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Offline Yerusha

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Peres/Armilus to croak?
« on: September 13, 2016, 03:37:30 PM »
Bug bear of the conspiracists, Shimon Peres, whom some rabbis claim is an embodiment of the Anti-Moshiach Armilus, may soon be leaving this mortal coil

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Re: Peres/Armilus to croak?
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2016, 03:57:13 PM »
May all the enemies of the Jewish people join him soon...although we don't deserve such a miracle.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline Yerusha

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Re: Peres/Armilus to croak?
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2016, 09:08:07 PM »
Hillary is an embodiment of Lilith.

Peres is an embodiment of Armilus.

When they die, 2 World Klippos will be gone.

Is it enough to bring the Geulah?

Offline Yerusha

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Re: Peres/Armilus to croak?
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2016, 10:23:15 PM »
Peres-Armilus has gone to his judgement in the tropics of Olam Haba

Now the question is to whom will the spirit of the Anti-Moshiach be transferred to become the New Armilus of the generation?!

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Re: Peres/Armilus to croak?
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2016, 10:25:48 PM »
I wonder what Barry Chamish is doing now in The Next World? Does anyone think he will interact there with Shimon Peres?

Offline Yerusha

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Re: Peres/Armilus to croak?
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2016, 10:30:02 PM »
Australian Britam "Ten Lost Triber" Yair Davidy had some harsh words about Chamish

" Barry Chamish Passed Away on August 23, 2016!
 Barry Chamish has recently passed away. We almost did not notice it! Where were all the Obituaries? The final declarations? Is this the way it goes? With barely a whimper?
 BC was idolized by numerous "Ephraimites". One Ephraimite leader bought an article to an important meeting with us thinking we would welcome the new "revelations".
 We HOWEVER were against BC and in our postings and articles pointed out serious factual inaccuracies and physical impossibilities in some of his reports.
 Many were offended by our position.
 One Ephraimite leader in effect threatened us with losing his support and that of others because we dared criticized BC!!! [Later this same person did indeed participate in a de facto boycott of Brit-Am. ]
 BC did a service by pointing out anomalies in the official explanation of the Assassination of Israeli PM Yitschak Rabin on 4 November 1995. 
 Apart from that he also circulated false reports on some issues and promoted Conspiracy Theories that were mistaken and in effect inimical to the Jewish People and the State of Israel.
 BC is now in the world of truth and probably is aware of the truth or lack of it in his teachings.
 See: Barry Chamish

Barry Chamish (January 13, 1952 - August 23, 2016) "

Yair Davidy

Barry Chamish
« Last Edit: September 27, 2016, 11:11:13 PM by Yerusha »

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Re: Peres = Anti-Moshiach Armilus?
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2016, 09:03:04 AM »
Chamish wrote this 15 years ago:

Shimon Peres takes care of all the players

 There may be a dozen people in Israel with the power and influence to have organized the Yitzhak Rabin assassination. Of these, only Shimon Peres has direct ties to the main actors of the murder. Consider the most likely of the plotters:

 Carmi Gillon - Head of the Shabak (Security Services) at the time of the assassination. Despite being forced out of office for incompetence by the Shamgar Commission Of Inquiry, Shimon Peres appointed him chairman of his peace center.

 Yoram Rubin - Triggerman of the murder. Despite being head of Yitzhak Rabin's personal bodyguards, those which failed to protect him, on the very night of Yitzhak Rabin's murder Shimon Peres appointed him to be head of his bodyguard unit.

 Menachem Damti- Yitzhak Rabin's last chauffeur, whose trip to Ichilov Hospital took twenty times longer than it should have. In fact, Yitzhak Rabin cancelled his regular driver Yeheskiel Sharabi 90 minutes before the fatal rally and he was replaced by Damti, who was the regular driver of Shimon Peres.

 Jean Frydman - Shimon Peres's French financier, who funneled millions of dollars into the Ifshar Fund to promote the Oslo process. His partner in Ifshar was Tel Aviv mayor Shlomo Lahat, strangely, a Likud Party member.   

