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Arab Riots Near Jerusalem Protest Temple Mount Security Measure


Oh look... BIG SURPRISE! *sarcasm*
Arab Riots Near Jerusalem Protest Temple Mount Security Measure
15:56 Oct 13, '06 / 21 Tishrei 5767
by Hillel Fendel

Hundreds of Arab youths rioted Friday morning at southern, northern Jerusalem entrances.

The young Moslems were protesting Israeli age restrictions to 40 and over for entry to the Al Aksa Mosque on the Temple Mount.

Friday prayers during the Moslem holy month of Ramadan have always been a sensitive security concern. When Israel previously allowed young Moslems to join the mass Ramadan prayers on Jerusalem's Temple Mount, they launched violent demonstrations including hurling large rocks and bricks at Jewish worshippers at the Western Wall below.

In the past, only Moslems over age 45 were permitted entry. Women of all ages are allowed entry. To date, 175,000 Moslems have participated in prayers on the Temple Month this month.

Protesting the restrictions, hundreds of Arab youths rioted and threw rocks at Israeli Police at two northern Jerusalem entrances and one in the south. The police arrested several rioters and dispersed the others with rubber bullets, shock grenades and clubs. A large police contingent is stationed around the Temple Mount to ensure that trouble does not develop there.

Arab Knesset Member Ahmed Tibi attacked Israel for "blatantly violating international law and harming freedom of worship by preventing tens of thousands of worshipers from arriving at the Al Aqsa Mosque."

While Israel grapples with fine tuning the age limit to enable Moslem worship without violence, the neighboring Palestinian Authority has overseen the vandalism of Jewish holy sites including Joseph's Tomb in Shechem and the destruction of the synagogues in Gush Katif. No efforts have been made by the PA to restore the Jewish holy sites.

I was going to say that I can't believe that they've allowed an arab muslim to join the knesset, but having thought about it, I can believe it...

Hail Columbia:
I wish that the JDF would storm in during a Knesset session, kidnap the Ayrab members of the Knesset, and execute them in the hallway.  How can Israel allow Amalekites to serve as legislators for Israel is beyond me.


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