Women gave their lives in the Sufragette Movement in the fight to gain women the equal right to men to vote in elections.
Since then women have been increasingly empowered and gaining preference over men in politics, at home, in divorce cases, in love, in marriage, at school and university, and in jobs and employment, so much so that men actually view women as unattractive threats and are increasingly fearful of them according to this!
http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/12/04/The-Sexodus-Part-1-The-Men-Giving-Up-On-Women-And-Checking-Out-Of-SocietySome view the Feminist Movement and the giving of voting rights to women as having been
even more disastrous to civilization than the Civil Rights Movement that empowered the Hamitic Black giving him Affirmative Action preference on every level over the Japhetic White!
Others say that that the Redemption from Egypt took place in the merit of the Jewish women, and that the empowerment of women is a prerequisite of the Future Redemption and that there are even prophecies that there will be a gender & role role reversal before Moshiach, with women wearing the pants!

Not to grant women an absolutely equal platform in political parties is today viewed as an absolute no-no and totally undemocratic and politically incorrect, akin to denying Arabs the vote, one reason why Ariel's Modern Zionist Tekuma will not unite with Yishai's more traditional Yahad, according Yahad's rabbinical advisers based on rulings from Rambam and Halacha according to this
http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/188742#.VJCuZZscTn4There are even an increasing number of
Haredi women who are demanding to have seats in the Haredi parties or else are threatening
not to vote for Degel and Yahadut
What would have been R.Kahane's opinion of having women MKs in his Kach party?