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The Islamification of Britian
Britian is allowing itself to become a Muslims nation out of political correctness, interesting video on the subject
Yep thats all it is a intresting video....the reason ISLAM is so strong is that the religon is one of the largest in the WORLD...and there is just so many muslims all over the world. So with time, living in a democratic country, things change!
Be it better or worse!
Unfortunately, all of Europe will soon be Islamified.
Muslims are 3% of the UK population. We could easily wipe them all out.
I went out to buy breakfast from the shop this morning, and I was just amazed. The streets of Britain literally stink. Everywhere one looks, there is filth lying about. Muslims run all the shops, and when you visit the streets at night, every second white woman you see is with a black or Muslim man.
I really think that Britain is finished as a Western European nation. (As Chaim rightly pointed out a couple weeks back.) The majority of British companies and assets are now foreign-owned. Foreigners have taken most of the new jobs created within the last few years.
There's really very little point left in being a white person in Britain. A lot of us feel very suicidal, and our laws prevent us discussing things like this in our own country.
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