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Should we ban the blacks and Muslims who have invaded this forum recently?

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Re:  Abdul Aziz..."why Muslims and Jews no longer get a long!"

We Jews were exiled by the Romans 2000 yrs. ago; they destroyed OUR Temple, destroyed OUR land, and renamed OUR country to further humiliate us and mark us as an exterminated people.
However, in spite of unspeakable atrocities committed against us, including a mass murder genocide campaign carried out by Nazi Germany (with the collusion and aid of Muslims worldwide), we refused to disappear, and also refused to forget OUR Homeland.
Finally, we RETURNED home to OUR LAND (NOT MUSLIM LAND; NOT ARAB LAND), beginning in the 1860's.
We Jews had to fight to the death to take OUR Land back, and had to fight to the death to defend OUR Land.
All we have faced from the "Muslims" is another campaign of all-out slander, genocide, and hate.
Seems that "the religion of peace" (that's a real joke) is unable to coexist with any other people or culture or religion anywhere in the world.
So, ABDUL, you ask ME why we don't get along?

p.s.--Soon you'll all pay hell for every act of murder and genocide you've committed against us.  Any group of people who wages war against the Jewish People with a sneak attack on the Jewish Highest Holy Day deserves death and annihilation.  In fact, to so much as refer to Mohammedan garbage as "people" is an honor no one should bestow upon you.  You're murderous sub-human Nazi pig garbage; that's the nicest thing I can think of to say about you.


--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on October 12, 2006, 07:52:51 AM ---
--- Quote from: ABDUL AZIZ on October 12, 2006, 07:40:45 AM ---
--- Quote from: El Cabong! on October 12, 2006, 07:36:32 AM ---You and the other a-holes have nothing interesting to say. Your last comment is proof you and the rest need to be banned by your ip.

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and I believe that there are many Jewish people here interested in discussing issue surrounding why Muslims and Jews no longer get a long!

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In this you are mistaken there has never been a period in time where the Jews and Muslims got along, the closest that ever happened was when Jews were practically a slave class to their Muslims overlords, then their was oppression and pogroms and hatred but it wasnt as intense as today. If you want I will bring you the examples......

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But I am going to disagree with you here...... Yes there was some persecution of the Jews by the muslims, however if we dealve deeper into history then you will see that Jews, Christians and Muslims lived together for centuries.


--- Quote from: MassuhDGoodName on October 12, 2006, 07:58:35 AM ---Re:  Abdul Aziz..."why Muslims and Jews no longer get a long!"

Finally, we RETURNED home to OUR LAND (NOT MUSLIM LAND; NOT ARAB LAND), beginning in the 1860's.

--- End quote ---

I think you need to get your facts right and read a history book not written by a Jew.....Try an independent one or one written by neither a Jew or a Muslim.....What I wrote in an earlier post in response to your quote: "At that time, 400 years into the occupation of Palestine by the Muslims, Christians were still the majority in the country. Throughout this long period, no effort was made to impose Islam on them. Only after the expulsion of the Crusaders from the country, did the majority of the inhabitants start to adopt the Arabic language and the Muslim faith - and they were the forefathers of most of today's Palestinians"


--- Quote from: ABDUL AZIZ on October 12, 2006, 07:59:59 AM ---


But I am going to disagree with you here...... Yes there was some persecution of the Jews by the muslims, however if we dealve deeper into history then you will see that Jews, Christians and Muslims lived together for centuries.

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The persecution was constant, in Muslim countries there was and is a law, that if a Jew dies any of their children under 13 are forcibly converted to Islam. Only in Muslim countries under the influence of colonialism was this law abrogated, but the few Muslims countries that remained free have that law on their books to this day.

Throughout the time Jews lived under Muslims Jews were forced to pay a Jizya tax, wherby the leader of the Jewish community would pay the Muslims overlords for protection and be publicly humiliated by the local rulers.

In through the fall of Saddam Hussein, if a Jew passes on the right side of a Arab the Arab may kill the Jew without any legal repurcussions.

In the 1880's in Syria the Jews of Damascus were slaughtered in a blood libel.

