Author Topic: Something to think about!  (Read 1547 times)

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Offline Rivera

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Something to think about!
« on: September 14, 2007, 09:49:10 PM »

Originally Posted by Rabbi Moshe Ben-Chaim
It appears that today, Jewish leaders seek to gain favor from idolatrous religions and leaders. 

A wise man once said, it was either Rambam or Ramban, that Christianity accepts the Torah, while Islam doesn't.

Based on this, I know that it's easier to deal with Christians than it is to deal with Muslims. I, for one, found the truth in the Torah to be my reason for leaving Christianity. I left Christianity about 12-13 years ago, but it took me a long time to find what was already there. The Christian Bible holds the truth of the Tanakh to some extent.

I think Israel's attachment to Christians stems from this fact even if there's a motive of converting or rushing the "second coming" of their false messiah. In the end there will be only one truth and it's found in the Tanakh, which is the connecting factor to the Judaic and Christian worlds.

I don't mean to offend anyone by my statements. I just want to point out that Islam is just not willing to accept the Torah, therefore, they have a problem with Israel. They don't want to give respect, where respect is due. While, Christians, do accept the Torah and can, in some form, connect to Israel in a more common ground regardless of their errors. To them, there's no errors because of what they've inherited.

Jeremiah 16: 19-21 makes it clear that "we" the Noahides will come and admit to our false inheritance. Israel must be ready to teach the beauty of the Torah, so that all humanity, as shown in the Torah and Prophets, can have one common correct acceptance of who G'd is. Christians will, at least, accept part of the teachings in the entire Tanakh. Muslims contain very little when it comes to this fact. Yes, they claim the same G'd of Abraham and it's very probable, but they sure don't have a sense of connection according to the words given by G'd in relation to their actions.

From some of my personal conversations, until they realize that the extremes they have within their groups are wrong and they need to get rid of them, they won't be able to accept their part in it all.

They are Noahides as much as every other person in the world, but they are also the seed of Ishmael and they have a part to fulfill as well.
They've kept the G'd of Abraham and Israel alive in their teachings despite their errors as well. It's up to them to recognize the errors, much like it is for the Christians. This only comes about by searching and being humble enough to admit it. For the fact that they are not humble in their truth, they won't be able to let go of their hostility. Thus, no easy way for them to connect with Israel.

I always ask proponents of both religions the following: "If you have one common root, which is the G'd of Abraham and Israel, then why not go to the original source?" In most cases, the Christian individual is more willing to listen, while the Muslim is immediate to the offensive and starts saying that the "scribes told lies" plus other ideas as well. They want to be exclusively the inheritors of Abraham in comparison to Christians. For these, just want to worship G'd in the most correct form as possible deep inside regardless of what they say about Jesus. Their hard part is giving up the persona of Jesus in fear that they will be sent to "hell" for letting go of him. Yet, they still see the G'd of Abraham as the only G'd, even if in their teachings He is a like a "stop light".


Hiram B'nai Noah

Offline mosquewatch

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Re: Something to think about!
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2007, 10:49:55 PM »
Rivera ,

As a Christian, in my opinion, now is not the time to argue about "Who is right, who is wrong." It is a proven fact that islam and muslims are deadly hell bent on killing us all. Jews and Christians believe in 2 different Ideologies but have ties to each other in some aspects. While we as Jews and Christians do not believe in the same things, we do have a common and deadly enemy. islam. I will also admit that their are Christians that will try too convert Jews, I am not for this. At the end of the day, when we all defeat our enemies "islam and muslims" then we can argue between ourselves who has the "Correct Ideology". I respect the Jewish people because of their love of life, and their attitude of "an eye for an eye". An eye for an eye is not a "Christian teaching" per say, But I certainly do like it alot better than "love thy enemy."

I guess I'm stuck in the middle on this one. So be it, I will answer too G-d for it. G-d bless you.
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Offline Rivera

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Re: Something to think about!
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2007, 11:01:35 PM »
Rivera ,

As a Christian, in my opinion, now is not the time to argue about "Who is right, who is wrong." It is a proven fact that islam and muslims are deadly hell bent on killing us all. Jews and Christians believe in 2 different Ideologies but have ties to each other in some aspects. While we as Jews and Christians do not believe in the same things, we do have a common and deadly enemy. islam. I will also admit that their are Christians that will try too convert Jews, I am not for this. At the end of the day, when we all defeat our enemies "islam and muslims" then we can argue between ourselves who has the "Correct Ideology". I respect the Jewish people because of their love of life, and their attitude of "an eye for an eye". An eye for an eye is not a "Christian teaching" per say, But I certainly do like it alot better than "love thy enemy."

I guess I'm stuck in the middle on this one. So be it, I will answer too G-d for it. G-d bless you.
Shalom my intention was not to offend. Every post I write I mean it for the good. You love Israel and there is a blessing that is attached to that for you from G-D. May G-D bless you and keep you. may this year be a year of blessings for you and your family. 

Offline mosquewatch

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Re: Something to think about!
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2007, 11:06:03 PM »
Rivera , I was not offended at all ! :) It was a great post !!

No peace, without FREEDOM.

Offline Rivera

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Re: Something to think about!
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2007, 11:09:11 PM »
Rivera , I was not offended at all ! :) It was a great post !!

Thank You!

Offline JewishTeddyBear

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Re: Something to think about!
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2007, 02:32:27 AM »
I think it is pretty obvious by now that islam is the exact opposite of Judaism.  We Jews love life; moslems love death.  Every human life is of infinite value in Judaism, while islamofascists consider murdering people to be the most noblest of acts.  allah is not G-d at all, but rather satan; islam is nothing but a cult of intolerance, hatred, violence, murder, death, and destruction.