Author Topic: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.  (Read 39391 times)

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Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« on: August 28, 2007, 07:02:50 PM »

1/ All leftist, bed-wetting teachers fired with NO severence pay and replaced with ex-military , ex-police, ex-prison sevice etc.

2/ All teachers armed, with authority to kill any student brandishing or carrying ANY weapon.

3/ School 'disciplinery' operatives in every corridore dressed in black garb with South African 'jamboks' ( rubber-coated steel whips) to flog any student engaged in unruly behaviour or dressed in gangsta clothing.

4/ The above 'disciplinery' operatives summoned to class rooms via teachers' buzzer at the first sign of bad student behaviour. Bad students then beaten until they mess their pants or pass out (whatever's first). Let's see 'em play the tough guy after they've copped that in front of their classmates!

5/ Disciplinery operatives authorised to do the same to useless, lazy, crack-head parents.

Any comments?
« Last Edit: August 28, 2007, 08:42:35 PM by newman »

Offline mosquewatch

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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2007, 07:07:55 PM »

1/ All leftist, bed-wetting teachers fired with NO severence pay and replaced with ex-military , ex-police, ex-prison sevice etc.

2/ All teachers armed, with authority to kill any student brandishing or carrying ANY weapon.

3/ School 'disciplinery' operatives in every corridore dressed in black garb with South African 'jamboks' (a rubber-coated steel whip) to flog any student engaged in unruly behaviour or dressed in gangsta clothing.

4/ The above 'disciplinery' operatives summoned to class rooms via teachers' buzzer at the first sign of bad student behaviour. Bad students then beaten until they mess their pants or pass out (whatever's first). Let's see 'em play the tough guy after they've copped that in front of their classmates!

5/ Disciplinery operatives authorised to do the same to useless, lazy, crack-head parents.

Any comments?

I'm for 1, 2 and 5 ! And 3 too an extent. School 'disciplinery' operatives in every corridore dressed in black garb with South African 'jamboks' (a rubber-coated steel whip)
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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2007, 07:09:02 PM »
works for me.


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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2007, 07:55:12 PM »
One other thing:

Crazy Joe Clark to be made the New Schoolboard Tzar.

Offline Hail Columbia

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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2007, 08:25:03 PM »
3/ School 'disciplinery' operatives in every corridore dressed in black garb with South African 'jamboks' (a rubber-coated steel whip) to flog any student engaged in unruly behaviour or dressed in gangsta clothing.

Actually, it's called a sjambok (pronounced "shumbok"), and I agree completely that it should be used on anyone who wears affirmative action garb.

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Offline nessuno

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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2007, 12:36:18 AM »
I think you should reconsider the goody bag idea Newman.
Only the Nurse should hand them out.  It could include gauze, band aids, antibiotic ointment, disposable heat or cold packs (whatever applys), wet ones and clean underwear.   ;)

Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2007, 12:41:10 AM »
I think you should reconsider the goody bag idea Newman.
Only the Nurse should hand them out.  It could include gauze, band aids, antibiotic ointment, disposable heat or cold packs (whatever applys), wet ones and clean underwear.   ;)

KFC & watermelon vouchers would work better.

Offline nopeaceforland

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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2007, 12:45:52 AM »
One other thing:

Crazy Joe Clark to be made the New Schoolboard Tzar.

Let's bring in the HNIC, that's good! :laugh:

I personally think, we should take the kids that actually take education as a privilege and teach them with the best of everything. The morons who think education is a joke, put them in the army and/or jail. Don't even waste your time with these morons. It would be fun to see how tough the morons really are when they have to fight for their lives! As for parents, I personally think some parents should be neutered e.g. the lazy, crack head, militant mamzas.

Offline nessuno

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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2007, 12:47:37 AM »
Don't be fooled by the expression goody bag.
I wasn't trying to feed them - just trying to keep the biohazards down to a minimum.

Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline nessuno

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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2007, 12:49:14 AM »
One other thing:

Crazy Joe Clark to be made the New Schoolboard Tzar.

