JT is most concerned about muslim infiltration of western societies, black urban terror, and the war being waged against the white race -- can anyone dispute the reality of these things? Don't most JTF people share these concerns? For JT, jew hatred is way down on the list. But when 80 percent of jews support bonehead hussein, and so many jews are prepared to stab little Israel in the back, I can't totally blame some whites for being at least skeptical of jewish intentions.
The problem I have with Amren and similar sites it that while they go on and on about black urban terror and Muslim immigration to the West, they were completely nonchalant about a Black Muslim Marxist, white hating affirmative action thug becoming POTUS.
Granted, John McCain was an awful candidate, as was Mitt Romney. But neither one of them would have invited Al Sharpton to the White House. Nor would they have made Eric Holder the Attorney General. Yet now that we have a black Marxist Muslim thug in the highest office of the land, what do we have to show for it?
Flash mob attacks galore, the jihad on George Zimmerman, hoodlums gone wild in Ferguson MO, open season on the NYC police. Should I go on?

At best, JT is all talk and nothing more.
And as Lewinsky Stinks says, they're no friend of Jews.