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I'm Losing Interest in the Many Ways Trump Offends Me
« on: October 10, 2016, 08:58:58 AM »

 Jen Kuznicki sums it up for me.

I’m losing interest in the many ways Trump offends me.

Posted by Jen Kuznicki | Oct 9, 2016 | 2016 election | 2 |
I’m losing interest in the many ways Trump offends me.

I just finished some sewing projects and I have some time to talk. For what it’s worth, I don’t follow the campaign news everyday, because it’s skewed and I’d really rather not be part of the stupid game they all play. The leftist media get to pick what we talk about all day, or for days on end, if there’s a tragedy, they all wonder how it will impact the election, and it’s ludicrous and monotonous and just really stupid. Because they think we’re stupid.

Then the right media gets in on the act, presenting a supposed indignant attitude toward what the left feeds them everyday to talk about, rather than find news and report it, they all go to the AP and pick stories and see how it will impact their candidate, then act all offended that the left is skewing the reporting – that they also pick up and run with, – just so they can get ratings, because if you aren’t playing the ratings game, feeding off the sensationalized and the scandalized, you can’t make money in this media race.

Only the extremely gullible believe whatever their media cocktail has to say, and I think most Americans are skeptical these days, which, by the way, makes it more difficult to talk about issues, and easier to talk about opinions. Given the most recently exposed Trump utterance, the commentary usually falls around someone’s opinion of the kind of person that talks like that, and whether they know any man who would talk like that, rather than the fact that it doesn’t bring up an issue. For instance, we know Donald Trump isn’t the choir boy Mitt Romney was, and the people who are rallying for Trump would never rally for Romney. We already know Trump is, or has been a complete cad. So was/is Bill Clinton, and by the way, in my experience, it is the people who really liked Bill Clinton who are coming over from the Democrat side to vote for Trump, not Bill’s wife. That is why Hillary’s not beating Trump by 50 points.

So I look at this election as far out of any previous experience. We real conservatives (have to say real, I’ll talk about this later) have been saying for decades that the only way Republicans can win is if they nominate a true conservative. Someone in the vein of Ronald Reagan, who is good on the constitution, has deep knowledge of the founding and exceptionalism of this nation, understands that power is to be gained to give power back to the citizenry, which means slashing big government and removing onerous regulations, being a military badass again, and not taking crap from anyone, and so on.  We lost that opportunity in May, because of RNC rules, and the addiction to celebrity in this nation. We always say that this is a conservative nation, we see many things as conservative in nature, such as hard work ethic, strong love of country, knowing right from wrong, and keeping your family together, all of that you can witness on a trip across this nation, from sea to shining sea. So, if Trump wins, some conservatives see it as a failure of all those years of saying that we have to nominate a true conservative.

But on a coast to coast trip, you can also witness a growing, deadly drug problem that is rampant in every county in this nation. I live in a small county of only about 14,000 people in rural northern Michigan, and the narcotics team just busted two meth labs in the county, and I have seen what seems like a whole lot of young people on welfare, tattooed, with eyes that reveal heavy drug use, holding screaming malnourished children. In my happy, quaint – compared to Norman Rockwell paintings – little piece of earth by the shores of Lake Huron, I have been seeing this for about 5 years, and it’s of course getting worse. We’ve had homicides and double homicides in surrounding areas, with reports of synthetic drug use that turns men into monsters. This uptick in drug use and violence is new here. And if it’s here, it’s everywhere.

I mention all this because it is a clue about how our nation is changing, and good leadership will be needed to get it back on track.

I don’t like Donald Trump for president, but I have never been a NeverTrumper. My decision to vote for him, against Hillary, came when that ISIS puke murdered all those people in the Orlando night club. My husband and I, both fervent Cruz supporters, agreed that day that there was no way Hillary would stop something like this from happening, because of her gross negligence in Benghazi, claiming that somehow it was the fault of those who “slander the prophet of Islam.” She and Obama are enabling a radical Islam reckoning here and I do not believe Trump and Guiliani and all those people would continue that suicide mission.

So, since I brought up the term, “NeverTrumper” I feel obligated to try to explain who the most prominent ones are, on the “conservative” side to help those who read my stuff but don’t pay attention to right media.

I read whatever Steve Deace says, I like him alright, though I vehemently disagree with his tack. He’s got a lot of followers and listeners, and it’s a good thing he’s out there as a conservative talk show host out of Iowa. He’s great on Biblical stuff, and I like to listen to all that, I am reading the Bible, little by little, and I have to say, my Catholic upbringing focused more on the words of Jesus Christ and Bible stories, the beatitudes, and so on, but we never memorized Psalms or key passages that Bible believers can name and the rest of the Bible believers instantly know what they mean. So right out of the gate, I’m not going to be able to follow a lot of the Biblical arguments against Trump, and I’m skeptical that taking that tack with Hillary unscathed would work to build a case against Trump. Steve is solidly NeverTrump.

