Author Topic: High School Student Suspended For Saying 'Bless You' After Classmate Sneezed  (Read 1022 times)

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Offline Shlomo

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The left is anti-G-d unless it's a muslim. If she had said "allah akbar," it probably would have been just fine.

High School Student Suspended For Saying 'Bless You' After Classmate Sneezed

'We're Not Going To Have Godly Speaking'

DYER COUNTY, Tenn. (CBS Charlotte) – A high school student was allegedly suspended after breaking a class rule of saying “bless you” after a classmate sneezed.

Kendra Turner, a senior at Dyer County High School, said bless you to her classmate who sneezed and the teacher told her that the term was for church.

“She said that we’re not going to have godly speaking in her class and that’s when I said we have a constitutional right,” Turner told WMC.

When she defended her actions, the teacher told Turner to see an administrator. The student said that she had to finish the class period in in-school suspension.

The girl’s parents were told by school leaders that their daughter shouted “bless you” across the room and that it was a classroom distraction.

School officials told her parents Tuesday that the teacher claimed that their daughter was aggressive and disruptive.

But Becky Winegardner, Turner’s youth pastor, disagrees with the school’s actions of in-class suspension.

“There were several students that were talking about this particular faculty member there that was very demeaning to them in regard to their faith,” Winegardner told WMC. “This was something that had come up previously in the last few weeks just since the beginning of school and I shared with all of those students what their rights were.”
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Offline angryChineseKahanist

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I'm sorry, I meant Marx "bless you".

Actually she should not have shouted loudly across the room. She could have still made her point without giving them ammunition to use against her.

Offline Israel Chai

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Actually she should not have shouted loudly across the room.

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Offline Joe Gutfeld

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You know how many stupid suspendions there are over the years in the country?  There are plenty.  You can look it up.  I was going to start a topic on this, but Shlomo beat me to it.

Offline Super Mentalita

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We see the same stuff in Holland and the UK. Even a Arab Christian women working at a airport... She offended the muslim employees for wearing a cross necklase.
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Offline eb22

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If a student can be suspended for saying Bless You in a relatively rural part of Western Tennessee,   it can happen anywhere in the United States.   The left is clearly in the process of taking over the United States.    It would be great to see righteous people in Western Tennessee have a large protest outside of the school where the suspension took place.
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