 In my book Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin. I examined the roles of Carmi Gillon, Rubin, Damti and Shimon Peres in close detail. I only touched on Jean Frydman when I quoted his bizarre statement; "I have such guilt feelings, I can't sleep." After acquiring a copy of an interview with and article by Jean Frydman from the Paris Match (16/11/95), we can all understand why.

 I will quote from Jean Frydman's own words and comment after:
 "I am a member of the real peace camp. I have been so for the past four years at the urging of my good friend Shimon Peres, a man I like very much. We agreed that Israel's military occupation was negating Jewish values and demoralizing our youth. Shimon Peres, a peace now man, was with me on the joyous day in Tel Aviv that the Norwegian Foreign Minister, Jorgen Holst, revealed the protocols of the agreement signed with Arafat. Shimon Peres didn't believe the agreement would hold and felt it could be derailed. I remember him telling me, "It's now up to Israeli public opinion. We need to quickly form an organization that will sway the Israeli people." I replied, " It's all yours."

 The Norwegian Foreign Minister Jorgen Holst was the first murder suspect of the Oslo Accords. In excellent physical shape, he died at 53 of an unexpected heart attack. A widespread rumor said he died of knowing too much. Jean Frydman, a media tycoon, out of the goodness of his heart, gives Shimon Peres a carte blanche for his plan to brainwash the Israeli people, in the summer of 1993. "Shimon Peres immediately flew to California to convince Secretary of State Warren Christopher of the reality of the Oslo Accord. Both he and Clinton were skeptical of the agreement reached behind their backs. Once they realized Shimon Peres wasn't bluffing, Clinton said," Now your problem is Israeli public opinion." 

 For some reason Shimon Peres had to fly to California to get Christopher and Clinton's permission to mount his and Jean Frydman's propaganda campaign. In short, he told the two Council On Foreign Relations reps, "The French have agreed to fund the campaign. We need your approval and mass marketing experts." The rest of the paragraph is nonsense. I interviewed one of the Oslo negotiators, Ron Pundak, and he told me he phoned Christopher from the very first evening of the talks in January 1993. The State Department guided the negotiations from their inception.

 "After the Taba Accord, I realized that Israeli public opinion was in the hands of the far Right. Then at a rally of the right wing Likud, someone displayed a photomontage with Yitzhak Rabin in an SS uniform. Others shouted, "Death to the traitor Yitzhak Rabin." When told of the incidents, Yitzhak Rabin was furious. He was well past fear but felt an injustice had been done to him. On Saturday, October 6, I was at Shimon Peres's home. I told him, 'We cannot leave the streets in the hands of the Likud and far Right. We have to put up a fight."

 Since the Taba Accord, which gave Egypt a hundred extra yards of sand in the Sinai, became law, it is hard to see how public opinion was in the hands of the far Right. After that, the lies come thick and heavy. The photomontage and death threats came from Shabak provocateur Avishai Raviv and the minions of his straw group, Eyal. Yitzhak Rabin knew this and was not furious at the far Right but at Carmi Gillon for his illegal use of Raviv. According to research by Israeli journalist Adir Zik, Yitzhak Rabin ordered Carmi Gillon to his office and let loose a barrage of invective against Carmi Gillon, to which Carmi Gillon assured him that Raviv and Eyal were under tight control and were his responsibility. So Jean Frydman's account of Yitzhak Rabin's reaction is a flagrant falsehood. Because the State Prosecutor has mounted a coverup of Eyal's crimes, we cannot be absolutely certain that Shimon Peres was apprised of them. However, it's a pretty safe bet that Shimon Peres knew everything Yitzhak Rabin did plus much more about the Shabak's covert war on the settlers. After all, he and Jean Frydman were organizing the public relations side of things. So, in all likelihood, every word of Jean Frydman's is a conscious lie.

 "On Monday, Shimon Peres and I were in Yitzhak Rabin's office. He asked me one question:"Will you take responsibility for this great event?" I told him, "Yes, on condition that I do it the way you want." Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres gave me the green light. "Let's go," they said. With Lahat, we organized a dozen generals for our Israeli Woodstock, our war for peace. 

