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Rabbi Kahane zt'l at Brandeis U

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Who are the two large 'men' heckling Rabbi Kahane?

I hadn't heard him speak before, he's great, he doesn't lose his temper... That's something I really need to pick up.

there are a lot of videos of Rabbi Kahane zt'l on youtube and google just do a search for "kahane" and you'll find them

El Cabong!:
After watching Rabbi Kahane speak at Brandeis University I now understand the great loss the Jewish people have suffered. This man was a messenger and saw the future for he was a wise man.

The two bearded large men were, one was the Rabbi of the University and the other I guess his lackey. Both leftists, self hating Jews who had come to stop him from speaking but failed miserably. He said of their appeasing to muslims and their hatred for Zionism,"We Jews have lost for so long that we feel guilty about winning. We Jews have died for so long that we feel guilty about living. And I refuse to be the one who dies."  That last sentence is not correct word for word but you get the message. What an inspiring and enigmatic speaker and the patience he had with those morons and anti-Semitic bastards in the audience.

There was one brave young lady in the hostile audience who had the guts to stand up and comment, "After listening to you speak it just shows me how much anti-Jewish sentiment there is coming from Jewish students and it breaks my heart." To which he wholeheartedly agreed.

What a loss not to have this man here today to be the one who would lead Israel into the 21st century and rebuild the Temple Mount. I love watching him and listening to him and yet the sadness continues because I know he is not here with us to lead the Jews to their G-d given destiny.

Thank you for the video and I've bookmarked it and the others to watch more and more.

Until Shiloh Comes:
Hello kahaneloyalist, and good day to you.

Thank you so much for this.  It's quite a blessing to watch.


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