Author Topic: Eng Labor MK. questions did the CIA and Mossad train ISIS .But rumor denied by S  (Read 654 times)

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Tornado RAF jet in a museum

An RAF Tornado jet in a museum. They probably aren’t using this one.

Well hasn’t the world changed while Israellycool went silent observing the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah! The annual parade of dictators, despots and other dastardly dangerous dudes (aka the UN General Assembly) carried on in New York and the British, decided it was OK to, once again, start dropping bombs on people in sandy places.

The (near) beheading of a soldier on the streets of London can be safely ignored as the action of a couple of “lone wolves” but the beheading of a UK aid working in Syria or Iraq by the Islamic State/ IS / ISIS / ISIL warrants the UK to recall parliament, have a debate, and then order their gigantic strike force of six (6, VI or perhaps if we write it in binary it will look impressive: 110) , Tornado planes into action (flying all the way from Cyprus and back each time). They can’t hit Syria without another debate (unless it’s kinda obvious that a vast number of people are about to be killed and then they can.

Which brings me to this gem from the Parliamentary debate necessary to authorise this awesome show of military might:

    Mr David Anderson (Blaydon) (Lab):

    I am also wary about who the Prime Minister is being advised by. Yesterday at the UN, the Iranian President said that certain intelligence agencies put blades in the hands of madmen and were behind the build-up of ISIS. Some people claim that those agencies were the CIA and Mossad and that they intended, after last year’s failure to take action on Syria, to find another way to make people such as us take and support action. That may not be correct but unless such claims are addressed the people of this country will suspect that this could the back door to action on Syria.

So he is asking the Prime Minister to absolutely confirm the UK isn’t going to war in Iraq because The Mossad and or the CIA created the Islamic State to make them do it. As proposed by the Iranian President.

It’s basically the latest, greatest version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: because of course even if it’s the CIA, they would only do that when directed by the shadowy Zionist Cabal who really runs the US.

Look: I know Mr David Anderson (Blaydon) Labour is just covering bases, dotting I’s and crossing T’s but does he have to ask this in parliament? Does he have to indicate it has some kind of credibility? Can’t he just google this kind of thing and see who else likes this kind of theory? Spend a few minutes on Infowars or RT or Al Jazeera and see how credible they sound.

No, he has to say it out loud.

This is part the galloping advance of the acceptability of Jew hatred. I’ll be charitable, he’s not saying these things because he hates Jews, but because the things Jew haters say over and over again (evil Zionist Jews control the media/money/America/UK/World/Everything and they’re carrying out a genocide against defenceless Palestinians who would never try to kill anyone if they didn’t have a good reason) have been heard so many times, he’s starting to take them seriously.

Just like when Liverpool Football club tweets Happy New Year to Jews and feels it needs to remove the tweet because it’s greeted with a torrent of Jew hating abuse. Why the abuse that follows is the reason to take the tweet down, we don’t know. But take it down they did. Sure they didn’t want their brand associated with negative messages, but hey, they can just delete a tweet, I’m stuck with being a Jew and breathing the same air as these people.

Liverpool FC would like to wish all Rosh Hashonah deleted tweet

A quick random search of twitter for “@LFC Jews” gave me plenty of horrible tweets, you can do this yourselves.

So this is the climate in the UK. And that’s why an elected Member of Parliament can quote the rancid conspiracy beliefs of the President of an enemy state with a straight face and not even realise what he’s doing.

Baghdadi MossadUpdate: If you want a proper debunking of this ludicrous theory (perhaps someone can point Mr Anderson at this) you can look here: The ISIS leader was NOT trained by the CIA or Mossad, and Snowden didn’t say it.
Update 28/9: Don’t miss our new cartoon on this. Joe’s World: Al Baghdadi = Mossad Conspiracy Theory

Full text of David Anderson’s question in Parliament here (because he does have some useful context about his knowledge of the Kurds). I rather like the fact that he (a former coal miner) points out that ISIS have shut down trade unions! They’ve crucified Christians, but by heck they shouldn’t have shut down the workers’ rights to self organise and fight for better working conditions!

    Mr David Anderson (Blaydon) (Lab): In the aftermath of the invasion of Iraq, I led a trade union delegation to Kurdistan. I was amazed by the reaction of the people there, who were delighted that our country had invaded that benighted nation. Since then I have learned why that was so. The people in Kurdistan lived through a period where they saw genocide at Halabja, 182,000 people destroyed by Saddam Hussein and 4,500 villages razed to the ground, while the west, including the Government led by Margaret Thatcher, turned its back. While 1 million Iraqis and Iranians were being killed on the battlefields, the west turned its back because it was a price worth paying, as Saddam was keeping the Ayatollah occupied.

    To take a position today, I went back to those people and said, “What do you think we should do in the House?” The advice from a very close comrade of mine on the ground in the trade union movement in Kurdistan was, “ISIS is a fascist organisation. The only language it understands is force. Under ISIS, trade unions have been, as under Saddam, forced to go underground. Despite recent elections, Iraq is still terribly divided, but the immediate threat of ISIS must be halted and to do that we need external military air support.” That was the clear advice from people at the sharp end, not the intelligence services. We have learned lessons. Things are different today. However, I want to say clearly to the Prime Minister: under no circumstances should this be escalated without Members coming back together. I do not care what he says about circumstances perhaps meaning that he has to act on his own. He should not do that. That is one of the main reasons that the House is held in such contempt.

    I am also wary about who the Prime Minister is being advised by. Yesterday at the UN, the Iranian President said that certain intelligence agencies put blades in the hands of madmen and were behind the build-up of ISIS. Some people claim that those agencies were the CIA and Mossad and that they intended, after last year’s failure to take action on Syria, to find another way to make people such as us take and support action. That may not be correct but unless such claims are addressed the people of this country will suspect that this could the back door to action on Syria.

    I believe in supporting the people on the ground in Kurdistan. I have to support this action, even though I do not really want to, but I am clear that the Prime Minister should do nothing without the sanction of this House.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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