Author Topic: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage  (Read 7445 times)

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Offline fjack

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Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« on: August 25, 2007, 04:33:56 PM »
Blacks have invented a new way to recycle sewage.

I am always pleased to see something new added to black culture. This certainly is one for the books.

Please don't read this if you have just eaten!

World: Africa

Children high on sewage

By Ishbel Matheson in Lusaka
At the Lusaka sewage ponds, two teenage boys plunge their hands into the dark brown sludge, gathering up fistfuls and stuffing it into small plastic bottles. They tap the bottles on the ground, taking care to leave enough room for methane to form at the top. A sour smell rises in the hot sun, but the boys seem oblivious to the stench and the foul nature of their task.

They are manufacturing "Jenkem", a disgusting, noxious mixture made from fermented sewage. It is cheap, potent and very popular among the thousands of street-children in Lusaka. When they cannot afford glue or are too scared to steal petrol, these youngsters turn to Jenkem as a way of getting high.

"It lasts about an hour", says one user, 16-year-old Luke Mpande, who prefers Jenkem to other substances.

"With glue, I just hear voices in my head. But with Jenkem, I see visions. I see my mother who is dead and I forget about the problems in my life."

Symptom of poverty

Sniffing sewage is a symptom of the desperate plight of Zambia's street-children. There are thought to be some 75,000 in the country as a whole - a number that has doubled in the past eight years.

With the Aids epidemic affecting an estimated one in four adults in urban areas, and the government's harsh privatisation policies throwing thousands out of work, it is the children who have suffered the most.

Sikwanda Makono is an education specialist at the Ministry of Health. "Now that the economy is going down, we see more and more of our younger boys going into the streets.

"And girls too. If you drive around at night, you see very young girls looking for men, to merely get something to survive."


The children can also no longer rely on the extended family, once the backbone of African life. This traditional safety net is now on the verge of collapse.

Children are sent out onto the streets to earn a living, or treated cruelly by relatives already struggling to support their own families, or simply abandoned by parents, who cannot afford to feed and clothe them.

Victor Chinyama of the United Nations Children's Fund in Lusaka says it is imperative that the Zambian government gets to grips with this problem.

"So far, one doesn't get the feeling that this has been recognised as priority, or as a problem that needs to be nipped in the bud," he says.

"This problem is on the rise and the sooner it is dealt with, the better."

Temporary respite

Substance-abuse offers a temporary respite in an otherwise harsh world.

Nobody knows exactly where the idea for making Jenkem came from, but it has been used by street-children in Lusaka for at least two years. Nason Banda of the Drug Enforcement Agency is not proud when he says that it is unique to Zambia. He shudders when he sees the boys at the sewage ponds, scavenging for faecal matter to make Jenkem.

"It's unimaginable" he says. "It hits right at the heart to see a human being coming down a level, to be able to dip his hand into a sewage pond, picking out the material and not caring about anything but the feeling of getting high."


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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2007, 05:25:23 PM »
Another example of the highly refined african culture that we uptight crackers are refusing to embrace.

Offline cjd

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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2007, 07:05:13 PM »
I am trying to control myself here because this story talks of desperate children who don't know any better. I am just trying to picture this whole process and it just does not compute in my white mind. At the hight of colonialism I don't think that blacks had to live in deprivations like this. Now that they rule the roost in most African countries this is what you have. Children wadding around in sewerage ponds scooping up sewerage and getting high of it. Where is the government where are the concerned citizens? I don't care  what anyone says as bad as things are in the worse of white ruled countries you would never see stuff like this.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2007, 07:10:39 PM »
CJD is right.

The genocide, mutilations, pack-rapes and general disgusting state of affairs NEVER would have taken place under white, colonial rule.

Do most Africans feel they're better off now?

Offline mosquewatch

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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2007, 10:25:01 PM »
I would ask if the Black population in America are sick of this land, please move to Africa. The janjaweed await you. Especially too the Black Muslims..... Arabs are killing "you" at every turn, and you idiots in the NOI, claim you are muslims, LOL.

No peace, without FREEDOM.


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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2007, 05:49:47 PM »
Another example of the highly refined african culture that we uptight crackers are refusing to embrace.
OMG... Who invented Huffing then, newman? Certainly not black kids with nothing to do... troubled white kids actually came up with the idea because they didn't have to pay for street drugs. All those who did huff have to do was go into their pantries and pick out their favorite air fresheners and huff until they're brain-damaged. Drug use isn't a cultural thing. Its deeper than that. Its linked to severe depression... and the last time I checked, there aren't many people doing drugs because of the skin they're in, they're doing it because they can't deal with life in general. The Africans mentioned in the article included.


