Sen. Cruz is a master of political communication.
He brilliantly combines a 5C message (concise, clear, consistent, convincing, contrastive) with the 27-9-3 ideal message format.
What is 27-9-3? The speaker has about 27 words in around 9 seconds to make 3 clear points, allowing him to control his message and hook his listeners in finite air time. It's known as the "foot in the door" for any points that the speaker wants quoted or remembered.
A nuclear Iran is a threat to all Americans.
It endangers our families, promotes terrorist groups and leads to a nuclear arms race in the region.
We're seeing it now.
Moreover, Trump is a moron to keep bringing up Cruz's loans, all it does is remind people Ted is a regular guy, while Trump is a megalomaniacal unelected billionaire, completely out of touch with reality.
Since Donald is such a proud New Yorker, when is the last time he took the subway? Does he even know the price of a ticket?