Most nazis are sick in the head, they are pathetically sinful and attempt to put on a show to confuse others. They are sociopathic and dangerous...
Look at this scumbag, for instance.. He was caught in the 1980s with a black male prostitute...
The white supremacist accused of shooting to death three people outside Jewish centers in Overland Park was caught in the mid-1980s in a car with a black male prostitute dressed as a woman, a former federal prosecutor said Thursday.
Police in Raleigh, N.C., wrote an incident report after finding F. Glenn Miller Jr. in the car, said Douglas McCullough, who in 1987 prosecuted Miller on charges of possessing hand grenades and mailing a threatening communication.
“It was a male prostitute in a vehicle, and it was a Raleigh Police Department incident report,” said McCullough, now a judge on the North Carolina Court of Appeals. He told The Star that the details in the report were “salacious” and that the male prostitute was known to police.
“I don’t know if they actually took him into custody or just did an incident report about it because the police knew who he was,” McCullough said. “But I’m quite sure it was never prosecuted or anything like that.”
McCullough said he and other federal authorities learned of the incident as they were investigating Miller in 1987. He said that was the only case involving a possible sex crime that authorities heard of in connection with Miller.
“That is the only incident that I was aware of, was this one-time incident,” McCulllough said. “I’m sure he won’t be happy that all of that is being dredged back up again now.”
Miller, 73, who also goes by Frazier Glenn Cross, Jr., was arrested April 13 outside a school near the Jewish Community Center in Overland Park. He is accused of killing a doctor, his teenage grandson and a mother of three outside the community center and the nearby Village Shalom senior living center.
The federal case against Miller began when he and two comrades were arrested in a trailer in Ozark, Mo., after mailing a “Declaration of War.” The document, among other things, established a point system for the assassination of federal officials, blacks, Jews, gays and others.
In the trailer, authorities found a large cache of weapons and explosives. Miller cut a deal with prosecutors, agreeing to cooperate fully with a federal investigation into the existence of a seditious conspiracy of white supremacists plotting to overthrow the government. In return, prosecutors recommended that the court sentence Miller to five years in prison. The judge followed their recommendation, and Miller was released in 1990 after serving less than three years.
McCullough, who sat in on interviews with Miller in 1987 after his arrest in Missouri, said the incident with the prostitute was surprising because of Miller’s venomous and public hatred of blacks and Jews.
McCullough said he knew of no public record of the incident.
But ABC News reported Thursday that in a recorded phone call with the Southern Poverty Law Center last fall, Miller said he had lured the prostitute to the meeting with the intention of beating him.
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