For decades the Orthodox have been using the verse "
Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires" (Shir Hashirim 2) as an excuse not to precipitously attempt to rebuild the Temple.
As we know, Rambam states that it is an incumbent mitzva to build right now a Mikdash to Hashem, even without the Moshiach or Red Heifer.
But even R.Goren and R.Kahane couldn't pull it off, and everyone is too scared ie not prepared to be
moser nefesh.
Now this
"United Temple Mount Movement" are demanding a physical building attempt it just more brave talk, or do they mean it and will physically act upon it?
And would making a move on the Mosques be miraculously assisted by Hashem?
Or would it precipitate arrest, jail time, being shot, the massacre by Muslims of Jews in Israel & world wide and even a world war, as most Orthodox would say the verse warns?!