Russia would invade Ukraine and was mocked about it.  (Read 916 times)

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Sarah Palin Totally Predicted the Ukraine Situation
The Atlantic Wire By Philip Bump

Sarah Palin, who is "usually not one to Told-Ya-So," is on social media this afternoon to remind the world that she predicted that Obama would let Russia invade the Ukraine. About that:

She sort of predicted what's happening now.
She is usually one to Told-Ya-So.
At Facebook, Palin makes her case.

Yes, I could see this one from Alaska. I'm usually not one to Told-Ya-So, but I did, despite my accurate prediction being derided as “an extremely far-fetched scenario” by the “high-brow” Foreign Policy magazine. Here’s what this “stupid” “insipid woman” predicted back in 2008: "After the Russian Army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama's reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence, the kind of response that would only encourage Russia's Putin to invade Ukraine next."

Then she links to two posts which are basically the same, including one at Breitbart that's getting a lot of attention. That site's Tony Lee also dismisses then-Foreign Policy writer Blake Hounshell's critique of Palin's claims as a "far-fetched scenario."

In fact, Palin makes four claims about crises that would result from the election of Barack Obama (which was about two weeks away from the moment that Palin was speaking).

That Obama will sit down with the world's worst dictators without conditions, and meet with Iranians.
Invading the sovereign territory of Pakistan.

Opposed the surge in Iraq, and wants to pull troops out which would just mean that troops would have to go back in.
That Putin might invade Ukraine after Georgia, as above.

So some of these things did happen! Administration officials sat down with Iran and worked out a temporary agreement to curb the refinement of uranium. The United States violated Pakistan's sovereign territory without its knowledge — to kill Osama bin Laden. And he is drawing down troops in Iraq. Whether or not you think that all of these things resulted in "crises," in Palin's evocative terminology, is up to you.

But it doesn't really seem like she deserves credit for the Ukraine thing. For one thing, calling what's happening at the moment an "invasion" is overly strong, though Ukraine is certainly alarmed at the seizure of an airport in the Crimea region. (The BBC has a good explainer of what's happening.) It is certainly not comparable to the 2008 situation in Georgia — so far — though Palin's 2008 running mate Sen. John McCain used the same language in an interview with Time that he used then: "We are all Ukrainians."

It's also been six years, during which Putin left and then reassumed the position of president and during which tensions in Ukraine also evolved and changed. As Hounshell pointed out in 2008, Russia didn't need to invade because it controlled the government in Kiev. Once that destabilized (dramatically), the situation changed, as did the urgency for Putin. Palin argued that Putin would consider Obama weak and invade as he did in Georgia (underrrr George W. Bush). If he hasn't and doesn't, what does that say about Palin's prediction?

Palin's gotten a lot of mileage out of her 2008 predictions, cherry-picking ones that sound right or close to right in the intervening years as evidence of her foresight. In August, I looked at several such cherries, including a prediction about Fannie and Freddie (Told-Ya-So!), Jeremiah Wright (Told-Ya-So!), and death panels (Told-Ya-So!). She wasn't "right" about those either.

But tell it to the commenters at Breitbart.

Offline Dan193

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Remember his last Ultimatum to Syria? They laughed in his face because he didn't back up his mouth, and Putin knows this, as does every non liberal/democrat.

Offline Dan193

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Obama and Kerry are so used to Netanyahu and Livni giving into their demands that they were shocked that Putin defied them

Offline syyuge

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Russia will invade Ukraine only in case if the Russian speaking people are in danger therein.
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Offline syyuge

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Kerry Denounces Russian 'Act of Aggression', Warns of Trade Freeze:

Secretary of State John Kerry denounced the Russian movement of troops into Ukraine Sunday as “an act of aggression” and accused President Vladimir Putin of “possibly trying to annex Crimea.”

“He's going to lose on the international stage, Russia is going to lose, the Russian people are going to lose, and he's going to lose all of the glow that came out of the Olympics, his $60 billion extravaganza,” Kerry said on NBC’s Meet the Press.

He warned that Russia will suffer a loss of trade and investment if Putin does not reverse course.

Russia has “major investment and trade needs” which are bound to suffer if Russian troops don’t leave Ukraine, he said. “There’s a unified view by all of the foreign ministers I talked with yesterday – all of the G-8 and more -- that they’re simply going to isolate Russia; that they’re not going to engage with Russia in a normal business-as-usual manner…. The ruble is already going down and feeling the impact of this,” he said.

He also warned that “there could even be ultimately asset freezes,” but did not specify how long it would take for foreign governments and banking authorities to freeze Russian assets held abroad.

He also threatened bans on issuing visas to Russians seeking to travel to Europe, the United States and other countries.

Kerry did not specifically address the dependence of European countries on natural gas that Russia exports to them and whether that trade might be interrupted by the crisis over Ukraine.

“It’s really 19th century behavior in the twenty-first century,” Kerry said of Putin ordering Russian military forces to move into Ukraine.

“You just don’t invade another country on phony pretexts in order to assert your interests,” he said.

“There are plenty of ways to protect Russian-speaking people in Crimea,” he said, adding that President Barack Obama had offered U.S. mediation between Russia and Ukraine in his 90-mnutes phone call with Putin on Saturday. Kerry said in a written statement Sunday that the United States does “respect Russia's ties to Ukraine and its concerns about treatment of ethnic Russians.”

Ukraine mobilized its military forces Sunday after Putin declared Russia had a right to invade. The Russian incursion into the Ukrainian province of Crimea, the peninsula where Russia leases a naval base, came after repeated warnings from Obama and officials in his administration to not use military force.


Britain Adds to Russia G8 Pressure

Britain will suspend its participation in preparations for a G8 meeting in Sochi after Russia violated Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, British Foreign Minister William Hague said on Sunday.

The United States has already said it will not take part in the meetings, and a source in President Francois Hollande's office said France has also pulled out.

Western countries are scrambling to respond to developments in Ukraine's Crimea, where Putin has claimed the authority to send Russian troops in the biggest confrontation between Moscow and the West since the Cold War.

"The United Kingdom will join other G8 countries this week in suspending our co-operation under the G8, which Russia chairs this year, including ... meetings this week for the preparation of the G8 summit," Hague told media before boarding a flight to Kiev to meet with the pro-Western government that took power when Russian ally Viktor Yanukovich fled last week.

Hague said Russia would have to "think hard" about the united diplomatic and peaceful international response to its actions and said he hoped direct communication between Ukraine and Russia would be able to take place.

"We call on both sides to ensure that there can be a reduction in tensions and the avoidance of conflict," he said.

Canada said Saturday that it was recalling its ambassador to Moscow and pulling out of preparations for the summit.
— Reuters
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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For one thing, calling what's happening at the moment an "invasion" is overly strong, though Ukraine is certainly alarmed at the seizure of an airport in the Crimea region. (The BBC has a good explainer of what's happening.)

The left never ceases to amaze.  If Israel had seized even a single seaport in Gaza, they'd be calling it a carpet bombing invasion scenario.  But to protect Obama, Russia didn't invade Ukraine.  It's not an invasion and not a war, just an incident.   Amazing!

Offline Joe Gutfeld

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This proves that the great Sarah Palin is not as dumb as the liberal media says she is.