General Category > Introduce Yourself
Hello my heroic brothers"and sisters"
Hi my name is El_Impulsado I'm 26 years old and I live somewhere in the united states.
I m Jewish and I'm proud of it always have been"father is Ashkenaz Sephard, Mother is a Gerres I can provide the paperwork".
I spent six years in Israel doing yeshiva and the army"calm down everybody I was just a jobnik"
I like hyundai's "all the features of the other cars just 10-20,000 dollars cheaper with a better warranty"
My favorite color is Green
My favorite drink vodka straight
I am a registered Libertarian, I cannot abide with the lie of the mainstream parties
My major life goal is to start a 24 hour Hummusia/pita bakery chain that is vegiterinarian except for fish and milk.
My current goal is to finish the course I'm enrolling into it will take a year but it will pay off. 4000 dollar a month checks ain't bad at all
I'm not religious though I used to be, and at times I can be a very spiritual person.
The furthest I can see myself going in a religious direction Is what Israeli's call traditional.
I do eventually wan't to return to Israel being that I have one nation and one homeland I would rather bring my children into the world
from there too.
Irish Zionist:
Welcome to JTF and I hope you enjoy your stay.
Welcome to our wonderful forum!
Welcome to the forum. Always a pleasure to see new membrs, how did you hear about us?
by accident, I was looking for instructions on how to build somthing and someone on this sight wrote about it and posted pictures it came up in my google. Which after I looked around I decided it would be a good place to hang out especially since everyone is so like minded.
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