Erick Erickson is the former owner of RedState, which is a right leaning blog, and Erickson is decidedly very socially conservative. He got in trouble a couple years ago when he argued that women should be at home with their children, not in the work force, and Megyn Kelly got all up in his grill and he just smiled that smarmy smile, happy to be dabbling in the dark arts of the professional provocateur. You know, like Coulter.  I hold everything Erickson says as a career move/positioning play rather than some Godly fight as he claims he is doing.

I don’t know much about Jonah Goldberg from National Review, but he too is a NeverTrumper. I remember he wrote a piece a long time ago claiming that the well of conservative thought is all full up, that there needn’t be more writers and conservative influence makers and so on.  It seems to me that strength needs to be built up on the right, especially now.

There are a lot of prominent people who are NeverTrumpers and unfortunately, those who are offended by Trump on the moral issues are aligning politically with the pearl clutchers of the Bushies. The number of Bushies that have already said they are voting Hillary is pretty staggering. They are offended because they are steeped in political talk, and they don’t want the Party to be the home of such lewdness. But the “I’m so offended” argument isn’t a good enough argument for politically allowing the left to force us into a couple of decades of darkness. We real conservatives argue that the reason we have a Trump is because those claiming the mantle of conservatism did nothing to stop the progress toward communism that Obama has laid out. So what that means is, the offended are arguing to continue the same road we’re on. The fact that real conservatives have not yet been able to reach the Trump loyalists (not the phony online B.S., but real people in your town) with our arguments for limited government and so on, is where we are at right now. That has to change so that we can promote a clear understanding of conservatism. We can’t convince the Bushies to be conservative, because they are not interested in conservatism, yet call themselves conservative, and we can’t convince the Trumpers because Trump has them convinced conservatives are wimps which we aren’t but the Bushies are, and then we have the NeverTrump social conservatives who are aligning with the Bushies, feeling more comfortable aligning with the Bushie crowd because it’s familiar. That sort of stuff will keep us conservatives on the outs.

What we have here is a failure to communicate. Love that line.

So I have been thinking a lot about how the conservative message can reach the hearts and minds of the nation. Some have said they will not back Trump because they prefer to have a person be someone they can truly oppose as POTUS. Some conservatives are convinced that Trump destroyed the conservative movement and the only way to go forward is with a Clinton presidency. They used a line taken from Hamilton, “If we must have an enemy at the head of government, let it be one whom we can oppose, and for whom we are not responsible.” But that doesn’t convince me, because I’m not responsible for Trump, and I can oppose his policies when they are not good for the country, like we did Bush. That reasoning is a play to, “save the party” from a Trump takeover. I say, go ahead and have it, nobody knows what the hell is anyway, if Trump takes it, it’s his liberal, big government Republican Party, not much unlike what it is now. It’s his rejection of conservatism party, not unlike what it is now. It would be his party that does not follow the constitution like what it is now. That is why the Bushies are so up in arms. It’s like handing over the reins of the party to people who didn’t earn it. Of course, they earned it by grabbing the party from the Reaganites, and they continue to smear his good name while using him as their standard bearer, just to get elected.

To the NeverTrumpers who are opposing Trump on the grounds that he is not a Godly man, like Steve and Erick and the others like Matt Walsh and so on, I have a suggestion, or just an observation, whatever. You men are believers who see the byproduct of a corrupted culture. You rightfully see that we cannot last long without reformation, you sometimes point out that God doesn’t like to be mocked and so forth, and a couple of you actually think to vote for Trump is a sin against God. Your focus should be in the church and on the streets and in the culture, rather than reacting to a culture that is so far past where you’re at.

I read an expose a few years ago about people in the inner city in New York and Chicago, big cities with downtowns where people live in squalor and so forth. They were seen every week by an Imam. Not a priest or a reverend of some sort. Why is that? Have the churches invested in mega-churches for people to come to, instead of going out to minister? I think so.

You can refuse to vote for president, you have that right. I realize you have some deep religious beliefs that are stopping you from marking the box for either of the New York liberals. That’s fine. But fear that the conservative movement will be taken over by the alt-right and so on, is baseless. We know who the alt-right are, we have been having to deal with them for years, as we tried to distinguish conservatism from isolationists, secessionists, nationalists, the Birchers, the anti-Federalists, the anti-Zionists, all the conspiracy nuts and so on. They are not the problem, at least, not as big a problem for conservatism as are the others.

The problem is people in government and those who support them, that are anti-freedom, anti-liberty, and have no interest whatsoever in limited government who call themselves conservatives. They are purposely muddling the word, and it should be pointed out daily.

For the conservative movement, it is the Bushies who are the problem. They are the so-called “cuckservatives” that the creepy alt-righters say are too wimpy. We actually agree that those Republicans who suck and are still calling themselves conservatives are wimps. Conservatism is revolutionary, not wimpy. People say that conservatism means to conserve, but at this point, we are trying to reject outright damn near everything that is coming down the pike because it is destructive. Maybe we are just commenting on every loss as are consumed by the massive system of one-party rule.

