Author Topic: Video Emerges of Donald Trump Talking About Grabbing Women “By the P***Y”  (Read 7787 times)

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Offline Shlomo

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This recording was made 11 years ago.  If Trump had made these comments recently, I can understand the stink about it.  But for a 11 year old recording?  Isn't it funny that this is coming out now?  Trump wasn't running for president then.

Yeah, because Trump was just a young 59 year old when all that happened. Why hold all this “rapey” sexual harassment against poor Trump? In fact, he's a role model... even the KKK thinks so.

Those who bashed on Bill Clinton (and rightfully so) and now defend Trump are hypocrites. Some of the very people who warned us about moral relativism and situational ethics now ask us to become moral relativists for the sake of an election.

Looks like his supporters really don't care what kind of person they place in the most powerful and important role in our country as long as they are “right” and have their orange and cruel reality TV star in the big boy seat. They use Hillary as an excuse to push a dangerous egomaniac who praises dictators into the the white house with the nuke buttons ready so he can ruin the chance a conservative will ever get back into the white house. They also couldn't care less how dangerous Trump is for Israel and don't mind throwing all those Jews under the bus.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Offline cjd

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Yeah, because Trump was just a young 59 year old when all that happened. Why hold all this “rapey” sexual harassment against poor Trump? In fact, he's a role model... even the KKK thinks so.

Those who bashed on Bill Clinton (and rightfully so) and now defend Trump are hypocrites. Some of the very people who warned us about moral relativism and situational ethics now ask us to become moral relativists for the sake of an election.

Looks like his supporters really don't care what kind of person they place in the most powerful and important role in our country as long as they are “right” and have their orange and cruel reality TV star in the big boy seat. They use Hillary as an excuse to push a dangerous egomaniac who praises dictators into the the white house with the nuke buttons ready so he can ruin the chance a conservative will ever get back into the white house. They also couldn't care less how dangerous Trump is for Israel and don't mind throwing all those Jews under the bus.
I guess Hillary will be more favorable to Israel :::D With her the 67 borders are a done deal... I sure hope there won't be much complaining when that sad day comes to pass... And with the shvartza president as a supreme court justice the possibilities for evil are endless.
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Offline Shlomo

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I guess Hillary will be more favorable to Israel :::D With her the 67 borders are a done deal... I sure hope there won't be much complaining when that sad day comes to pass... And with the shvartza president as a supreme court justice the possibilities for evil are endless.

BOTH are bad for Israel but Trump is worse. Chaim and I have explained this until we are blue in the face but you won't listen to a word of it because it doesn't conform to your agenda and your ego is already deeply committed to Trump.,88346.msg673720.html#msg673720

Attempting to debate with Trump supporters is exactly like talking to Obama supporters the last two elections. They don't care about the truth or history. You show them clear facts and it goes in one ear and out the other. They want their idol and fantasy (along with their Alex Jones conspiracy theories).

Trump would betray you the same way he betrayed almost everyone he's ever met. History repeats itself. He originally wanted his ultra-liberal abortion supporting sister nominated to supreme court. You think he'll keep any of his promises? Good luck with that.

You simply do not trust a thing we have to say to you. How many times have we been wrong? I would think that would count for something.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Offline cjd

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BOTH are bad for Israel but Trump is worse. Chaim and I have explained this until we are blue in the face but you won't listen to a word of it because it doesn't conform to your agenda and your ego is already deeply committed to Trump.,88346.msg673720.html#msg673720

Attempting to debate with Trump supporters is exactly like talking to Obama supporters the last two elections. They don't care about the truth or history. You show them clear facts and it goes in one ear and out the other. They want their idol and fantasy (along with their Alex Jones conspiracy theories).

Trump would betray you the same way he betrayed almost everyone he's ever met. History repeats itself. He originally wanted his ultra-liberal abortion supporting sister nominated to supreme court. You think he'll keep any of his promises? Good luck with that.

