Howdy (Hello) YA'LL (You all) I just can not understand, people (spell check) anymore I try to get the message out for Jewish self defense and I get hmmm the best word yes ?
Ruthlessly and openly attacked and have even been threatened by those who claim to be our fellow Jews! What part of NY, CA, CO, RI, NJ and CT fascist Gun control laws that are now becoming GESTAPO STYLE JACKBOOT CONFISCATION laws don't these arrogant people understand? They mock me, they abuse me, they reject me, as if I am not in some elite private golf membership. I am working on my English and proper grammar with type words and I discovered this spell check that helps. Yep (yes) some old dogs can learn new tricks

Mean the while in Ukraine Neo Nazi groups are nowin positions of power and if you watch the trash web pages I scan it is getting American Neo Nazi's all stirred up.