Author Topic: How to stop Administrative Detention and help Rabbi Kahane's Grandson  (Read 4571 times)

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Offline Yerusha

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Re: How to stop Administrative Detention and help Rabbi Kahane's Grandson
« Reply #25 on: August 10, 2015, 07:21:04 AM »
"Do Israeli leaders, legislators and Rabbis believe that Jewish blood is cheaper than Arab blood? Is the spilling of Arab blood a greater crime than the ongoing spilling of Jewish blood? Is one act of “terror” against Arabs to be viewed more harshly than thousands of combined terror attacks against Jews? Any objective bystander in Israel can hardly miss the clear preference given to the spilled blood of Arabs when it comes to the massive sweeping condemnation by Israeli leaders of such rare attacks against Arabs, in sharp contrast to the indifference shown by elected Israeli officials when it comes to the ongoing, massive attacks and massacres carried out by Arabs against Jews.

This self-hating national breast-beating- ritual performed by elected officials, rabbis and media across the board in Israel is particularly amusing when it comes to the recent torching of an Arab house which lead to the death of an Arab child. Before the flames were even extinguished, Israel’s President Rivlin and a convoy of Jewish apologists were already begging forgiveness and attacking the “Jewish perpetrators” of the arson - in the harshest of hysterical epithets. As a side note, it has yet to be proven that the fire was an act of deliberate arson or that the arsonists were of the Mosaic persuasion. The fact that Arab calligraphic style Hebrew words of vengeance were carefully drawn on the home is hardly proof that the perpetrators were Jews. In fact, if anything can be concluded by the shape and style of the letters and words painted on the wall deep in the Arab village, it would be that it is unlikely the artistic work of Jews who would have penetrated so deep into the village and spent so much time painting as the flames raged through the house.

The fact that none of the village cameras and that no witness identified Jews roaming their village should only further cast some level of doubt over the logical integrity behind the crusade being launched against Jews for the arson. There are enough examples of Arabs having carried out attacks against rival Hamulot tribes where they cunningly left Hebrew messages of “vengeance” and “price tag” to instigate arrests against Jews and to incite violence against Jews. Let us not forget that the Hebron Massacre that occurred  this time of year back in 1929 and which led to the murder of dozens of Jews was instigated by false blood libels against Jews by Arabs who claimed Jews had raped and murdered Arabs.

 We Jews are all too familiar with blood libels against us that were construed to trigger, inspire and motivate Jew-haters to initiate, target and intensify their rabid terror/pogroms/massacres against Jews. It is one thing, though, when Arab haters jump on the bandwagon to demonize all Jews, and yet another when the President and Prime Minister of Israel do so. It is a further outrage, when thousands of attacks against Jews are virtually ignored by Jewish leaders, yet when one possible retaliatory attack that might likely have been carried out by Jews against Arabs brings unbalanced and excessive condemnation of Jews and opens the door to harsh collective punishment against “settlers” and hilltop Jewish youth with new draconian powers given to the Shin Bet to harass and intimidate Jews accused of being anti-Arab activists.

Here is a small aid to measure the unbalanced and distorted response of Jewish politicians in Israel to the recent incident in the Arab village of D/Tuma in contrast to their deafening response of silence after recent cases in which Arabs murdered Jews.

The attached chart shows how the Primie Minister, President and other politicians repeatedly condemned the possible Jewish attack against Arabs on their facebook pages while they blatantly ignored recent attacks against Jews before and after the Arab house arson.

Placing the possible Jewish-hand in the D/Tuma arson into perspective and proportion: Find here a list of names of Israeli and Jewish children murdered by known Arab assailants in comparison to the handful of incidents carried out by Jews against Arab children.

How Many Children Have Been Murdered and by whom?

Arab children killed by Jews – 1 maybe 2
Muhammad Abu-Khdeir, age 16
Ali Saad Dawabsha, age 1 (Undetermined. Possibly by Jews. )

Israeli children (Jews and Arabs) killed by Arab terrorists – 177 Read post for complete list of names and ages of Jewish children killed by Arab terrorists.