You simply do not trust a thing we have to say to you. How many times have we been wrong? I would think that would count for something.
Don't get blue in the face on my account... I have spent my life keeping well informed on political issues and out of politeness I am not going to elaborate on just how out of touch you and Chaim are on U.S politics... The only thing that restrains me is my respect for Chaim and the fact that he looks at issues through a lens that puts Israel first... Hillary will destroy Israel this is for certain... You and Chaim can take that to the bank... With Trump Israel may have a chance because of benign neglect... He really has bigger fish to fry... Your right history repeats itself... Hillary was no good back in the 90's and she is worse now...  I am very disappointed in the way you and Chaim speak to people that have supported JTF and Israel for years... There is no fantasy here if Hillary goes in she will poison the entire system and stack the supreme court for the next 30 years... Just what sort of recovery do you and Chaim see after that... As I said I just don't see how you and Chaim could allow a Clinton to occupy the White House again after bashing them for years... You guys say Trump is worse well that's your opinion... Honestly I believe 2/3 if not more of your membership will be voting for Trump come election day... If you tired of hearing from me pull the plug completely... You already gave me a partial hint that that's where we are headed  so finish the job if it's convenient to you... There will be no hard fealings.     
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 08:42:18 PM by cjd »
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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 Oh wait.  This is the edited version. Clipped to make Trump look horrible.  Result of Bing search.
Sorry it is just the link.  But short and enlightening as to media bias.
Armrests in first class?  Magically disappear?  Upstairs okay?  :o
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Offline Shlomo

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I am not going to elaborate on just how out of touch you and Chaim are on U.S politics...

If you tired of hearing from me pull the plug completely... You already gave me a partial hint that that's where we are headed  so finish the job if it's convenient to you... There will be no hard fealings.

I always understood the point where someone believed Hillary was worse. Always. I understand, disagree, but understand. I have to warn people the best I can what's happening with our so called leaders.

The thing I never understood is why someone wouldn't prefer Ted Cruz over Donald Trump. That rubs me the wrong way for certain. Cruz wasn't perfect, but he was a heck of a lot better and more electable against Hillary than Donald Trump who had a super shady past running a casino. And I totally disagree with Cruz about going to that convention and then actually endorsing Trump. Don't think that doesn't really rub me the wrong way. It does. But the way Cruz always defended Israel... he would quote the same things we were saying here on the forum.

It got under my skin that so many times you were just disrespectful to Chaim and to others because many people hated what you thought about Cruz and Trump. I get it. But I will always speak out when I see something dangerous to Israel. BOTH candidates are a disaster for Israel. Trump is worst because of the nuclear deals he wants to make with Arab Muslims (like Saudi Arabia). That would be an arms race to kill the infidels. People don't think about that. That's SUPER bad... and very scary. The whole thing with Iran is already frightening while Israel just does whatever the United States tells them to do like robots. If Obama or Clinton or Trump tells them to jump, I guarantee they ask how high. Sad but true.

With Hillary, at least we might be able to slow it down. She's a liberal and already has pressure on her. With Trump, he decides illegal amnesty is good and just everyone goes along with it. Exactly like we said would happen! Rush even comes on the radio and says that Trump was able to change the GOP on amnesty. That's crazy! That's dangerous.

Trumps butt kissing to Russia and Saudi Arabia (where the 9-11 hijackers were from) is a huge concern that not many people talk about. When has Russia ever done anything to help out American or Israel in any way? Russia is helping arm Iran.

And then crazy Trump is so egotistical that he always wants revenge. You ever notice when anyone debates him, he wants to punish them somehow? Like getting revenge on Ted Cruz and even Kasich by paying $20 million of his OWN MONEY to finance two separate super-PACs dedicated to their political downfall if either of them run for office again. Is he in an election against the democrats or a war against his own party a month before the election? He wants revenge on that Miss Universe Girl. He wants revenge on phony Paul Ryan for crossing him. He even wants revenge on Hillary in the debate. He acts like a spoiled child and just lashes out... to his own detriment destroying his own numbers in the polls and chances to be elected by tweeting crazy things all night every night at random. I don't want Trump, who praises dictators, to have his finger on the nuke button.

Trump is not stable. He's completely nuts. Absolutely insane. I think Trump believes most of what he says but he's insane. And sometimes he will change his mind on key issues in the same sentence. No one knows what he believes. He was a registered democrat who supported the Clintons and played golf with Bill and their kids are all best friends and has the Clintons come to his own wedding. Then it comes out in the Wikileaks emails that Hillary was a psycho backstabber who actually wanted Trump to run because she knew she could beat him for two reasons. 1) His ego and emotions are off the roof mega-crazy. 2) His past is so shady in every way (especially with women). He made most all his money either ripping people off or winning it from the life savings of addicted gamblers. So she could dump all the news of his past in the last month and win the election.

