Author Topic: The old nazi murderer quoted maxie Blumenthal on the nazi site  (Read 526 times)

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Default Israel Forming Super PAC to Attack Paul & Obama
This is some big dookee, yaw'll.

Jew journalist Max Blumenthal exposes and explains this attempt by a foreign government Israel, to buy the presidential election for the neo-con, war-mongering republican establishment.

Like I've been saying, the kikes simply do not trust a lame-duck black president with the name Hussein. Jews fear his re-election, thus this jewish Super PAC to defeat him.


1) Will Ron Paul and his close supporters fight back against this alien super-PAC by telling the truth about jew power in the U.S. ?? It's insightful and somewhat assuring that the above video news report was posted on

2) How will Hussein and his 45 million black supporters and the tens of millions of other liberals and anti-war Americans react to this jewish attack on their president and commander in chief ??

3) How will the democrat establishment react, and the so-called liberal media ??

4) Does this signal a huge split among jews, and if so how big is the split ??

Like Dr Pierce once said, "the jews have a tiger by the tail, and they dare not turn loose."

It sure looks to me like their grip is slipping.

Sieg Heil !!!
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Last edited by Rounder; January 14th, 2012 at 05:40 PM.
Old January 14th, 2012      #2
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I googled "news", then "Israel super PAC against Obama and Ron Paul" but got very little from MSM. It looks like most internet reports are coming from Ron Paul sites.

No way can MSM cover this [censored] up - not millions in TV, radio, and newspaper ads attacking a sitting president and the GOP's #2 candidate. So what spin will they put on it ?? Will O'Reilly, Hannity, and Limbaugh as well as the Obama liberals ignore it ??

Will Obama and Paul get on their knees and grovel for kike forgiveness ??

Where, oh where, are the forums VIPs who usually jump to tell us what to think about everything. . . . .after the fact, that is, like Monday morning quarterbacks.
“To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize” —–Voltaire

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Old January 14th, 2012      #3
Craig Cobb
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