So, the NeverTrumpers are aligning with the Bushies, and that’s bad for conservatism. By the way, I have to point out that the Trumpers are falsely aligning Cruz with the Bushies, just because Cruz worked for a Bush presidency. That’s called party loyalty, and when you are a Republican, it is incumbent upon you to be a part of the apparatus. I joined the party in 2008 and left in 2014 because I could not be a part of its apparatus. They were doing everything they could to crush conservatives. Screw that.


Conservatism isn’t religious, it’s respecting of religion. Now that we know that the culture is so very far gone, how do we engage the folks who have been energized by Trump? Let’s say he wins, and we conservatives write things against some of his proposals, which we inevitably will. Do you want to educate those who pushed for Trump about what is good for their freedom and liberty, or are we just going to call them names? Let’s say Hillary wins. Do we have anyone, save a handful of good conservatives in the House and Senate, who will be against anything she says or wants to happen? Not really, she’s the same as Obama, only much more of a diligent worker. And so many of the Bushies actually think she’ll make a good president. Where are we then?

Hillary will solidify the nation’s institutions as fully communist, I believe she will continue the appeasement of radical Islam, I believe she will continue the fight against religious liberty, the first amendment, and the second amendment, the fourth amendment, and the ninth and tenth, for sure.

I want to be an eternal optimist someday, lol, I used to be one. But communists are in control of our government, and the Nazis are running around shooting people and cutting off people’s heads. We are at war and being pinned down by the president. We are taken over from within. We are probably past the point of no return with the debt, and immigration. I’m losing interest in the many different ways Trump offends me.
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Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Re: I'm Losing Interest in the Many Ways Trump Offends Me
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2016, 03:07:24 PM »
So does this mean you're no longer a Trumpster and JTF told you so?

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Re: I'm Losing Interest in the Many Ways Trump Offends Me
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2016, 11:14:45 PM »
So does this mean you're no longer a Trumpster and JTF told you so?
What?  :crazy: No and no.  It does not.
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Re: I'm Losing Interest in the Many Ways Trump Offends Me
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2016, 11:50:30 PM »
So does this mean you're no longer a Trumpster and JTF told you so?

Poppy supported Ted Cruz in the primaries.
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Re: I'm Losing Interest in the Many Ways Trump Offends Me
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2016, 02:04:02 AM »
Poppy supported Ted Cruz in the primaries.
Bullcat says she supported Cruz in the primaries. I'm not sure if that's true or not but I'll take her word for it for now. I don't believe for a moment that her brother (cjd) did.

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Re: I'm Losing Interest in the Many Ways Trump Offends Me
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2016, 07:13:41 AM »
Bullcat says she supported Cruz in the primaries. I'm not sure if that's true or not but I'll take her word for it for now. I don't believe for a moment that her brother (cjd) did.
Your right I dumped that looser Cruz as soon as he started his back room dealings... I don't care for people who pretend to be good and do back room deals to get what they want... He is a programed  idiot and could never bond with the voters as Trump does... Gore would loose his wooden Indian status because we would had to turn it over to Cruz. More over who really cares what you believe anyway.
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Re: I'm Losing Interest in the Many Ways Trump Offends Me
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2016, 07:26:21 AM »
Bullcat says she supported Cruz in the primaries. I'm not sure if that's true or not but I'll take her word for it for now. I don't believe for a moment that her brother (cjd) did.
Who cares what you, personally, think?  I have no reason to lie about voting for Ted Cruz in the primaries.
Since he did not make it to the general election, I will not cast a vote for him again.
While most of my family and close friends were behind Donald Trump from the get go, CJD was not one of them.
Did he switch off Ted Cruz during the primaries.  I think so.  I can't say I blame him.  I wish Cruz had more fire in his belly.  He has the right stuff, but you can't fight the Clinton machine with civility.  We can't fight our enemies with old style warfare.  The rules of engagement have changed.  Think of how poorly we fought our recent wars. 
So, ChaimFan.  You can continue to try to beat the Ginzo twins down.  But we will do what we think is best for America, Israel and most importantly my child.

I know that I disagree with the stance JTF has taken.  What will happen?  Will that get me banned?  Only, if you ChaimFan can help it.
I believe that Trump doesn't give a hoot about Israel.  Except to give a stock answer when asked.  I don't think he is anti Semitic.  I think he is apathetic.  In my opinion, that is better for Israel and the Jewish people.  Clinton has her sights set on Israel, our healthcare, and pandering to her voter base at the cost of our national security.  So, if those thoughts makes me evil, ignorant or seem anti be it. 
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

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Re: I'm Losing Interest in the Many Ways Trump Offends Me
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2016, 07:34:33 AM »
Your right I dumped that looser Cruz as soon as he started his back room dealings... I don't care for people who pretend to be good and do back room deals to get what they want... He is a programed  idiot and could never bond with the voters as Trump does... Gore would loose his wooden Indian status because we would had to turn it over to Cruz. More over who really cares what you believe anyway.
He wanted to fight Clinton, and the Clinton machine, like he was debating in front of the Supreme Court.
Where I think he would make a great justice.  You do have to have a wooden Indian quality to sit on the supreme court.
I thought ChaimFan was off his game.  But he attempted to throw you under the bus in the end.  ;D  Good!  Not everything about my world is upside down.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.