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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2007, 05:59:14 PM »
Another example of the highly refined african culture that we uptight crackers are refusing to embrace.
OMG... Who invented Huffing then, newman? Certainly not black kids with nothing to do... troubled white kids actually came up with the idea because they didn't have to pay for street drugs. All those who did huff have to do was go into their pantries and pick out their favorite air fresheners and huff until they're brain-damaged. Drug use isn't a cultural thing. Its deeper than that. Its linked to severe depression... and the last time I checked, there aren't many people doing drugs because of the skin they're in, they're doing it because they can't deal with life in general. The Africans mentioned in the article included.

You miss the point again, Willona.


Compare white Europe/USA to black Africa. Which country is the world's armpit?

Offline fjack

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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2007, 06:26:54 PM »
Once again the blacks play this game that 'whitey' does it. Let's look at the facts. I saw that all these illiterate black professors get on tv saying 'there are more whites that do drugs, than blacks, but the blacks are arrested more than whites'. In this statement alone is the crux of the black problem. They cannot compute. They are so stupid as to confuse open air drug selling as opposed to buying your drugs and staying inside to use them. I am not saying that this if right, I am just pointing out how blacks can not, under any circumstances engage in critical thinking. They cannot use logic. Why do think there are only a few of (affrimative action) engineers, math and physics PH.Ds etc. The blacks go into an affrimative action teaching program, social science program etc. In the elite private high schools and elementary schools they require that you have a major in the subject that you teach. In other words, to teach math in an elite private high school you must have an MS or a Ph.D, D.Sc in math. In the public zoos you must have a degree in education witha a couple of credits in math. All these phoney degrees are just a give away to blacks who cannot fathom the deeper workings of logic. Look at all the 'great black scholars'. Cornel West, a complete moron, who everyone thinks is such a great thinker. He is a complete joke. He has not written anything but garbage that will not withstand any kind of critical thinking. Look at all the great black thinkers such as dr. ben, dr clark and the idiot dr bill cosby (where be them white wimenz). All these morons are egyptologists, educators etc with no degrees at all, yet they teach in colleges and appear on hoprah and all the self hating white news shows. Look at billy cosby, here is a moron that did not finish high school but was awarded a BS, MS and a Ph.D by temple university for the cartoon he mad about an ebonic speaking fat black kid call 'fat albert'. Are you getting the point. I remember the crack head whore hopran saying how proud she was that the college that she got kicked out of, excuse me. left because she was offered a job on a news show due to her outstanding figure and looks. You ask the majority of blacks what their major is and they will say, education, sociology or african studies. In a way this is good. This way they can't [censored] and moan that they are cut out from college. I work for a major engineering firm, one of the biggerst and best in the world. The only few blacks that we have are, the director of minority communications, vice president of diversity, vice president of school mentoring (this moron has a degree in afrikana studies and dresses in robes with rope in his hair that he never washed in his life) and someone that is the director of community relations. We don't have community relations since we only do gigantic engineering projects. Since we have a large influx of asians in this country we can hire them instead of darkies to fill the quotas. They are not the smartest by far, they make a lot sloppy mistakes due to the poor schools in their country, but they do show up for work, are not prone to violence, do not harass white women and do not steal their pocket books. So when a darkie says the whites do it too, you say yes we do everyting better, now here is your affrimative action job, your food stamps, your aid to dependent children, you free school lunch, your free access to an education that you do have the brain power to utilize and the rest of the goodies that shoud count for your 'reparations'. Can't they go to their beloved africa and teach these feces divers to use a shovel and increase the amout that they can cook and smoke. By the way, send so airplane glue to these kids they would appreciate it more than a book.


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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2007, 06:32:48 PM »
Even looking at total drug use if twice as many whites used drugs as blacks, the blacks are still higher users because the populations aren't 50/50. Blacks are 14% of US population but they account MUCH HIGHER than 14% of the drug use. Whites are 65% of population and account for MUCH LESS than 65% of drug use.

Erica cannot grasp this concept of proportionality. She's obviously mathematically challenged.


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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2007, 06:37:21 PM »
Even looking at total drug use if twice as many whites used drugs as blacks, the blacks are still higher users because the populations aren't 50/50. Blacks are 14% of US population but they account MUCH HIGHER than 14% of the drug use. Whites are 65% of population and account for MUCH LESS than 65% of drug use.

