Peres is the archetypal Machiaveillian schemer, underminer and saboteur, and his nefarious career is FAR from finished, even as he retires to his evil Peres Peace Institute.
Indeed, Peres' career
may be only just beginning!
Like Kissinger and many other ancient NWO operatives, at 91 Peres is in perfect health due to regular blood changes at a secret Swiss anti-ageing clinic, and is good for another
10 or even 20 more years of evil-doing.

Already back in 1957 then Israeli Prime Minister Moshe Sharett said: "I have stated that I totally and utterly reject Peres, and consider his rise to prominence a malignant, immoral disgrace. I will rend my clothes in mourning for the State if I see him become a minister in the Israeli government!". Yitzhak Rabin's autobiography "Service Record" expressed similar sentiments.
Peres is a key operative of the European Faction of the New World Order, he is in cahoots with the Vatican to divvy up Jerusalem, his Judaism is an antinomian form of Neo-Sabbateanism and he pronounces the Tetragrammaton as it is written.
'Peres' means 'vulture' in Hebrew and in 1994, American Chabad scholar Rabbi Isser Zalman Weisberg gave a lecture stating that 'Peres' has the gematria (numerical value) of 340 - the same as that of 'Armalgus' - the Anti-Messiah and leader of the Mixed Multitude of Jewish Apocalyptic tradition, and that it is to be found in the computer Torah codes in particularly ominous verses.
Peres (nee Persky) was raised in a Jesuit school and is said to be implicated in the Rabin assassination conspiracy, the deaths of songstress Ofra Haza, ambassador Eliyahu ben Elissar, MKs Raful Eitan and Rehavam Ze'evi, US congressman Wayne Owens, John F Kennedy junior, Ariel Sharon and others!
His successor, President Rivlin, boasts that he is unthreatenable, unintimidatable and unbribable, that he is a descendant of the Vilna Gaon, that he will not tow the party line, and that he is a loud uninhibited Tenach-quoting right-wing big mouth!

In which case TPTB will ensure that his term in office may well be abbreviated.