I'm not sure that I'd want to be friends with someone like you. Let alone neighbors. Florida and James Evans were fictional characters; if you were looking at Good Times and using them as templates on what YOU Think good blacks are like, you're way off key.
Those two were good, honest, law-abiding folk. If you're saying the majority of blacks aren't like them, I agree. Most are welfare recipients or criminals.
My mom collected public assistance when my siblings and I were children. Does that make her evil, or us evil for eating food provided by taxpayers? My mom was also law abiding, honest and good..and so were we. How does your profile of blacks who have been on welfare mesh with calling them bad?
For once will you forget private individuals! I'm talking groups here.
Living off others isn't good. Your mom may have had a genuine emergency not of her making. The majority of blacks and other non-whites just milk the system because they have no self-respect or sense of pride and independence.
There are whites doing the same thing, but there you go giving them the ever-loving pass again. There are whites who go to jail for tax evasion, writing bad checks, misappropriation of funds (banking, schools or otherwise), or my favorite because they have so little self respect or respect for others that they'll just assume steal someone's purse than get a job. A huge mirror is being held up. Not only blacks (no matter how much or how little) are doing this. Crime is universal. We have wars because someone committed heinous crimes... none of them are black. We have people in other countries beating and killing their wives and daughters because someone else raped them. We have people in Africa who insist on using female circumcision to control the women. That's a crime in my eyes..and they're not black Americans.