Erica cannot grasp this concept of proportionality. She's obviously mathematically challenged.
I didn't bring up there being a disproportionate amount of whites doing the huffing thing... I brought it up as an example because you and others make it seem like Africans have cornered the market on drug use, or ideas for getting high. I got your point clearly.

Offline fjack

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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2007, 06:40:38 PM »
I now see the need for affrimative action somali telecommunicators. You will never miss one till you need on. I am sure that erica could use her skills to help her fellow black aficans adjust to the hostile, racist, white supremist hell hole that these poor creatures have come to, to teach whitey the wonders of african science, the philosphy of the ancient thinkers and to show us how to live in an uplifting and spritiual state of mind.

Hallway Rape Went Unreported By Neighbors

Anthony Lonetree and Pat Pheifer, Star Tribune (Minneapolis-St. Paul), August 24, 2007
The video shows what most witnesses in a St. Paul apartment building apparently didn’t tell.
A man beat a woman, removed his pants and sexually assaulted her in a hall, and five to 10 people saw at least part of the attack but did nothing to intervene or help, according to investigators and court documents.
It was only after police were summoned on a report of two drunk people lying in the hall that they learned there had been a rape. Rage Ibrahim, 25, of St. Paul, was charged Thursday with first-degree and third-degree criminal sexual conduct. He is in Ramsey County jail.
Residents on the second floor of Afton View Apartments weren’t talking much Thursday afternoon. One man wouldn’t come to his door. A young woman, with children surrounding her, said: “I don’t know anything.”
Though the building’s resident manager wouldn’t provide demographic breakdowns, the tenant list in the entryway is dominated by Somali surnames—a segment of St. Paul’s population that police say is often reluctant to report crimes.
Through Wednesday night, the building in the 300 block of Winthrop Street had generated 63 police incident reports this year, with 19 involving various types of disturbances and 11 being 911 hangup calls.
Tuesday’s rape was the first such offense at the building this year, reports show.
According to the complaint, officers found Ibrahim and the woman lying in the hall. Her clothes had been pushed above her waist. He wasn’t wearing pants or underwear.
The woman told officers that she didn’t know Ibrahim and that he had drugged her and raped her. She was taken to Regions Hospital in St. Paul.
Ibrahim told officers that he and the woman, whom he said was his girlfriend, were drunk and messed up. He maintains that the incident was a misunderstanding, according to Omar Jamal, the executive director of the Somali Justice Advocacy Center who spoke Thursday on Ibrahim’s behalf.
According to a search warrant affidavit, investigators talked to one resident in the building who said that a woman had knocked on his door in the middle of the night yelling “call the police!” The man said he didn’t open the door or look out. He said he called police, but police said there is no record of that call.
Trying to raise awareness
In the main office of the Afton View Apartments on Thursday, manager Abdullahi Anshoor said he has made a point of encouraging new tenants to report all crimes to police. It’s a message that is repeated at National Night Out events, too, he said.
Walsh, the police spokesman, said that the 911 dispatch staff currently has no Somali telecommunicators, but that efforts are underway to hire Somali-language speakers. Until that happens, he said, dispatchers can call translators for three-way communications.
The question of why so many people who must have been aware of the disturbance would not call Tuesday morning has yet to be easily answered.
Anshoor recognized a man on the video who was walking toward the man and woman and then turned around. Anshoor said he asked the man Tuesday why he did not report what he saw. The man replied: “I thought they were drunk. And I left.”
Original article
Email Anthony Lonetree at [email protected].
(Posted on August 27, 2007)


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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2007, 06:43:44 PM »
This known as 'TNB'.........Typical negro behaviour.


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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2007, 06:45:03 PM »
I now see the need for affrimative action somali telecommunicators. You will never miss one till you need on. I am sure that erica could use her skills to help her fellow black aficans adjust to the hostile, racist, white supremist hell hole that these poor creatures have come to, to teach whitey the wonders of african science, the philosphy of the ancient thinkers and to show us how to live in an uplifting and spritiual state of mind.

