I agreed with you - I read a little bit but not enough to hurt me none - and I know we are not sisters - I'm white despite what you thought.
JB - I'm beginning to think confusion is not Erica's problem - so fold up your log and leave us alone. 
The thing is, bullcat. I don't want people here associating with me here thinking that its okay to speak to me in ebonics just because I'm black. I showed enough respect to you not to come in here like that; representing that 'evil black' culture you all hate..so I didn't. It wasn't too much to ask. I ask the same of people I meet on the street.
And I didn't ask that you read a 'little bit' but that you understand I'm on your side. Everytime I say something here its scrutinized because it wasn't in the exact words that YOU and some other people here speak. And to be sisters, we don't have to be of the same race. There are white families who adopt black kids, and vice-versa. What I was trying to convey to you is that I'm not your 'sista' because I didn't come off to you or anyone else that way. Why is that so hard to understand?