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Is a protest vote for a Constitution Party candidate an acceptable protest vote?

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We used to have a member named Marzutra who recommended that book, among others.  I would like to read it one of these days.  Is this Rabbi still alive?  Perhaps he can join our forum.


--- Quote from: Lisa on October 13, 2014, 07:30:27 PM ---We used to have a member named Marzutra who recommended that book, among others.  I would like to read it one of these days.  Is this Rabbi still alive?  Perhaps he can join our forum.

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As far as I know he is but he is not well physically.

Southern Noachide:

--- Quote from: ChabadKahanist on October 13, 2014, 12:26:34 PM ---I must disagree with you about the John Birch Society.
The late Avi Osdoba,A"H shlepped me to a few of their meetings & their positions were exactly the same as ours.
Both of us were visibly Jewish with our yarmulkas & me even more so with my untrimmed beard & the JBSers were all very warm & cordial to us.
Also Rabbi Marvin Antelman the former head of Boston JDL was very friendly with the Birchers.

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You evidently misunderstood my statements about the JBS.  I am well aware that they have Jewish members and always have had.  And I never intimated that they were going to act hostilely to Jews appearing at their meetings.

The JBS' hostility to Israel is subtle (other than their constant cheering for lunatic Ron Paul).  They do not consider Israel to be an ally in the same way other countries are.  And they often publish articles that treat Israel and its enemies with moral equivalency, and bemoan the fact that the US and Israel are so close.  You can be sure that they never had this attitude about Rhodesia or South Africa, or even Nationalist China.  Why don't you go to the website of their magazine (The New American) and see how many pro-Israel articles you can find?  I doubt you will find a one, though Samuel Blumenthal used to write one occasionally.

The Birch Society has served as the "respectable" front group for conspiracy theory groups.  It is also the only such group that is not up-front anti-Semitic.  Once a person buys into conspiracy theory, every source he will ever find outside the JBS proper (and some of them inside the organization) will be explicitly anti-Semitic.  In other words, anyone turned onto conspiracy theories by the Birch Society is a candidate to become a Nazi.

They have also published "anti-conspiracy" books by anti-Semitic authors.  Prince Michel Sturdza of Romania was an Iron Guard (mach shemam vezikhram!) supporter.  They published three of his books (Betrayal by Rulers, The Suicide of Europe, and Teddy Bare).  One of these books opens with an explicitly anti-Israel chapter.  They also for years published and distributed the works of the notorious Nesta H. Webster--and illegal pirate copies at that, since the official copyright holder was a bunch of avowed Jew-hating Nazis.

They also number just about every anti-Semitic agitator in American history as heroes--men such as Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh.  While non-conspiratorialist conservatives are libeled as agents of "the conspiracy," anti-Semites never are.  Their anti-Semitism is always seen as a simple "misunderstanding," while their zeal is always praised.

And don't forget one very important thing: the Birch Society is a "palaeoconservative" organization, and "palaeoconservatism" is an idolatrous philosophy that posits a separate and equally valid "gxd" and "religious truth" for every ethnic group, with no universals whatsoever.  American "palaeoconservatives" never actually invoke the alleged "objective truth" of Xianity, but rather the historical datum that the US is historically a Xian country.  So?  Saudi Arabia is traditionally a moslem country, but islam is still a false religion.  ALL such idolators of local "gxds" hate the Jewish People for representing the One True Universal G-d, HaShem.  No "palaeoconservative" is a friend of Israel or the Jews or a fearer of HaShem.

Finally, I learned what I know about the Birch Society the hard way--I was a member from 1977 to 1981 (when Jimmy Carter was making them look like infallible prophets) and to my eternal shame they almost turned me.  Thank G-d He rescued me from their clutches!

Naturally you're not going to get all this out of going to a meeting.  And I never said you would.

Southern Noachide:

--- Quote from: Lisa on October 13, 2014, 04:53:02 PM ---Have you read that book Chabad Kahanist .  There's also a 2nd volume

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I own and have read both books.

You should know that Rabbi Antelman's **religious** beliefs are a little out of the mainstream.  For example, he argues for expunging the reference to "'Af-Beri" in the prayer for rain and wants to purge "Unetanneh toqef" from the High Holy Day services.

What does he have against Unetaneh Tokef?


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