Let's bring in the HNIC, that's good! :laugh:

I personally think, we should take the kids that actually take education as a privilege and teach them with the best of everything. The morons who think education is a joke, put them in the army and/or jail. Don't even waste your time with these morons. It would be fun to see how tough the morons really are when they have to fight for their lives! As for parents, I personally think some parents should be neutered e.g. the lazy, crack head, militant mamzas.
I agree.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2007, 12:52:05 AM »
Don't be fooled by the expression goody bag.
I wasn't trying to feed them - just trying to keep the biohazards down to a minimum.

Napalm Harlem or Bed' Stuy' to do that. ;D


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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2007, 03:58:02 AM »
Don't be fooled by the expression goody bag.
I wasn't trying to feed them - just trying to keep the biohazards down to a minimum.

Napalm Harlem or Bed' Stuy' to do that. ;D
What a dumb idea.


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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2007, 05:23:42 AM »
What a dumb idea.

That's a definitive argument.

Offline HiWarp

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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2007, 08:53:58 AM »
Here's my solution.

Set the ground rules for what is expected of students and then accept any student willing to abide by these rules.  Anyone not willing doesn't need to attend school.  At the first sign of any shenanigans, warn the students.  At the second sign of any shenanigans, kick the unruly students out.

Worried about how the ones that choose not to attend will wind up?  Tough.  They had the opportunity to abide by the rules and act in a civilized manner but chose not to.  If they wish to go back to school later in life, fine.  Everyone deserves a second chance.  But not a third, fourth, fifth...∞

By the way, I wouldn't limit this to inner-city schools.
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Offline mosquewatch

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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2007, 06:06:14 PM »
No peace, without FREEDOM.


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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2007, 06:28:44 PM »
What a dumb idea.

That's a definitive argument.
Yes, but my (edit) 'argument' is a lot more concise than "I duns be... ".. and any other ebonic craziness you can come up with when you're backed into a corner.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 04:39:28 PM by Erica »

Offline fjack

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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2007, 08:44:39 AM »
The public school system must end period. It is throwing money away. The moron klien that runs the city school system has said that high schools may have to go on for seven years since the blacks and the browns are too dumb to finish school in four years. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that by not having schools you will let the savages roam the streets and do what comes genetically natural for them, creating mayhem, we should confine them to restricted areas with currency that can only be spent in 'their ghetto hood' and keep them heavily medicated, which will curtail their violent nature and also hinder their obsession to procreate.


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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2007, 09:00:54 AM »
For all the money spent on law enforcement and the drug war, it would be cheaper to wall them in and GIVE them all the drugs they want.


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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2007, 02:14:29 AM »
The public school system must end period. It is throwing money away. The moron klien that runs the city school system has said that high schools may have to go on for seven years since the blacks and the browns are too dumb to finish school in four years. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that by not having schools you will let the savages roam the streets and do what comes genetically natural for them, creating mayhem, we should confine them to restricted areas with currency that can only be spent in 'their ghetto hood' and keep them heavily medicated, which will curtail their violent nature and also hinder their obsession to procreate.
That's why  public housing was built. Its called "gentrification". Familiar with the word and its meaning? This, your grand idea ::), has been going on for years.