 I suggested to Yitzhak Rabin November 4th as the date of the event, but he hesitated. He had an official dinner. Finally, he reorganized his agenda and accepted. I wish I had not arranged things for the day of his death." If Yitzhak Rabin already had a commitment, who was Jean Frydman to insist he change his schedule? Jean Frydman does not explain why he was so insistent.

 "We distributed posters reading, Say Yes To Peace, Say No To Violence, Kings Of Israel Square, Tel Aviv. We constructed a large stage, and a grand podium. Shimon Peres and I worked with the security personnel assigning 750 police officers, 250 border guards, sixty elite sharpshooters and three helicopters to patrol the skies. This was in addition to the Shabak forces who permanently protected Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres. We placed special detection equipment at each entrance of the perimeter." Jean Frydman and Shimon Peres organized the security of the rally. If there were 750 police officers, all but a few were directed away from the sterile area where Yitzhak Rabin was shot. If there were metal detectors at the entrances, they were not placed backstage. If the crowd was well lit, some people arranged for the sterile area to be bathed in darkness. Jean Frydman confesses that he was one of those people. And why not? He paid for the rally. Shimon Peres's close ties to the murder now extend past the head of the Shabak, the driver, and Yitzhak Rabin's bodyguard right to the very person who organized the security for the assassination rally. And from there, to France.   

 Intelligence Briefs:
 During the course of my work, I am privileged to receive insider information from people who request anonymity. The following briefs came from highly reliable sources. - The Dakar mystery is solved. The submarine sunk because its electronics were faulty. Before the submarine was launched, Moshe Stern, an engineer for Israel Aircraft Industries which built the craft, warned his superiors that the ship's balancing mechanism was defective. He predicted the ship would overturn in deep water and suggested a working apparatus that he had designed. He was turned down and when the sub disappeared, his life was threatened. If he testified to what he knew, numerous officers and staff would be charged with manslaughter. He died at age 53. His family related the story.

 - Another family member reports that Eyal member Moshe Ehrenfeld was abducted by two Shabak agents, taken to an isolated spot and was given dire threats to his well-being if he testified at the trial of Avishai Raviv.

 - A legalist explains that Shimon Peres's race to the President's House is based on the American experience. President Ford pardoned Nixon and thus covered up further Watergate revelations, while President Reagan pardoned Caspar Weinberger and others involved in Iran Contra. Shimon Peres will use the same tactic to pardon Carmi Gillon, Yoram Rubin, Dorit Beinish and others to stanch the Yitzhak Rabin murder truth. 

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Re: Peres/Armilus to croak?
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2016, 07:04:56 PM »
He's finally dead.
Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline Yerusha

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Re: Peres/Armilus to croak?
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2016, 06:17:14 PM »
Moshe Feiglin writes about Peres:

September 29, 2016

Two events, which on the surface are completely disconnected from each other, have wondrously  come together at the same time.


The first looks like a watershed event; all the world’s leaders will honor it with their presence.

The second seems unimportant, out of the limelight, almost unknown.


The first event is the funeral of Shimon Peres. Nobody can miss it. Our entire country will be coming to a standstill. The second event is the distribution of the Zehut platform to our party members, which will be taking place this evening in Tel Aviv. This event will not be making any headlines and only those who plan to attend even know about it.


With my morning coffee, I watched, as usual, the first rays of sun rising over the mountains of the Shomron. I was trying to explain to myself why the funeral of Shimon Peres has turned into such a worldwide happening. My thoughts brought me to the two above events and I realized that there is a deep connection between the two. Death and birth, literally in the same time frame.


With all due respect to the deceased, the steady stream of heads of state arriving in Israel to attend his funeral is above and beyond the man himself. An entire country does not close down for no good reason and the leaders of the world do not trouble themselves to fly to Israel just to attend the funeral of a public figure – as respected and famous as he may be.


Shimon Peres symbolized something. The man created a language and mentality that have determined the mindset and behavior of the State of Israel and in great measure – the entire Western world - for the last 25 years.


