Author Topic: Short Opinion Piece that I need your comments on; please be critical  (Read 682 times)

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Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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Here is a shot opinion piece I wrote. If my fellow Jews and righteous Christians would mind making comments or suggestions about it, then if you think it has merit, I will send this to some newspapers. If you think I should add something to the effect of "I belong to a great organization called JTF, if you care about America, Israel, and the survival of Western Civilization, please join us on our wonderful forum." then please tell me. I would be happy to add that in (but only if you all agree). Here is the short opinion piece below:

In WWI, France and Germany were pretty evenly matched. After that war, decent countries were soured on war and on preparing for war. So in WWII, Germany defeated France in one day. If memory serves, I don't even think the French resisted at all. They just gave up without fighting. But even if France had resisted and fought back, Nazi Germany would have annihilated them quickly and brutally. You see, because while France was preparing for a warless utopia, Germany was preparing for war in every way, thoroughly, quickly, and efficiently. That's what despotic regimes do.

So, is there a lesson here for present-day America? While Obama has been cutting our military capability to WWI levels, what have other, not-so-peace-loving regimes been doing? Anybody want to take a guess? The following is a list of our enemies who have been and are presently preparing for war:

1. Iran
2. Russia
3. China
4. Turkey and Qatar (insofar as they are the greatest funders of terrorism after Iran)
5. All those lovely terrorist groups: ISIS, al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, al Shabab, Boko Haram, the Taliban, and most certainly many others in the making
6. North Korea (anybody remember them?)
7. Others, which I cannot recall at the moment

In the midst of all this, Obama and Kerry have been focussing their attention on demoralizing and weakening, you guessed it! Israel! The only true friend to America in the Middle East.

Obama, being a man of his word (when it suits him) is leaving Putin alone, just like he promised to Medvedev he would do, if Putin would only wait after the 2012 election to make trouble, which he did.

Also, I hear a lot of talk about Hillary Clinton's prospect for President in 2016. I don't mean to be overwrought, but if some or all of the consequences of our cutting back our military while are enemy does the opposite, start to occur within the next couple of years, we might not actually be around to elect Clinton in 2016.

Why am I saying all of this? It's not to scare you or depress you. I'm saying this to put it into your minds that it is the responsibility of the American people, that is We the People, to engage our congressmen and senators, and even to write letters to that traitor of a President, all saying that we want to stay on top of things militarily and in intelligence. And we can let our representatives know that if they do not reverse the trend towards weakness that is occurring all over our country, THEN WE WILL NOT RE-ELECT THEM!

I write letters to my elected representatives often. It's not a hard thing to do. You just have to keep your inquiries short and to the point. There are 320 million of us in our beloved country. You bet we can make a difference! Please! Get off the couch, write a letter expressing your concerns, and then send it. Do not put yourself in the position 50 years from now, when your grandchildren ask you what you did to save America when Obama was President, that you don't have any response to give.