Offline fjack

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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #19 on: September 03, 2007, 07:59:02 AM »
When white people move in a slum and clean it up (replace the former occupants who destroyed the area) that is gentrification. To answer daniel's statement regarding the New York zoo, I mean school system, let me clear up a few facts here. In the "peoples' republic of new york city' to be a teacher you go to a college and take what is called teacher education courses, such as teaching methods for the urban child, inner city teaching techniques, blah, blah, blah. This degree was watered so down as to let a Kleion get a teaching certificate. One thing however went wrong, even though the teachers test is easier, if that is possible, than the test for the post office, the vast amount of africans are still unable to pass. Comrades in the union have made it near impossible to fire a teacher, as a matter of fact there are teachers and principals in jail, that have committed serious crimes that are recieving their full pay. About two weeks ago, there was a female santa ria priestess that was a school principal that spread chicken blood and spat rum or some other liqour through the halls of her school to cleanse the school of evil spirits, she was removed from the school and assigned 'desk duty', he measely salary was over, now sit down, 120 000 grand a year. Poor underpaid minority. It is also noteworthy to note that when it was found out that the teachers who could not even read the teachers' test were black, cries of cultural bias were raised and darkies and self hating white trash held hands in solidarity singing 'workers unite' or the 'internationa' the communist national anthemn. Another little ditty they love to sing is 'lift every voice and sing' the black national anthemn. You didn't know that the blacks have their own national anthemn? Shame on you. Here in havana on the hudson, every white, jewish, heterophobic politician has that song on their i-pod and proudly stand up in front of the white hating media and sing this tune just like uncle remus and uncle ben would do, with all the dignity of the bawana tawana banana kid, and who be the baby's daddie jesse jackson. If you want to see who we have dumbed things down so much, go to barnes and noble and take a look at the postal test. I will give you one of the questions, there are several like this"

Which one of these represents and address
c-1300 Main Street, New York, New York 11300
d-all the above

Yes that is a question and the blacks still fail at an staggering rate. The answer to this was that the test was cultural biased and that it favored white, middle class men. How to fix this horrid case of white oppression, lower the standards even more. How much lower can you make them?
The teachers' exam is even dumber. They have now instituted mentoring and remedial english and math for black teachers that have [/b] already graduated college and still can't read or write to conquer this horrid racism.

To further aid the blacks, we have dumbed down the tests for the police and fire departments as well as lowering the standards for the above positions, You can have a bunch of arrests and still be a cop. They also change the rule that you have 60 college credits to be a fire man and a cop, this has been changed. You can serve two years in prison in leiu of these requirements.

Yes, affrimative action, we need more of that.

Offline Nic Brookes

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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #20 on: September 03, 2007, 08:29:05 AM »
I duns be... backed into a corner

Misquotes are so funny!!

Offline cjd

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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #21 on: September 03, 2007, 08:37:56 AM »
I duns be... backed into a corner

Misquotes are so funny!!
I see She and JB had the same English teacher ;D
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Offline nessuno

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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #22 on: September 03, 2007, 10:06:05 AM »
The public school system must end period. It is throwing money away. The moron klien that runs the city school system has said that high schools may have to go on for seven years since the blacks and the browns are too dumb to finish school in four years. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that by not having schools you will let the savages roam the streets and do what comes genetically natural for them, creating mayhem, we should confine them to restricted areas with currency that can only be spent in 'their ghetto hood' and keep them heavily medicated, which will curtail their violent nature and also hinder their obsession to procreate.
That's why  public housing was built. Its called "gentrification". Familiar with the word and its meaning? This, your grand idea ::), has been going on for years.
How does public housing = gentrification?  Gentrification is the fix for an area destroyed by the same type of people who use public housing.
It is amazing that people provided affordable cheap housing don't appreciate it - improve on it - use it as a leg up to better.  Instead they make it a hellhole.  Then they complain about being forced to live with each other.
I bet the same public housing - inhabited by a group of Jewish people (Italian, Irish, etc...) would be a stellar and much sought after place to live.  In fact I know of many in the area where I grew up.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #23 on: September 03, 2007, 02:35:49 PM »
When white people move in a slum and clean it up (replace the former occupants who destroyed the area) that is gentrification. To answer daniel's statement regarding the New York zoo, I mean school system, let me clear up a few facts here. In the "peoples' republic of new york city' to be a teacher you go to a college and take what is called teacher education courses, such as teaching methods for the urban child, inner city teaching techniques, blah, blah, blah. This degree was watered so down as to let a Kleion get a teaching certificate. One thing however went wrong, even though the teachers test is easier, if that is possible, than the test for the post office, the vast amount of africans are still unable to pass. Comrades in the union have made it near impossible to fire a teacher, as a matter of fact there are teachers and principals in jail, that have committed serious crimes that are recieving their full pay. About two weeks ago, there was a female santa ria priestess that was a school principal that spread chicken blood and spat rum or some other liqour through the halls of her school to cleanse the school of evil spirits, she was removed from the school and assigned 'desk duty', he measely salary was over, now sit down, 120 000 grand a year. Poor underpaid minority. It is also noteworthy to note that when it was found out that the teachers who could not even read the teachers' test were black, cries of cultural bias were raised and darkies and self hating white trash held hands in solidarity singing 'workers unite' or the 'internationa' the communist national anthemn. Another little ditty they love to sing is 'lift every voice and sing' the black national anthemn. You didn't know that the blacks have their own national anthemn? Shame on you. Here in havana on the hudson, every white, jewish, heterophobic politician has that song on their i-pod and proudly stand up in front of the white hating media and sing this tune just like uncle remus and uncle ben would do, with all the dignity of the bawana tawana banana kid, and who be the baby's daddie jesse jackson. If you want to see who we have dumbed things down so much, go to barnes and noble and take a look at the postal test. I will give you one of the questions, there are several like this"

