Author Topic: "Why Mr. Pinko is currently behind Mr. Trump vs. Ted Cruz"  (Read 1358 times)

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Offline UncleBourbon

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"Why Mr. Pinko is currently behind Mr. Trump vs. Ted Cruz"
« on: November 01, 2015, 01:58:56 AM »

Things ANTI-Trump Cruz supporters do not get:
* Republican candidates are running against the MEDIA. The media will run rough-shod over Cruz like a cement truck. Trump owns the media.
* Cruz is a POLITICIAN. A Senator no less – like Obama. Trump is a powerful, successful businessman.
* Trump PROMISES to BUILD a BORDER WALL – UNDER BUDGET with Mexico paying for it. To seriously doubt that is foolish. Trump is in the building business. No other candidate can promise that. If Trump is elected and doesn’t keep his promise – he will go down in history as the biggest fool ever. Trump’s ego will not allow that.
* Cruz is for H-1B – disastrous immigration policy that steals American jobs. Trump is dead-fast against H-1B.

* Cruz has been and will continue to be EFFECTIVELY knee-capped by the media. Every time the media tries to destroy Trump his poll numbers go up.
* Cruz’s votes to support TPPA concerns me.
* Trump’s campaign is SELF-FINANCED – beholden to NOBODY. Cruz is controlled by big donors.
* Cruz vs. Bush – the GOP will make sure Bush wins and can outspend Cruz. Trump vs. Bush – Trump has the money to beat the GOP machine.

Any thoughts on this?

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: "Why Mr. Pinko is currently behind Mr. Trump vs. Ted Cruz"
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2015, 05:56:47 AM »
*Cruz owned the media a lot harder than Trump
*Being a senator is not something derogatory
*Trump promises to kick out all the illegals, and bring them right back, and call that legally. Cruz wants to kick them out and keep American immigration policy. Also, Mexico won't pay, and to actually believe that is insanity, and it'll be great for Trump to blame no border wall on Mexico. Trump's ego will be satisfied with being president, and not keeping his promises will make him fit right in with the others. How many other American presidents went down as the biggest fools in history for not keeping their promises? This whole point is an absurdity only a Trumpkin would hoot, holler and fall for.
*I'd rather a stance on a TEMPORARY WORKER VISA POLICY that allows workers to come in and work so long as they're needed, than Trump's desire to let "Syrian" "refugees" in. Kicking illegals out and keeping them out will result in plenty of jobs that need filling, so we'll do fine with workers on temporary VISAS instead of terrorists and illegal immigrants, thanks.
*Cruz has been ignored as much as possible by the media, because everything he says turns their agenda on its head and punts it. They can't put anything he says on their media, because they have nothing to say in response to it, that he can't use to wipe the floor with them. Trump flip flops on every issue, so the elder socialists get their gratification that he's supporting their issues, and the younger ones get their comic book villain to scream at. Every time the media tried to destroy Trump, they promote him, and then he can go say something liberal, and get more press. The media knows conservative Americans loathe them and will like who they say to hate, so they hate Trump instead of Cruz for tactical reasons, the main ones being that it makes them look good for having perfect straw men from a Trump flip-flop to attack, and because it lets them promote a candidate they think their leftist overlord can beat.
*He likes a bill that promotes free trade. He no longer supports it, because;
"“As a general matter, I agree (as did Ronald Reagan) that free trade is good for America; when we open up foreign markets, it helps American farmers, ranchers, and manufacturers,” Mr. Cruz said, announcing his switch in an op-ed for Breitbart News, a conservative website that has been a vigorous critic of the Trade Protection Authority (TPA) bill known as “fast track.”
“But TPA in this Congress has become enmeshed in corrupt Washington backroom deal-making, along with serious concerns that it would open up the potential for sweeping changes in our laws that trade agreements typically do not include.”
And so he doesn't support it, put your concerns to rest. Trump, who thinks Hillary would make a great president, in case you forgot, would never come close to saying anything like that, he just repeats rhetoric his clueless Trumpkins can get behind, "ITS GAINST MURICA JAWBS".

He expresses "concern" instead of making a real argument because he has nothing to go on there, so it's just doubt creating. Whoever Mr. Pinko is, I do not trust him now.
* Trump likes to rub that in everyone's face. I'm sure Bill Clinton doesn't control him completely, but since he told him to run, there's something there. "Controlled by big donors" is nice layman rhetoric that gets the Trumpkins uppity against the "MAN" and means nothing. He took money from the Koch brothers, and hasn't supported any of their most recent developments. They give money to everyone in the Reb. party so they'll be nice to them, that doesn't mean he's controlled. Also, if supporting Israel, being against traitors, illegal immigrants, back-room Washington cartels deals, and everything else he supports is being controlled by those particular big donors, then tell those big donors to run for president, or at least to start controlling Trump.
*GOP will promote Bush like it promoted Regan's opposition. They can spent twice as much money as Hitlery to put a shiny saddle on Jebbie, everyone knows it's an old horse, and no one wants that ride. What were his poll numbers again? Kanye West would make a better opposition, even if he spent his own money. Also, Cruz is raising more than any other candidate with under $100 contributions from regular citizens, and has a treasure trove waiting in his war chest. While Trump does has the money to convince every Mr. Pinko in every news outlet to support him, and and army of trolls to comment on everything, Cruz has the tea party, the grassroots, the religious (maybe one more clueless religious person wants to vote for Trump because his favorite verse is "the whole bible, just the whole thing") and niches of support everywhere, because he consistently holds to all the right issues. Trump is a bandwagon for people who don't listen to news beyond last week, and him running against his buddy's wife Hillary should show any sane person he's the ultimate POLITICIAN whose PROMISES are worthless and is EFFECTIVELY the only way the ever-hated Hitlery can win.
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