Newman, we don't even have too insult the "religion" of islam, we can have a opinion of islam that the muslims don't agree with and that is called hate speech. It seems the "religion of peace" has a problem with FREE SPEECH.
Over the last 8 years, just because I say " I don't believe islam is a religion of peace" the death threats abound. If islam was a peaceful "Religion", why the death threats ? The Amish, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus don't go around 24 / 7 saying
OUR RELIGIONS ARE PEACEFUL !!! And we don't have too.
It seems one group of people " Muslims" always slam down our throat, islam is peaceful. Yet , they bloody well don't act on the "Peace" they seem to believe in. And the libs, seem too eat it up, as well as some republicans in this land. It's a mess.