I really can't find any sources for why halal is that bad. Do they not use a sharp enough knife when they do halal slaughter?
1. Most importantly, since it's spiritual, they say the name of their idol over it
2. There are no laws other than say the name, and cut the neck
2.a. There are no laws about the knife, so you can have these guys sawing a cow for 10 seconds before they get the full cut
2.b. There are no laws about the workers, so anyone with no experience can start right away, and make a million mistakes, no problem
2.c. " about the suffering of animals, so you can break the cows legs if it refuses to move, you can let it see other animals die, it can be a KFC chicken with a cut-off beak that lives in a tube, you can not cut quickly or completely and you can do whatever you want
2.d. " about cleanliness, so you can have the filthiest place ever filled with roaches crawling on the meat, and no problem
2.e. " about diseases, so the animal can have lesions, serious ilnesses and problems with the organs, and no problem
3. It gives money to muslims
4. It makes muslims want to live in that area