Author Topic: Marijuana smoking swine kidnaps 9 month old child  (Read 1070 times)

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Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Marijuana smoking swine kidnaps 9 month old child
« on: July 06, 2015, 08:47:53 PM »
Drug addicted pig could not control himself.
Poison such as weed/pot/marijuana is dangerous .

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Marijuana smoking swine kidnaps 9 month old child
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2015, 11:54:34 PM »
There's no addiction involved with hemp. Also, a poison, like alcohol, any prescription medication, hard drug, or a venom is immediately identified as such by your body, and then expelled. Hemp is recognized the same way any food is, your body protects and stores it, and uses it up at a constant rate. It's also used as medicine for millions for a host of ailments, so would you call legal medical hemp users swine?

It does not make you kidnap children. More than 50% of Quebec admits to using it, and close to that for the rest of Canada.

You're not making a single logical argument, you're just insulting based on your bias. Even people that don't smoke it take 1 look at this and a few other posts and say "you're not going to attract any followers, and guarantee haters. This is a political movement that is dangerous".

Wtv it's not like anyone pretends this is a political movement, just activists. Even the guy asked Chaim if pastor Manning thought his black people accents were funny, and Chaim didn't seem to understand that the statement was in no way a question, he said he's bound to be distanced, and by extension, if he is (though, even if he isn't), others are bound to be as well. You've got a hard time pushing a sensitive political agenda, and the leader is doing funny accents.

If someone knows you, he knows what you mean, and understands that you do know politics, and even if you come across as a low-class guy when you're making funny accents in between political arguments, it's excusable. Of course, however, the state of affairs it creates is such that anyone from the outside, whether they agree with your issues or not, are bound to attack them, if they don't avoid commenting at all. Of course, this seems to a fool as a great opportunity to debate them and earn a new member, but you're going to get irritable ones that are looking to insult people, who then go on to scare away other members.

So you have an activist group with no clear goal, that's part social movement, and basically the only way you get in (and even after you get in), is for people to murder your name and spill your blood the first chance they get (and many thereafter), and that's just what people in the forum will do, it's also social suicide to send people here, so everyone hates you. Main cause of failure of activist groups is unclear or too many goals, main cause of failure of social movements is high cost of joining/staying.

You don't have either though when you are fighting eggs, salt and weed in a amateur funny black accent, voters, (and I can wish it were otherwise, but there's been so many bad political leaders in history, people are suspicious and critical of those that seek political power, and though it's easy to trick them, it's just as easy to push them away) see grumpy people who want things to just stop moving.

Most importantly, harsh curses for people you are biased against indicates that you would abuse your power to hurt them when in office. There's no encouragement to join you, you're saying clearly "vote for me so I hurt them", and them will demand that others not vote for you in self-preservation.

Lashon hara is murder, and equal to idolatry too. Blood cells pop in the face, and the person's name is degraded to nothing (if you succeed, which you need to be respected to do so, if someone you don't respect insults you, people around just see that he has a disgusting part to his personality that allows you to insult them, and pays no heed). Whatever thing you degraded their humanity over, you can be sure they will take the insult to their humanity personally, and reinforce their activity with disdain for those that dislike it. Then, you're saying that asking G-d to do something won't do as much as telling paster Pete about your brother, so an idolater worships a statue, an atheist worships himself, and the lashon hara guy worships the random people he talks towards.

What am I saying to do? Better you talked more lashon hara, then you didn't spread Rabbi Kahane's message. But not for you, for the world. You're not saving anything unless you look serious, because though Rabbi Kahane convinced people after his speeches, no one after going through posts and comments here that isn't a member will believe you're not going to make life miserable for the secular Jew.

Better you run Israel than Bibi, better a few people get their rights abused then the daily deaths and worse that happen in Israel, better the places are swapped and the religious are helped instead of the seculars. It's 2015, though, you're not going to convince people to throw their countrymen under the bus, other than liberals about the hated group of the week. Rabbi Kahane's proposal wasn't supported out of hate of Arabs, I know big supporters that are rich liberals that can see it's best for the Jews and the Arabs. They come here with their 7 kahanist principles, and leave.

"Acting tough isn't manly, it's phony" (adapted by me from Rabbi Kahane's brother)

Sorry the post isn't directed to u much ack. You're not bound by most of what I said, but don't think you're the wise Asian in a political movement. Really though, I tell someone to look at this site, and if they're anything but a low-class white guy (and even then), they're either just going to insult it and forget about it, or call me names and I can expect never to do business, or enjoy leisure with them again. The political arguments of Rabbi Kahane that Chaim frequently purports as a solution to current events will win me debates against much more seasoned debaters than I, and I can deliver them in a way that makes me look like a saint and a genius in front of rich university-educated people. There's a disconnect.

So blah blah blah^, JTF needs to create a political movement, for people interested in politics capable of engaging in it, that will not make shows unsharable due to a guaranteed minutes of high-pitched mhms. That, or I and many others can do nothing with this, and starting your own movement is too time consuming for people that are too busy mutilating themselves at work every day.

You know who didn't make me look like a racist doofus for sharing this site? Yershua. Freeking guy. I regret every time i said he says wierd things, it might be an unusual delivery, but other than occasional Jewish woman things, he talks about politics. You can have a political discussion with freeking Yershua. No one wants to come here to have a discussion with you about why those who use hemp are less than human. Or black people, since nazis won't like it here.
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Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: Marijuana smoking swine kidnaps 9 month old child
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2015, 09:11:08 AM »
These guys know what to do with people who deal with poison:

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: Marijuana smoking swine kidnaps 9 month old child
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2015, 12:11:47 PM »
The scum who attack children should be eliminated!