How many arson attacks have been launched against Jews this year? Hundreds, if not thousands. Not a day passes without dozens of incidents of boulders, fire bombs and arson against Jews. How many against Arabs? Approximately ten this year, assuming unproven allegations against Jews are all true."

Offline Yehudayaakov

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Re: How to stop Administrative Detention and help Rabbi Kahane's Grandson
« Reply #26 on: August 11, 2015, 03:49:34 AM »
Looks like I was wrong so far Ben-Gvir has done nothing & said nothing!!!

People in Israel and Judeasamaria  do nothing to help them!!!

Offline ChabadKahanist

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Re: How to stop Administrative Detention and help Rabbi Kahane's Grandson
« Reply #27 on: August 12, 2015, 08:05:39 AM »
People in Israel and Judeasamaria  do nothing to help them!!!
Ben Gvir claims that he is the uber Kahanist so why has he done nothing?

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Re: How to stop Administrative Detention and help Rabbi Kahane's Grandson
« Reply #28 on: August 12, 2015, 08:46:35 AM »
Ben Gvir claims that he is the uber Kahanist so why has he done nothing?

People in Judea like to say they are Kahanist it should be annexed to Israel but when they see menace coming to their neighbors then.... nobody.

Offline ChabadKahanist

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Re: How to stop Administrative Detention and help Rabbi Kahane's Grandson
« Reply #29 on: August 12, 2015, 10:47:15 PM »
People in Judea like to say they are Kahanist it should be annexed to Israel but when they see menace coming to their neighbors then.... nobody.
Ben Gvir was a member of Kach when it existed before it was banned & was with Rabbi Kahane.
Obviously you are not familiar with scene or people here in Israel.

Offline Yehudayaakov

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Re: How to stop Administrative Detention and help Rabbi Kahane's Grandson
« Reply #30 on: August 13, 2015, 08:15:40 AM »
Ben Gvir was a member of Kach when it existed before it was banned & was with Rabbi Kahane.
Obviously you are not familiar with scene or people here in Israel.

ok my fault but yep i'm not familiar with scene here but it wasn't  aimed at him specifically it was a general phrase actually.

Offline ChabadKahanist

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Re: How to stop Administrative Detention and help Rabbi Kahane's Grandson
« Reply #31 on: August 13, 2015, 10:02:55 PM »
ok my fault but yep i'm not familiar with scene here but it wasn't  aimed at him specifically it was a general phrase actually.
Oh I don't care attack him all you'd like, the man is a sellout who refused to help me when I was having alyiah problems and he also lied about Chaim being able to enter Israel along with his sidekick Marzel & did absolutely nothing to help Chaim either.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 06:03:09 AM by ChabadKahanist »

Offline edu

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Re: How to stop Administrative Detention and help Rabbi Kahane's Grandson
« Reply #32 on: August 27, 2015, 11:55:18 AM »

The Bolsheviks are getting worse
'Police State': Police Raid Rabbinical, Nationalist Gathering

In a highly unusual step, police raided a high-level meeting critical of administrative detention, arrested four.
14 administrative arrests of Jews

Around 2.5 weeks ago, three highly controversial administrative arrests were made against Jewish youths, and three limitation orders were issued against minors, which included full house arrest against one of them and nighttime house arrest against the other two, aside from distancing them from Judea and Samaria.

With the addition of the flurry of administrative orders this week, a full 14 administrative orders have been issued in the last 18 days, including three administrative arrests. Several of the orders are being petitioned by lawyers from Honenu.

"The system is under unprecedented pressure and is acting with unacceptable means against residents who are settling the land," said Honenu in a statement.

"We are witnesses to a dramatic increase in the severity and scope of the issuing of administrative orders, something which severely harms the rights of those receiving the orders."

Administrative orders, a relic from the British mandate, do not require a trial or any evidence, and can be renewed every six months. The orders have almost exclusively been used against Arab terrorists until now.

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Re: How to stop Administrative Detention and help Rabbi Kahane's Grandson
« Reply #33 on: August 27, 2015, 11:58:07 AM »
Who’s torching Dawabsha family homes in Duma?  1
Everyone is well aware of the Dawabsha family home that was burned just over a month ago, but few are aware that just this week, another Dawabsha family home was set on fire. On Monday morning (August 24th) around 5 AM another Dawabsha family home caught fire. This was the home of the brother of the father of the Dawabsha family who died.

