There are Jews who don't follow everything the Torah says. Does this make them any less Jewish? There are many Christains who don't believe, as Allen-T does, that anyone who doesn't accept Jesus Christ as his lord, savior, and messiah will burn in hell for all eternity. Does this make them any less Christan? There are some Christains who would think that anyone who doesn't believe in this isn't a true Christan. But it seems like Chaim applies a double standard here. He states that unless a Muslim believes in forcefully converting the entire world to Muslim and executing all non-muslims, then you can't be a true Muslim. Yet, a Christan doesn't need to believe that all non-believers in Christ will burn in hell for all eternity. The point being, there are people in every religion or group of people who believe in and accept some of what their religion tells them without accepting and following all of it while there are others who accept everything their religion tells them whether it be Jew, Christan, or Muslim.