Hallway Rape Went Unreported By Neighbors

Anthony Lonetree and Pat Pheifer, Star Tribune (Minneapolis-St. Paul), August 24, 2007
The video shows what most witnesses in a St. Paul apartment building apparently didn’t tell.
A man beat a woman, removed his pants and sexually assaulted her in a hall, and five to 10 people saw at least part of the attack but did nothing to intervene or help, according to investigators and court documents.
It was only after police were summoned on a report of two drunk people lying in the hall that they learned there had been a rape. Rage Ibrahim, 25, of St. Paul, was charged Thursday with first-degree and third-degree criminal sexual conduct. He is in Ramsey County jail.
Residents on the second floor of Afton View Apartments weren’t talking much Thursday afternoon. One man wouldn’t come to his door. A young woman, with children surrounding her, said: “I don’t know anything.”
Though the building’s resident manager wouldn’t provide demographic breakdowns, the tenant list in the entryway is dominated by Somali surnames—a segment of St. Paul’s population that police say is often reluctant to report crimes.
Through Wednesday night, the building in the 300 block of Winthrop Street had generated 63 police incident reports this year, with 19 involving various types of disturbances and 11 being 911 hangup calls.
Tuesday’s rape was the first such offense at the building this year, reports show.
According to the complaint, officers found Ibrahim and the woman lying in the hall. Her clothes had been pushed above her waist. He wasn’t wearing pants or underwear.
The woman told officers that she didn’t know Ibrahim and that he had drugged her and raped her. She was taken to Regions Hospital in St. Paul.
Ibrahim told officers that he and the woman, whom he said was his girlfriend, were drunk and messed up. He maintains that the incident was a misunderstanding, according to Omar Jamal, the executive director of the Somali Justice Advocacy Center who spoke Thursday on Ibrahim’s behalf.
According to a search warrant affidavit, investigators talked to one resident in the building who said that a woman had knocked on his door in the middle of the night yelling “call the police!” The man said he didn’t open the door or look out. He said he called police, but police said there is no record of that call.
Trying to raise awareness
In the main office of the Afton View Apartments on Thursday, manager Abdullahi Anshoor said he has made a point of encouraging new tenants to report all crimes to police. It’s a message that is repeated at National Night Out events, too, he said.
Walsh, the police spokesman, said that the 911 dispatch staff currently has no Somali telecommunicators, but that efforts are underway to hire Somali-language speakers. Until that happens, he said, dispatchers can call translators for three-way communications.
The question of why so many people who must have been aware of the disturbance would not call Tuesday morning has yet to be easily answered.
Anshoor recognized a man on the video who was walking toward the man and woman and then turned around. Anshoor said he asked the man Tuesday why he did not report what he saw. The man replied: “I thought they were drunk. And I left.”
Original article
Email Anthony Lonetree at [email protected].
(Posted on August 27, 2007)

fjack, why do you and others here feel that the only people who can help out in the black community must be black? Why can't you help also?


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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2007, 06:49:50 PM »

fjack, why do you and others here feel that the only people who can help out in the black community must be black? Why can't you help also?

Coz we'd get mugged, stabbed, shot or raped in the black 'hood.


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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2007, 06:53:45 PM »

fjack, why do you and others here feel that the only people who can help out in the black community must be black? Why can't you help also?

Coz we'd get mugged, stabbed, shot or raped in the black 'hood.
You wouldn't. There are blacks who are in a bad way who would like nothing more than to be out of their circumstances and for someone to help. Its not cool to assume that any black person would rape or kill you for offering to help them. Do you think the same about little black children who need help also? Say, 10 year-olds who are having a hard time in life? If they asked you for help, would you not help them because of the statistics?


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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2007, 06:58:59 PM »

fjack, why do you and others here feel that the only people who can help out in the black community must be black? Why can't you help also?

Coz we'd get mugged, stabbed, shot or raped in the black 'hood.
You wouldn't. There are blacks who are in a bad way who would like nothing more than to be out of their circumstances and for someone to help. Its not cool to assume that any black person would rape or kill you for offering to help them. Do you think the same about little black children who need help also? Say, 10 year-olds who are having a hard time in life? If they asked you for help, would you not help them because of the statistics?

G_d helps those who help themselves.

Nobody helped ol' whitie in the potato famine, fascist Europe or any other place. WE did it on our own.

If your peeps stopped taking drugs, mugging, killing, raping and breeding bastard babies for five minutes, you wouldn't need ol' whities help.


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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #16 on: August 27, 2007, 07:01:12 PM »

fjack, why do you and others here feel that the only people who can help out in the black community must be black? Why can't you help also?

Coz we'd get mugged, stabbed, shot or raped in the black 'hood.
You wouldn't. There are blacks who are in a bad way who would like nothing more than to be out of their circumstances and for someone to help. Its not cool to assume that any black person would rape or kill you for offering to help them. Do you think the same about little black children who need help also? Say, 10 year-olds who are having a hard time in life? If they asked you for help, would you not help them because of the statistics?

