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The USA has just lost its right to exist
"The Gentiles only continue to exist in the merit of 3 things.....that they do not write homosexual marriage contracts" (Chullin 92).
If this Gemara is true, then the USA has just lost its right to exist! Expect the USA as we know it to take a major knock, maybe a terminal one, within 1 year!
And as always, evil Jews are in the forefront of the destruction of the USA. Here Supreme Justice Elena Kagan
Spiraling Leopard:
In 10 years or so the dollar will collapse. Better stock up on tin food and toilet paper.
I saw the disgusting news.
so what next? can we marry dogs and horses?
can I marry a lion and adopt a wildebeest son?
End of the times and things.
BTW Vatican also made its first treaty with Foolishtein. Items are ominous.
Translation from
Breishit - Genesis - Chapter 6
--- Quote ---1 And it came to pass when man commenced to multiply upon the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them.2 That the sons of the nobles saw the daughters of man when they were beautifying themselves, and they took for themselves wives from whomever they chose.
Rashi on the words whomever they chose states:
Even a married woman, even males and animals (Gen. Rabbah ad loc.).
--- End quote ---
Midrash Tanchuma comments מדרש תנחומא (בובר) פרשת בראשית סימן לג
מכל אשר בחרו (שם /בראשית ו'/), אף על הזכר ועל הבהמה. אמר ר' הונא בשם ר' אידי לא נתחתם גזר דינם של דור המבול עד שכתבו קמיסמסין (פי' כתובות) לזכר ולבהמה
Translation, "from whomever they chose" (Breishit/Genesis 6:2) even for males even for animals. Rabbi Huna said in the name of Rabbi Idi , the verdict against the generation of the flood was not sealed until they wrote marriage documents for males and animals.
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