During WWII there was a pro-Nazi coup in Iraq, which included the open goal of a genocide against the Jews.
--- Quote from: ABDUL AZIZ on October 12, 2006, 08:03:39 AM ---
--- Quote from: MassuhDGoodName on October 12, 2006, 07:58:35 AM ---Re: Abdul Aziz..."why Muslims and Jews no longer get a long!"

Finally, we RETURNED home to OUR LAND (NOT MUSLIM LAND; NOT ARAB LAND), beginning in the 1860's.

--- End quote ---

I think you need to get your facts right and read a history book not written by a Jew.....Try an independent one or one written by neither a Jew or a Muslim.....What I wrote in an earlier post in response to your quote: "At that time, 400 years into the occupation of Palestine by the Muslims, Christians were still the majority in the country. Throughout this long period, no effort was made to impose Islam on them. Only after the expulsion of the Crusaders from the country, did the majority of the inhabitants start to adopt the Arabic language and the Muslim faith - and they were the forefathers of most of today's Palestinians"

--- End quote ---

So by your own admission the Arabs came late to Eretz Yisrael. Well, a squatter is not the rightful owner no matter how long they have been sitting on the land they have stolen.

There have never been a "palestinian" people, they were invented by Johan Van Leers. Van Leers was a Nazi who was a personal aide to Jospeh Goebbles, after the war Van Leers escaped to Egypt where he became a Muslim, and a leader in the propaganda office of Nasser. In 1963 Van Leers realized that the slogan "we will push the Jews into the sea" isnt a easy sell, especially so soon after the holocaust. So he used a old Nazi tactic, the big lie, the idea that if you shout a lie loud enough and long enough everyone will believe it. And using the big lie technique he invented a poor persecuted minority just trying to get their homeland back, and the "palestinians" were born. He was also careful to fill their leadership ranks with Egyptians like Arafat. But that is largely internal Arab politics.

If you want a history book written by a third party how about Joan Peters "From Time Immemrial"?

Or heres a man on the scene Laurence Oliphant writing in the late 1800's what does he say?

. . . it is a singular fact that the strip of coast from Haifa to Caesarea seems to have become a center of influx of colonists and strangers of the most diverse races. The new immigrants to Caesarea are Slavs. Some of them speak a little Turkish. Arabic is an unknown tongue to them, which they are learning. Their own language is a Slav dialect. When the troubles in the [Ottoman] provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina first broke out [1875], which led to Russo-Turkish war, a howl of indignation went up from the philanthropists. . . When it [the agrarian question] was settled by handing over the provinces to Austria, the Slav-Moslem aristocracy, finding themselves in their turn persecuted by their former peasants and the Christian power which protected them, migrated to the more congenial rule of the sultan. So the curious spectacle of a Slav population migrating from Austrian rule to Asia, in order to be under a Moslem government.

Close beside the new Bosnian colony there are planted in the plain of Sharon two or three colonies of Circassians. These are the people who committed the Bulgarian atrocities. The irony of fate has now placed them within three or four miles of colonists belonging to the very race that they massacred. They, too, fleeing from government by Christians [Austria], have sought refuge under the sheltering wing of the sultan, where, I regret to say, as I described in a former letter, they still indulge in their predatory propensities. In the immediate proximity to them are the black tents of a tribe of Turcomans. They belong to the old Seljuk stock, and the cradle of their tribe gave birth to the present rulers of the Turkish Empire. They have been here for about three hundred years, and have forgotten the Turkish language, but a few months ago a new migration arrived from the mountains of Mesopotamia. These nomads spoke nothing but Turkish, and hoped to find a warm welcome from their old tribesmen on the plain of Sharon. In this they were disappointed, and they have now, to my disgust, pitched their tents on some of the spurs of Carmel, where their great hairy camels and their own baggy breeches, contrast curiously with the camels and costumes of the Bedouins with whom we are familiar.
[Lawrence Oliphant, Haifa, pp 238-39; quoted in Bat Yeor, The Dhimmi (Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press, 1985), pp 385-388]

so most of the Muslims were colonists arriving in the late 1800's.

Ban those who break the rules.


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