Author Topic: New York Leaders Decry Anti-Semitic 'Knockout Game' after Jewish Child Beaten by Blacks  (Read 764 times)

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New York Leaders Decry Anti-Semitic 'Knockout Game'
Dignitaries from Jewish and Black communities denounce assaults, visit home of murdered Rabbi Joseph Raksin hy''d.
By Yoni Kempinski, Ari Yashar
First Publish: 8/20/2014, 3:13 AM

New York dignitaries from the Jewish and African-American communities held a joint press conference on Monday in Crown Heights, at the exact site where a young Jew was violently assaulted last Wednesday in the depraved "knockout game."

The "game," generally "played" by African-American youth and which consists of sucker punching generally visibly Jewish passersby, left 24-year-old student Avrohom Wolosow seriously injured by an out-of-the-blue punch to the face.

Video of the attack, in which the visibly religious Wolosow was attacked by three youths, can be seen here courtesy of

Then last Thursday, just a day after Wolosow was assaulted, a nine-year-old Jewish boy in the same neighborhood was likewise punched in the head by a group of three youths [Shlomo: "youths" is the news code word for blacks].

Speaking about the heinous attack on Monday, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind called for an end to the anti-Semitic acts of violence.

"We have an obligation as Brooklynites and as New Yorkers to state: 'that will not happen in our city,'" declared Adams.

The press conference, which was attended by public advocates, activists and other figures in the local community can be seen below, also courtesy of

After the remarks, the dignitaries and figures present walked to pay condolences at the home of 60-year-old Rabbi Joseph Raksin hy''d, who was shot to death two weeks ago on Saturday ask he walked to a local synagogue in Miami, Florida.

Reportedly Raksin was shot by two young African-American men who fled the scene after the murder; a $50,000 reward has been announced by the Miami Jewish community for information leading to the arrest of the perpetrators.

Friends and family of the rabbi, who arrived in Florida the Thursday before he was shot to visit his daughter for a one-week vacation, have countered the police theory that the murder was a robbery gone wrong, insisting that he was targeted in a hate crime.

"It was not a robbery. The criminal element in Miami and New York knows that the Orthodox (Jews) don’t carry money on the Sabbath," Elehana Giezinsky, a 56-year-old friend of the murdered rabbi, told the New York Post.
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they attack jews because jews don't use their attached fists.