Israel > Save Israel

Congolissa: "Palestinian" struggle echoes battle for US independence

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fake plastic trees:

--- Quote from: Rhuan on October 13, 2006, 08:47:10 PM ---I'm not a member of the CofE, but from what I've seen of it, it doesn't appear to be anti-semitic, just week, as in it does whatever anyone tells it to, i.e. homosexual clergies, going on about tollerance etc.

I personally don't think of the guardian as anti-semitic, it's generally rather intelligent compared to some things...

When I say 80% of the whites I know, I am refferring mainly to people under the age of 18.

--- End quote ---

people who are anti semitic are nazis. simple as.

I was saying that they aren't anti-semitic, I therefore have no idea what your (fake plastic trees) post is possibly meant to be refferring to.

El Cabong!:
It only goes to show her true feelings. No matter how much you help blacks, they will always hate the whites and Jews and always harbor resentment towards them.

rhuan, perphaps in England 80% of the whites support the Arabs, but in the US whites generally support Israel

In England a large majority think that what they learn in school Religous studies lessons is the absolute truth.

i.e. Islam = peaceful, terrorists = not real muslims, jihad = personal mental struggle  etc


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