This year gain clarity and understanding about Purim,
as the story of the Megillah
opens up in front of you!
Even a person who hasn't gone through all of the seforim and all of the Meforshim on Purim, will be left with a very comprehensive picture of what actually took place in the Megillah!
And, will gain a very clear insight as to what exactly transpired, with unparalleled clarity unlike anything they ever perceived before.
This is a series you don't want to miss! One which will be well appreciated, and for a very long time!
Purim is right around the corner.
And when properly understood,
its lessons can be enduring, meaningful
and serve as a powerful bonding tool between us and Hashem.
Megillas Esther - "The Story Behind the Story”
is a 4 part series, with in-depth,
behind-the-scenes facts,
that allow you to understand the events
as they unfold with crystal clarity.
It is a verse by verse analysis of the Meggilah, that
brings in many unknown commentaries and concepts from the
Gemearah, Medrash and Rishonim.
All done in the "Shmuz style"
Join us as Rabbi Shafier goes through the Story behind the Story