True and they have thousands of members
One of the features I really like about most singles sites is that you can do a search by occupation. Maybe I'm strange but I've ALWAYS dated Cops or Military- Period. No exceptions so I usually do my searches by that. I don't see that option on here.... Am I missing it or is that not an option?
( Not that I'm complaining- free is free
If you're looking for Jews you may wish to broaden you're criteria. There should be plenty of Jewish accountants and merchants around.
Ahem, Merchants? Is that even a term that is relevant in today's world? There are plenty of Jewish policemen and military people to be found, one of whom just died in Iraq recently.
No, I havn't gone anti-semite.

I would have said 'herring salesman' if I'd had that intention.

'Merchant' referrs to any business man that buys/sells.
I know there's plenty of Jewish soldiers/cops, I just thought Shoshana might broaden her search.