Peres accomplished much in his life. But without the Oslo Accords, there would have been no difference between the honor given him upon his passing and the honor merited by any other deceased Israeli public figure of similar stature.

Nothing of what we are witnessing here would be taking place without the Oslo Accords. Oslo is the heritage of Shimon Peres.


Peres’ words from the Knesset podium prior to the ratification of the Oslo Accords still echo in my ears. He turned to Opposition Head Binyamin Netanyahu and asked him:


“And what is your alternative?”


Netanyahu (and the entire Right) did not have an answer.


This lack of alternative enshrined Oslo as the only language and mentality in Israel.

Even when Oslo exploded in our faces again and again and again, bombarding us with shocking images that we could have never dreamt up: buses blowing up, restaurants collapsing upon their customers, thousands of fatalities, tens of thousands of wounded, absolute deterioration of Israel’s international standing and right to exist as a Jewish state, an insufferable economic price and internal despair of any hope for change; even when our streets became filled with security guards, fences and cement block – even after all the dead-end “rounds” of fighting and the scores of fatalities in every “round”, the inner goal of which were to prevent Israel’s victory and perpetuate Oslo – even after it rained missiles on Israel’s cities after the Oslo architects promised that that would never happen – after all of this, Oslo has remained the only language that we can speak. Simply because the Right has never proposed a different language.


Today, upon Shimon Peres’ passing, the heart of an entire world that does not know any other language - a world that lives and breathes Osloese – skips a beat.


And exactly at the same time, on a narrow street in Tel Aviv, the new language will be revealed.


Rest in peace, Shimon. There is now an answer to your question.

The Nation of Israel has an alternative.



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Re: Peres/Armilus to croak?
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2016, 08:07:42 PM »
Armilus kisses Lilith!

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: Peres/Armilus to croak?
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2016, 07:58:07 AM »
Birds of a feather Flock together.

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Re: Peres/Armilus to croak?
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2016, 01:15:26 PM »
Why the World Cried for Shimon Peres

October 5, 2016

by Shmuel Sackett, Zehut International Director


A main part of the Rosh Ha’Shana holiday, which just finished, was the blowing of the shofar. As you know, each day we heard 100 shofar blasts. Did you ever ask yourself where that number came from? Why 100? What is the source?


The answer lies in the masterpiece sefer, Aruch, written by Rabbi Natan ben Yechiel (1030-1106). Rabbi Natan was a big Rav in Italy and we are familiar with him today because of two main reasons: His sefer mentioned above, Aruch, and also for his number one student; Rabbenu Tam. In his sefer, Rabbi Natan writes the reason for 100 shofar blasts: “It corresponds to the 100 sobs that were sobbed by Sisera’s mother”.


To remind you, Sisera was the general of the army that persecuted the Nation of Israel. According to Judges, chapter 4; “The Children of Israel cried out to Hashem, for Sisera had 900 iron chariots and he oppressed the Children of Israel forcefully for 20 years”. Israel was judged at that time by the prophetess, Devorah, who – together with her general, Barak – went to war to fight Sisera and his army. The main battle was held by Mount Tabor and, baruch Hashem, the Nation of Israel emerged victorious; “…the entire camp of Sisera fell by the edge of the sword, not even one was left”. As is common with Jewish enemies, Sisera left his men to die on the battlefield as he high-tailed it out of there! “Sisera fled on his feet and came to the tent of Yael…” According to the commentaries, Sisera then slept with Yael – who sacrificed herself for Israel by giving him warm milk and allowing this terrible act to take place. Immediately afterwards, Sisera fell into a nice cozy sleep and Yael then drove the tent peg through his temple. When General Barak passed her tent, Yael came out and said; “Come and I will show you the man whom you seek. He came to her and behold – Sisera was dead with the peg in his temple”. This event was so incredible that Devorah wrote an amazing poem (Shoftim, chapter 5) which we say each year as the Haftorah for parshat Shelach.