Thus far no Israeli MKs or officials have condemned this fire or visited the victims.

Israeli news site NRG reported that the initial suspicion is that this second home was set on fire over an internal dispute within the village or possibly the result of an electrical malfunction (which also may have been intentional). NRG reported that the owner of the home has been involved in criminal activity so an internal dispute is quite likely. 0404 reported that there have been several other fires involving the Dawabsha family, including a car of their’s that was set on fire on June 19, and another family home torched on February 26, 2015.

The head of the village attempted to blame Israeli intelligence for the most recent fire and said, “The Israeli intelligence wanted to burn another home in the center of our village in order to prove that the settlers did not burn the first home or this home. They want to cover up the settlers’ crimes.”

The latest fire raises questions over whether Jews were responsible at all for the fire at the Dawabsha family home just over a month ago and has also led to new outrage at the quickness with which the security establishment enacted draconian measures against Jewish activists, including administrative detentions.

Apparently in order to silence these criticisms, the security establishment has requested from media outlets, including NRG and Hakol Hayehudi, not to report on this story. Hakol Hayehudi was called by the IDF spokesman who requested that we not publish this story and a writer at NRG wrote, “Security officials requested that our writers not write about this incident in order not to harm the investigation of the previous fire and in order not to raise questions about who was behind it.”

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Re: How to stop Administrative Detention and help Rabbi Kahane's Grandson
« Reply #34 on: August 30, 2015, 01:25:04 AM »

Administrative expellees show how to hold a meeting without communicating  0
Large numbers of police officers, led by the commander of the Ramle station along with members of the Jewish division of the Shabak raided a meeting discussing administrative orders in Nof Ayalon on Thursday August 27th.

The officers arrested five of the participants, all of whom have recently received administrative orders, and accused them of violating the order not to contact several of their friends who were also present at the meeting.
Photos from the meeting paint a different picture and show that the expellees went to extreme efforts to avoid violating the order. The photos show dividers put up between participants who were banned by administrative order from communicating with one another.
Despite these efforts, the police arrested five of them, one of whom is married with a child. In the end the police released them at 2:30 AM.

The meeting itself was attended by many Rabbis and public figures including Prof. Hillel Weiss, Rav Yoel Schwartz who helped established Nahal Haredi, former MK Michael Ben-Ari, Bentzi Gopshten, Baruch Marzel, lawyer Itzchak Bam, lawyer Itamar Ben Gvir, Meir Bretler, and representatives from ‘Honenu.’ After the raid, the rabbi of Nof Ayalon, Rav Gideon Binyamin arrived to support the expellees.

Honenu said in response to the police actions, “What is going on is reminiscent of oppressive regimes. The police and Shabak are allocating large resources in order to harass young activists who care about the Jewish people and the land of Israel. In the end there was no justification for their arrest as they took great efforts to avoid violating the order by putting up dividers. We advise the head of the Ramle police station to find better use for his forces and deal with the crime in his community rather than harass Jewish activists.”

Lawyer Itamar Ben Gvir said, “When I arrived at the meeting, I saw a large number of forces that looked like they were preparing for an attack in Lebanon. Sadly, the government today uses these forces to harass Jewish activists instead. In any case, the tactic used by the expellees will likely be taught in law schools in the future. There was no violation of the order and its a shame the police are wasting energy on this.”

Lawyer Adi Keidar, who represented several of those arrested said, “The Israeli police continue to invest time in harassing Jewish activists instead of fighting crime. We hope that the appointment of the new head of the police will bring with it a new approach in this realm as well.

Offline Yehudayaakov

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Re: How to stop Administrative Detention and help Rabbi Kahane's Grandson
« Reply #35 on: August 30, 2015, 05:10:25 AM »
big demonstration in telaviv  against nuclear deal and freedom in Israel the israeli media would be forced to cover the event! 400000 Jews from Judea in center of telaviv would do the trick!