It is my understanding that the redemption will not just come because of unity, but unity under the banner of keeping the commandments. Nowhere in Jewish belief do we find that rejecting the Torah law is the path toward redemption.
You cannot have the Temple and redemption without keeping the law. No amount of peace and love is going to bring about the paradigm shift in belief and trust in Hashem. Usually music leads people astray as it is powerful (as I said in the music thread)... Only holy music is capable of bringing us toward the will of Hashem.
I think music is a useful tool for bringing people close but it must be kosher in intention and lyrical content. One of the tasks of Moshiach is to bring the Torah to every Jew and be a judge and king when the kingdom is established. I don't think that he will be a liberal pot smoker like you think he will be. I do feel that pot also has potential to bring together people, but the Torah is not about drugs or using substance to alter the mind.
I take a Rambam approach to the Moshiach which spells out what he must do. Your definition of Moshiach seems to fall short.
I am not rebuking you because I don't want to debate with you. We can do that personally via PM. I just don't think that this topic is kosher for JTF and I feel that it offends many. I am not afraid to debate the issues myself...