Who is the coward behind the keyboard, I and I am sure others would like to meet him face to face and have him make all his bold insults while he is looking right at us.. He is probably some young cowardly Arab sand rat ped0file who himself probably was molested when he was kid by his hairy, smelly, foul-breathed Arab uncle and now is taking all his aggression out on the Jews..
If it wasn't for Western Powers, the EU/American democrats/Russia, etc you degenerate sister-raping/inbred sand rats would be used as fertilizer for our banana and mango plantations. The only thing that protects Arab sand rats is that they have the UN/EU to run to every time they get their pathetic cowardly a**es kicked.. Another brave Arab warrior hiding behind his keyboard, making one post before he makes his quick escape.
What can you expect from somebody who's mother is also his sister!

Think I found a picture of the guy on the far right.

Ugly sand rats!