Author Topic: Racism against blacks ?  (Read 58996 times)

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Re: Racism against blacks ?
« Reply #200 on: August 24, 2007, 02:40:22 PM »

Black culture, Newman isn't representative of the blacksploitation movies you've seen or how many blak men you've heard say "homie"... its an experience. Its a dance move, something added to the food we eat, an excellent song, the way a church gospel choir, a gang free block party, its creative hairstyles...its everything that's the opposite of what YOU think it is.

It's also crack,drive-by shootings, muggings, welfare, food stamps, KFC, bastard babies, ghettos..............
See. You just proved how stupid and unwilling to look at good you are by rattling off all of that negativity except KFC>.. how in the hell is KFC a bad thing? Foodstamps and welfare are basically the same...and the ghetto isn't as bad for some as it is for others. You asked me to list some good things and I did and THEN you did exactly what I predicted you'd** on it.

KFC is NOT a bad thing. You're right on.

That just proves I CAN see the good as well as the bad.
So far you only have Blacksplooitation movies, Good Times and KFC. You're not looking deep enough. Its almost like you're avoiding seeing that there's more to black American culture than meets YOUR eye.


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Re: Racism against blacks ?
« Reply #201 on: August 24, 2007, 02:44:06 PM »

KFC is NOT a bad thing. You're right on.

That just proves I CAN see the good as well as the bad.
So far you only have Blacksplooitation movies, Good Times and KFC. You're not looking deep enough. Its almost like you're avoiding seeing that there's more to black American culture than meets YOUR eye.

Did I mention Louis Farrakan's nation of islam and space ships comming to suck us whities up?

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Re: Racism against blacks ?
« Reply #202 on: August 24, 2007, 02:48:26 PM »
It's not jewish people really, it's just the way I am.  Judaism places a strong emphasis on community.  But I've always been sort of a lone wolf in the sense that I don't ask for much from people nor do I expect much from people. 

Shabbat has become one of my most favorite things in life.  On Saturday morning on the way to the synagogue I always try to walk through Rock Creek Park, taking in everything all the park is, in sort of a walking meditation.  By the time I get there I see these guys around the bimah, the chazzan is leading the davening while everyone is there seems to be engaged in the whole spirit of things.  "Yitgadal, v'Yitkadash shmay rabba.." This is when I really feel the "community".   It's only times like during kiddush lunch or around the shabbat table when the enviroment is more intimate is when feel a little disconnected.  Sometimes I feel like I have to justify why I'm there, as someone always has to ask "Why did you convert?  I would imagine you have a hard enough time being BLACK."  Sometimes I feel like saying "The only hard time I ever get is being put on the spot and being made to explain myself".  I can't help but to wonder what's going throught this person's head.

You're not supposed to be reminded that you're a convert. Once you convert you're Ben Avraham (Son of Abraham) and a part of the eternal covenant.

I really hope that you have a reasonable time frame to make aliyah and learn Hebrew. If you go to Israel believe me you will not experience this nonsense.

Of course, people will make linguistic and cultural distinctions. "Oh, that's an American, that's an Ethiopian, that's a Morrocan..." Beyond that, you'll integrate well into Israeli society.


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Re: Racism against blacks ?
« Reply #203 on: August 24, 2007, 02:50:29 PM »

KFC is NOT a bad thing. You're right on.

That just proves I CAN see the good as well as the bad.Did I mention Louis Farrakan's nation of islam and space ships comming to suck us whities up?

So far you only have Blacksplooitation movies, Good Times and KFC. You're not looking deep enough. Its almost like you're avoiding seeing that there's more to black American culture than meets YOUR eye.
Get out of the past. Louis Farrakhan hasn't said that in YEARS. Although I think he's an asshat for saying it in the first place, get over it! I can get over the fact that slavery happened..but you can't get over the fact that Jesse Jackson said "Hymie Town" back in 1984. The MEGA asshat HE is, get over it. Come up with something more recent, for the love of Pete.

« Last Edit: August 24, 2007, 02:57:33 PM by Erica »


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Re: Racism against blacks ?
« Reply #204 on: August 24, 2007, 02:59:02 PM »

KFC is NOT a bad thing. You're right on.

That just proves I CAN see the good as well as the bad.Did I mention Louis Farrakan's nation of islam and space ships comming to suck us whities up?
So far you only have Blacksplooitation movies, Good Times and KFC. You're not looking deep enough. Its almost like you're avoiding seeing that there's more to black American culture than meets YOUR eye.
Get out of the past. Louis Farrakhan hasn't said that in YEARS. Although I think he's an asshat for saying it in the first place, get over it! I can get over the fact that slavery happened..but you can't get over the fact that Jesse Jackson said "Hymie Town" back in 1984. The MEGA asshat HE is, get over it. Come up with something more recent, for the love of Pete.

New Orleans (post Katrina). Harlem, Bed' Stuy' and the NYC subway every day of the week.

That's a start.


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Re: Racism against blacks ?
« Reply #205 on: August 24, 2007, 03:04:12 PM »

KFC is NOT a bad thing. You're right on.

That just proves I CAN see the good as well as the bad.Did I mention Louis Farrakan's nation of islam and space ships comming to suck us whities up?
So far you only have Blacksplooitation movies, Good Times and KFC. You're not looking deep enough. Its almost like you're avoiding seeing that there's more to black American culture than meets YOUR eye.
Get out of the past. Louis Farrakhan hasn't said that in YEARS. Although I think he's an asshat for saying it in the first place, get over it! I can get over the fact that slavery happened..but you can't get over the fact that Jesse Jackson said "Hymie Town" back in 1984. The MEGA asshat HE is, get over it. Come up with something more recent, for the love of Pete.