OK, now that we remember that, how can it possibly be that we blast the shofar 100 times because of Sisera’s mother? Sisera was evil and, had he won the war against Devorah and Barak, he would have killed every Jewish man, woman and child. His mommy cried when he didn’t return from that battle? Boo-hoo… Who cares?? It was either him or us! And the great Rabbi Natan ben Yechiel writes that we blast the shofar 100 times because of this Jew-hater’s mother’s cries?? Something doesn’t make sense.


Thankfully, I found the answer to this very puzzling question. Every week, I receive an email d’var Torah from Rabbi Pinches Friedman and he explained exactly what was going on – in a very deep and meaningful way. Rabbi Friedman quoted the Chassidic master, Rav Tzaddok HaKohen (1823-1900) in his sefer Risisei Layla, as saying that Sisera’s mother wailed 100 times because somehow she knew that Yael became pregnant from her son’s rape and that eventually, many generations later, the great Rabbi Akiva would be born from this line. In other words, she wasn’t crying over her son’s death… she was crying - because on that very night - her son gave life!


If you think this is crazy, quickly get a copy of the Talmud and turn to 96b in Sanhedrin. It says right there that “the descendants of Sisera learned Torah in Jerusalem”. Rabbi Friedman brilliantly proves his point by bringing the Dikdukei Sofrim which says, “the descendants of Sisera learned Torah in Jerusalem, namely Rabbi Akiva!”


How Sisera’s mother knew this, I don’t know, but maybe – to increase her pain – Hashem gave her a little “ruach Ha’Kodesh” so she could get some “nachas” and see what happened to her wonderful son. Not only did he miserably lose the war against the Jews – with every soldier of his dying in battle – he ran away like a chicken, stopping only to rape a Jewish woman… the wrong Jewish woman (as far as he was concerned!) because she bravely drove a tent peg into his head! But the story doesn’t end there. This night did not result in the end of the Jewish nation, as Sisera had planned.It was actually the reason for the continuation of our nation with the birth of Rabbi Akiva (many years later). After the destruction of the second Temple and the fall of Bar Kochba, it was Rabbi Akiva who gave semicha to 5 students (the most famous of whom are Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and Rabbi Meir Ba’al Ha’ness) who continued the Torah, as we know it. Had there been no Rabbi Akiva, there – quite possibly – would not be a Torah world today. Believe it or not – all that started with Sisera… and his mother knew it!


Therefore, when she cried 100 times, it was like the cries of a mother giving birth because Am Yisrael didn’t end that night… we were – in some way – actually born that night! That was something Sisera’s mother couldn’t deal with, so she cried and cried and cried…


This wonderful explanation of Rabbi Friedman actually solved a major puzzle in my mind that I couldn’t figure out. What was the reason – and I mean the real reason – why the world cried over the passing of Shimon Peres? Did they really love him? 70 world leaders came to Israel to cry over the death of a 93 year old man who hadn’t been in the Knesset for almost 10 years? Yes, he was president of Israel after the Knesset but that is not a position of power, so why the mourning, the grief and the tremendous outpouring of support?


My friend, Ben Packer, the Director of Jerusalem’s Heritage House, said it best in an article he wrote last week: “The world loved Shimon Peres because they thought he was the best chance they had at getting rid of or weakening the Jewish presence in Israel. And they are truly sad because that hope just died.”


I agree with Ben and would like to expand on it a bit. Think of what I just wrote about Sisera’s mother and why she cried. She cried for the same reason why Obama, Clinton, Kerry and the other world leaders cried – not because of death – but because of “Am Yisrael Chai”!!! They cried because they thought that Shimon Peres’ dream of “A New Middle East” (the name of his book) would come to fruition but now they saw that “The Old Middle East” is alive and well. The Jewish nation is thriving, building, growing and connecting to authentic Torah values. All studies in Israel show that the youth are more connected to Jewish tradition than ever before and more Jews will fast this Yom Kippur than ever in history!


We are alive and we are here to stay. The old Zionist leadership – of which Peres was the last man standing – which dreamed of a Hebrew speaking Singapore is out of style. Yes, Lapid is now trying to take the place of those leaders but he will fail. Am Yisrael is stronger than ever and there is nothing that Sisera’s mother or 70 world leaders can do about it… except cry… as we blow the shofar.