I'm pretty sure they hire white people to put fake photos

and pretend to be black people to make their opinions for them.
Super Black Woman
1 week ago
ALLEN WEST IS A UNCLE TOM You republicans only like Allen West because he sucks the white man's balls Sean Hannity loves using paid token sellouts to attack Obama.You white republicans only like black republicans but you hate any black person who's not republican.You call us plantation slaves and welfare scum you racist republicans always stereotype black people and you wonder why most black people hate republicans
You hypocrites don't care about freedom you want the government controlling people's bedrooms.Republicans want to ban gay marriage and ban gay adoptions and ban women's right to choose and ban marijuana.Michele Bachman even wants to ban anal sex and sodomy.Republicans want a Theocracy Government that forcing everyone to follow you're Evangelical Cult
Obama supports more freedoms than republicans do