New Orleans (post Katrina). Harlem, Bed' Stuy' and the NYC subway every day of the week.

That's a start.
Nothing positive at all, huh? Well there's no hope for the world if Newman can't see that there is positivity in the black community. I don't live in NY anymore. I don't take the NYC subway, so I can't attest to what you're going through over there. But I am living in MY here and now and none of that is going on over here. If you have problems with the way people are acting on the subway and in Bedford Stuyvessant, take it up with your local government agency or offer some solutions to the problem. But dont' blame that on the entire black race.


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Re: Racism against blacks ?
« Reply #206 on: August 24, 2007, 03:07:54 PM »

KFC is NOT a bad thing. You're right on.

That just proves I CAN see the good as well as the bad.Did I mention Louis Farrakan's nation of islam and space ships comming to suck us whities up?
So far you only have Blacksplooitation movies, Good Times and KFC. You're not looking deep enough. Its almost like you're avoiding seeing that there's more to black American culture than meets YOUR eye.
Get out of the past. Louis Farrakhan hasn't said that in YEARS. Although I think he's an asshat for saying it in the first place, get over it! I can get over the fact that slavery happened..but you can't get over the fact that Jesse Jackson said "Hymie Town" back in 1984. The MEGA asshat HE is, get over it. Come up with something more recent, for the love of Pete.

New Orleans (post Katrina). Harlem, Bed' Stuy' and the NYC subway every day of the week.

That's a start.
Nothing positive at all, huh? Well there's no hope for the world if Newman can't see that there is positivity in the black community. I don't live in NY anymore. I don't take the NYC subway, so I can't attest to what you're going through over there. But I am living in MY here and now and none of that is going on over here. If you have problems with the way people are acting on the subway and in Bedford Stuyvessant, take it up with your local government agency or offer some solutions to the problem. But dont' blame that on the entire black race.

What good will that do?

The NYC government is full of blacks. (who got there by affirmative action)


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Re: Racism against blacks ?
« Reply #207 on: August 24, 2007, 03:10:32 PM »

KFC is NOT a bad thing. You're right on.

That just proves I CAN see the good as well as the bad.Did I mention Louis Farrakan's nation of islam and space ships comming to suck us whities up?
So far you only have Blacksplooitation movies, Good Times and KFC. You're not looking deep enough. Its almost like you're avoiding seeing that there's more to black American culture than meets YOUR eye.
Get out of the past. Louis Farrakhan hasn't said that in YEARS. Although I think he's an asshat for saying it in the first place, get over it! I can get over the fact that slavery happened..but you can't get over the fact that Jesse Jackson said "Hymie Town" back in 1984. The MEGA asshat HE is, get over it. Come up with something more recent, for the love of Pete.

New Orleans (post Katrina). Harlem, Bed' Stuy' and the NYC subway every day of the week.

That's a start.
Nothing positive at all, huh? Well there's no hope for the world if Newman can't see that there is positivity in the black community. I don't live in NY anymore. I don't take the NYC subway, so I can't attest to what you're going through over there. But I am living in MY here and now and none of that is going on over here. If you have problems with the way people are acting on the subway and in Bedford Stuyvessant, take it up with your local government agency or offer some solutions to the problem. But dont' blame that on the entire black race.

What good will that do?

The NYC government is full of blacks. (who got there by affirmative action)

Then I guess that means that nothing can be done and you'll never be happy. Oh ,well. Afraid to ask even black politicians for you're separating yourself.

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Re: Racism against blacks ?
« Reply #208 on: August 24, 2007, 03:17:12 PM »
It's not jewish people really, it's just the way I am.  Judaism places a strong emphasis on community.  But I've always been sort of a lone wolf in the sense that I don't ask for much from people nor do I expect much from people. 

Shabbat has become one of my most favorite things in life.  On Saturday morning on the way to the synagogue I always try to walk through Rock Creek Park, taking in everything all the park is, in sort of a walking meditation.  By the time I get there I see these guys around the bimah, the chazzan is leading the davening while everyone is there seems to be engaged in the whole spirit of things.  "Yitgadal, v'Yitkadash shmay rabba.." This is when I really feel the "community".   It's only times like during kiddush lunch or around the shabbat table when the enviroment is more intimate is when feel a little disconnected.  Sometimes I feel like I have to justify why I'm there, as someone always has to ask "Why did you convert?  I would imagine you have a hard enough time being BLACK."  Sometimes I feel like saying "The only hard time I ever get is being put on the spot and being made to explain myself".  I can't help but to wonder what's going throught this person's head.

You're not supposed to be reminded that you're a convert. Once you convert you're Ben Avraham (Son of Abraham) and a part of the eternal covenant.

I really hope that you have a reasonable time frame to make aliyah and learn Hebrew. If you go to Israel believe me you will not experience this nonsense.

Of course, people will make linguistic and cultural distinctions. "Oh, that's an American, that's an Ethiopian, that's a Morrocan..." Beyond that, you'll integrate well into Israeli society.

The last Shabbos dinner I was invited to was just a week ago at the home of an older married Orthodox couple, which had to be the most warm and wonderful experience I've had on Shabbat with members of the community.   It's usually secular jews who put put me on the spot like this.   I can understand why they would be curious  since they view their judaism only through ethnicity and culture.  My conversion to them must seem like pure lunacy!  I try to pretend that I don't get annoyed by it or ever let it show on my face.

I'm still learning conversational hebrew.  I'd like to get married before I consider making aliyah, but you never know.