Which one of these represents and address
c-1300 Main Street, New York, New York 11300
d-all the above

Yes that is a question and the blacks still fail at an staggering rate. The answer to this was that the test was cultural biased and that it favored white, middle class men. How to fix this horrid case of white oppression, lower the standards even more. How much lower can you make them?
The teachers' exam is even dumber.
They have now instituted mentoring and remedial english and math for black teachers that have [/b] already graduated college and still can't read or write to conquer this horrid racism.

To further aid the blacks, we have dumbed down the tests for the police and fire departments as well as lowering the standards for the above positions, You can have a bunch of arrests and still be a cop. They also change the rule that you have 60 college credits to be a fire man and a cop, this has been changed. You can serve two years in prison in leiu of these requirements.

Yes, affrimative action, we need more of that.
First of all, why make everything about affirmative Action? Why can't it be that every black person you see with a job ISN'T an affirmative action hire? Let me guess..."There are more illiterate blacks than there are smart ones." ::)

I remember learning about how some whites got jobs simply because they knew someone , whether the are community leaders and such. That's not affirmative action, its called "You have to know someone who knows some one." That's not to say that there aren't any whites who got jobs on merit and motivation to do well, but there were some who just got considered for jobs so that the blacks who applied wouldn't get the jobs.


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Re: Newman's plan for inner-city schools.
« Reply #24 on: September 03, 2007, 04:36:14 PM »
The public school system must end period. It is throwing money away. The moron klien that runs the city school system has said that high schools may have to go on for seven years since the blacks and the browns are too dumb to finish school in four years. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that by not having schools you will let the savages roam the streets and do what comes genetically natural for them, creating mayhem, we should confine them to restricted areas with currency that can only be spent in 'their ghetto hood' and keep them heavily medicated, which will curtail their violent nature and also hinder their obsession to procreate.
That's why  public housing was built. Its called "gentrification". Familiar with the word and its meaning? This, your grand idea ::), has been going on for years.
How does public housing = gentrification?  Gentrification is the fix for an area destroyed by the same type of people who use public housing.
It is amazing that people provided affordable cheap housing don't appreciate it - improve on it - use it as a leg up to better.  Instead they make it a hellhole.  Then they complain about being forced to live with each other.
I bet the same public housing - inhabited by a group of Jewish people (Italian, Irish, etc...) would be a stellar and much sought after place to live.  In fact I know of many in the area where I grew up.

Good point, Bullcat.

There's no such thing as a 'bad' neighbourhood, only bad people.

When Jews inhabbited Harlem in the early 1900s, it was a fine place to live. Poor? Yes, but a good decent area. Enter the jungle jumpers and before you can say 'mmmm hmmm'.................instant hellhole!