G_d helps those who help themselves.

Nobody helped ol' whitie in the potato famine, fascist Europe or any other place. WE did it on our own.

If your peeps stopped taking drugs, mugging, killing, raping and breeding bastard babies for five minutes, you wouldn't need ol' whities help.
Well, as the saying goes, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. But I can teach my children to respect and help everyone that needs help dispite what color they are.

And please stop treating me like I am responsible for the way some of the bad blacks in America act.


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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2007, 07:04:44 PM »

fjack, why do you and others here feel that the only people who can help out in the black community must be black? Why can't you help also?

Coz we'd get mugged, stabbed, shot or raped in the black 'hood.
You wouldn't. There are blacks who are in a bad way who would like nothing more than to be out of their circumstances and for someone to help. Its not cool to assume that any black person would rape or kill you for offering to help them. Do you think the same about little black children who need help also? Say, 10 year-olds who are having a hard time in life? If they asked you for help, would you not help them because of the statistics?

G_d helps those who help themselves.

Nobody helped ol' whitie in the potato famine, fascist Europe or any other place. WE did it on our own.

If your peeps stopped taking drugs, mugging, killing, raping and breeding bastard babies for five minutes, you wouldn't need ol' whities help.
Well, as the saying goes, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. But I can teach my children to respect and help everyone that needs help dispite what color they are.

And please stop treating me like I am responsible for the way some of the bad blacks in America act.

If you tries and twist things one mo' time I's gonna use dat ol' ebonics.

I NEVER held you responsible, but if you're gonna make excuses, you'll be asked the questions.


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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #18 on: August 27, 2007, 07:15:00 PM »

fjack, why do you and others here feel that the only people who can help out in the black community must be black? Why can't you help also?

Coz we'd get mugged, stabbed, shot or raped in the black 'hood.
You wouldn't. There are blacks who are in a bad way who would like nothing more than to be out of their circumstances and for someone to help. Its not cool to assume that any black person would rape or kill you for offering to help them. Do you think the same about little black children who need help also? Say, 10 year-olds who are having a hard time in life? If they asked you for help, would you not help them because of the statistics?

G_d helps those who help themselves.

Nobody helped ol' whitie in the potato famine, fascist Europe or any other place. WE did it on our own.

If your peeps stopped taking drugs, mugging, killing, raping and breeding bastard babies for five minutes, you wouldn't need ol' whities help.
Well, as the saying goes, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. But I can teach my children to respect and help everyone that needs help dispite what color they are.

And please stop treating me like I am responsible for the way some of the bad blacks in America act.

If you tries and twist things one mo' time I's gonna use dat ol' ebonics.

I NEVER held you responsible, but if you're gonna make excuses, you'll be asked the questions.
When you and people LIKE you say "you people", "your tribe" and things like that, you put responsibility on people like me. These people don't belong to me...they belong to themselves. We can either help out or not. That's like me saying that you should go to your bretheren the KKK members and teach them not to be racist.


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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #19 on: August 27, 2007, 07:19:26 PM »

fjack, why do you and others here feel that the only people who can help out in the black community must be black? Why can't you help also?

Coz we'd get mugged, stabbed, shot or raped in the black 'hood.
You wouldn't. There are blacks who are in a bad way who would like nothing more than to be out of their circumstances and for someone to help. Its not cool to assume that any black person would rape or kill you for offering to help them. Do you think the same about little black children who need help also? Say, 10 year-olds who are having a hard time in life? If they asked you for help, would you not help them because of the statistics?

G_d helps those who help themselves.

Nobody helped ol' whitie in the potato famine, fascist Europe or any other place. WE did it on our own.

If your peeps stopped taking drugs, mugging, killing, raping and breeding bastard babies for five minutes, you wouldn't need ol' whities help.
Well, as the saying goes, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. But I can teach my children to respect and help everyone that needs help dispite what color they are.

And please stop treating me like I am responsible for the way some of the bad blacks in America act.

If you tries and twist things one mo' time I's gonna use dat ol' ebonics.

I NEVER held you responsible, but if you're gonna make excuses, you'll be asked the questions.
When you and people LIKE you say "you people", "your tribe" and things like that, you put responsibility on people like me. These people don't belong to me...they belong to themselves. We can either help out or not. That's like me saying that you should go to your bretheren the KKK members and teach them not to be racist.

Another curve know what that means:

Sista , you's all forgettin' dat da klan is only small pussent o' da whities. Da muggers an' da udder trash is a big ol' pussent o' dem cloloured folk.

mmmm hmmmm.


