Dear Chaim,
My observation is that most leftist are hopeless fools, ignoramuses, naïve, totalitarian, hateful & evil people, full of self-righteous indignation, all amply embodied by "Lioness" Calandra. Most importantly, a great majority of them are genetic cowards, which explains why there are so many Jews with Galut mentality among them. I came to the unfortunate conclusion there is a little chance of changing most of them. However, reading about the near-pogrom of Hesder (military) Yeshiva in Acco where 60 young Jewish men,
future elite officers in the IDF - best of the best - were attacked by 100 or so Arab civilian and cowered for protection, left me thinking that we, on the right, bear a great deal of responsibility for the current state of affairs. Perhaps, we are as responsible as the left. Not to break the attackers bones!? Is this sane?! would be unheard of in any country - Russia, USA, UK, Germany, Italy, Iran, Syria, France (well, may be in France

). To confirm my conclusion, over 200,000 supporters of Rabbi Meir Kahane ZT”L HY”D whose votes were stolen in 1988, did not go to the barricades, did not storm the Knesset, did not even engage in a civil disobedience! They just went along with the Likud’s thievery and voted for them like the sheeple they are. And those were the best of the best among us, the HaRav’s supporters.
Do you agree with me? What do you think about the state of the right? I am not talking about the political parties masquerading as a right, but rather referring to normal "right-thinking" people in Israel. Do we even deserve a normal country, let alone the beacon to humanity?
Thank you!
P.S. Only in Israel Jews can not celebrate freely and openly - this would never occur in USA or if it would, the attack would be labeled as a Hate crime.