Author Topic: The secret history of the Nazi mascot who evidently was discovered to be jewish  (Read 1262 times)

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"Alex Kurzem came to Australia in 1949 carrying just a small brown briefcase, but weighed down by some harrowing psychological and emotional baggage" are the headlines regarding this young boy who had to hide his identity of being a jew to stay alive....

His story is actually quite remarkable because he escaped a firing squad and was rounded up thought to be a Russian orphan... he later became a member by the Nazi SS..

Infact this person had seen so much tragedy and experienced that for years after he still wouldn't admit that he was a jew... probably because he was worried what the jewish community would think of him if they found out that even at a young age he is held accountable for transpiring with the devil...

The moral of the story here is people who appear evil are only perceived this way because they have no choice but to be evil... they learn and see only evil and some fear for their own lives for acting righteous under dictatorships as this young boy did...

If anyone wants to see more about this article go to:

Offline mord

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Interesting article
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03