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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #20 on: August 27, 2007, 07:24:51 PM »

fjack, why do you and others here feel that the only people who can help out in the black community must be black? Why can't you help also?

Coz we'd get mugged, stabbed, shot or raped in the black 'hood.
You wouldn't. There are blacks who are in a bad way who would like nothing more than to be out of their circumstances and for someone to help. Its not cool to assume that any black person would rape or kill you for offering to help them. Do you think the same about little black children who need help also? Say, 10 year-olds who are having a hard time in life? If they asked you for help, would you not help them because of the statistics?

G_d helps those who help themselves.

Nobody helped ol' whitie in the potato famine, fascist Europe or any other place. WE did it on our own.

If your peeps stopped taking drugs, mugging, killing, raping and breeding bastard babies for five minutes, you wouldn't need ol' whities help.
Well, as the saying goes, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. But I can teach my children to respect and help everyone that needs help dispite what color they are.

And please stop treating me like I am responsible for the way some of the bad blacks in America act.

If you tries and twist things one mo' time I's gonna use dat ol' ebonics.

I NEVER held you responsible, but if you're gonna make excuses, you'll be asked the questions.
When you and people LIKE you say "you people", "your tribe" and things like that, you put responsibility on people like me. These people don't belong to me...they belong to themselves. We can either help out or not. That's like me saying that you should go to your bretheren the KKK members and teach them not to be racist.

Another curve know what that means:

Sista , you's all forgettin' dat da klan is only small pussent o' da whities. Da muggers an' da udder trash is a big ol' pussent o' dem cloloured folk.

mmmm hmmmm.
Don't make me call YOU something, Newman.

It must take you a long time to type all of those accent marks (apostrophes) and incomplete words just to make a point against the black community. Do you really feel like you have to talk that way to me to get me to respond to you? The only feedback you get from me is anger.

And if 500,000 is a small percent... I'd hate to live in Klan-Tucky or anywhere they live.


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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #21 on: August 27, 2007, 07:29:33 PM »
Don't make me call YOU something, Newman.

It must take you a long time to type all of those accent marks (apostrophes) and incomplete words just to make a point against the black community. Do you really feel like you have to talk that way to me to get me to respond to you? The only feedback you get from me is anger.

And if 500,000 is a small percent... I'd hate to live in Klan-Tucky or anywhere they live.

You's doin' it again.

500,000 out of 200,000,000 is 0.25%. YES....SMALL


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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2007, 07:32:23 PM »
Don't make me call YOU something, Newman.

It must take you a long time to type all of those accent marks (apostrophes) and incomplete words just to make a point against the black community. Do you really feel like you have to talk that way to me to get me to respond to you? The only feedback you get from me is anger.

And if 500,000 is a small percent... I'd hate to live in Klan-Tucky or anywhere they live.

You's doin' it again.

500,000 out of 200,000,000 is 0.25%. YES....SMALL
So if I'm living in a place where all of these Klansmen decide to settle,I shouldnt' be afraid because they're a small amount? Please.


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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #23 on: August 27, 2007, 07:37:43 PM »
Don't make me call YOU something, Newman.

It must take you a long time to type all of those accent marks (apostrophes) and incomplete words just to make a point against the black community. Do you really feel like you have to talk that way to me to get me to respond to you? The only feedback you get from me is anger.

And if 500,000 is a small percent... I'd hate to live in Klan-Tucky or anywhere they live.

You's doin' it again.

500,000 out of 200,000,000 is 0.25%. YES....SMALL
So if I'm living in a place where all of these Klansmen decide to settle,I shouldnt' be afraid because they're a small amount? Please.

Another curve ball!

We were talking white versus black criminality in % terms.

Raising the issue of fear when moving next door is a deflection.

So you get this:

MMMM hmmm, hand me dat water melon, honey child.

Offline cjd

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Re: Blacks find a new way to recycle raw sewage
« Reply #24 on: August 27, 2007, 08:05:43 PM »
The sad issue for me is the fact that the poor kids were wallowing around in the disease ridden sewerage. In a country where disease is rampant you would think that local officials would try to put a crimp in this activity. Here you have children exposing themselves to possibly incurable sicknesses and spreading it like vermin. Getting high off some glue or spray is bad enough what is being allowed to go on here is nothing but savagery. It really is a telling picture when you hear stories like this about blacks inability to run a civilized country. Once the white man leaves the picture so does any real form of civilization. 
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