Chaim, I apologize if I upset him for no reason.
Don't worry about it, Ephraim. You had good reason to be suspicious. Almost everything he was promoting here has been declared illegal both in the United States and Israel. Why would he come on our forum and start advocating things that are questionable at the very least?
While we strongly disagree with the decision to outlaw the Kach movement in the U.S. and Israel, the movement nevertheless was declared illegal. He came here selling pins for Kach. That is legally questionable.
He then started selling items openly promoting Tag Mechir, which is an underground organization of brave Jews in Israel. We don't condemn Tag Mechir and the law does not and cannot require us to condemn them. But to actually applaud their activities and promote them is very questionable from a legal standpoint.
We take controversial stands but all of our actions are law-abiding. We cannot and will not allow someone to come here and create legal problems for our movement or our members.
We would never inform on our fellow Jews, G-d forbid, but that doesn't mean we have to let them remain on our forum. We are obligated to protect our members.