So sometimes it feels like you are only saying something when it's defending Trump and trying to advertise. Who wouldn't think that? I have no intentions of banning you or punishing you somehow. I have always been respectful to you for many years.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Offline cjd

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I always understood the point where someone believed Hillary was worse. Always. I understand, disagree, but understand. I have to warn people the best I can what's happening with our so called leaders.

The thing I never understood is why someone wouldn't prefer Ted Cruz over Donald Trump. That rubs me the wrong way for certain. Cruz wasn't perfect, but he was a heck of a lot better and more electable against Hillary than Donald Trump who had a super shady past running a casino. And I totally disagree with Cruz about going to that convention and then actually endorsing Trump. Don't think that doesn't really rub me the wrong way. It does. But the way Cruz always defended Israel... he would quote the same things we were saying here on the forum.

It got under my skin that so many times you were just disrespectful to Chaim and to others because many people hated what you thought about Cruz and Trump. I get it. But I will always speak out when I see something dangerous to Israel. BOTH candidates are a disaster for Israel. Trump is worst because of the nuclear deals he wants to make with Arab Muslims (like Saudi Arabia). That would be an arms race to kill the infidels. People don't think about that. That's SUPER bad... and very scary. The whole thing with Iran is already frightening while Israel just does whatever the United States tells them to do like robots. If Obama or Clinton or Trump tells them to jump, I guarantee they ask how high. Sad but true.

With Hillary, at least we might be able to slow it down. She's a liberal and already has pressure on her. With Trump, he decides illegal amnesty is good and just everyone goes along with it. Exactly like we said would happen! Rush even comes on the radio and says that Trump was able to change the GOP on amnesty. That's crazy! That's dangerous.

Trumps butt kissing to Russia and Saudi Arabia (where the 9-11 hijackers were from) is a huge concern that not many people talk about. When has Russia ever done anything to help out American or Israel in any way? Russia is helping arm Iran.

And then crazy Trump is so egotistical that he always wants revenge. You ever notice when anyone debates him, he wants to punish them somehow? Like getting revenge on Ted Cruz and even Kasich by paying $20 million of his OWN MONEY to finance two separate super-PACs dedicated to their political downfall if either of them run for office again. Is he in an election against the democrats or a war against his own party a month before the election? He wants revenge on that Miss Universe Girl. He wants revenge on phony Paul Ryan for crossing him. He even wants revenge on Hillary in the debate. He acts like a spoiled child and just lashes out... to his own detriment destroying his own numbers in the polls and chances to be elected by tweeting crazy things all night every night at random. I don't want Trump, who praises dictators, to have his finger on the nuke button.

Trump is not stable. He's completely nuts. Absolutely insane. I think Trump believes most of what he says but he's insane. And sometimes he will change his mind on key issues in the same sentence. No one knows what he believes. He was a registered democrat who supported the Clintons and played golf with Bill and their kids are all best friends and has the Clintons come to his own wedding. Then it comes out in the Wikileaks emails that Hillary was a psycho backstabber who actually wanted Trump to run because she knew she could beat him for two reasons. 1) His ego and emotions are off the roof mega-crazy. 2) His past is so shady in every way (especially with women). He made most all his money either ripping people off or winning it from the life savings of addicted gamblers. So she could dump all the news of his past in the last month and win the election.

So sometimes it feels like you are only saying something when it's defending Trump and trying to advertise. Who wouldn't think that? I have no intentions of banning you or punishing you somehow. I have always been respectful to you for many years.
As I have said and been called a liar for it I was well in the Cruz camp before most people here until it was plain that the man could not be elected for local dog catcher... He could be as good as gold on Israel but what good will it do if he could not be elected in the primaries where the voters should all be on the same page... I have not meet one person that was willing to vote for him or had anything good to say about him... His back room strategy to get elected shows me just how beholden he would have been to special interests and shows deception... Trump on the other hand went with the people and came out ahead for it... I don't care what Trump did in his business life... If he was such a criminal he would have been called on the carpet like Martha Stewart was...  He has not been and as far as his taxes the IRS would have been on top of him years ago it there was anything illegal... Anyway Trump is who I personally will be voting for and as I said a good deal of you membership will be doing the same thing... Like a good part of the U.S voting block come election day... I have a strong feeling people who said they were for Hillary will be voting for Trump... Just remember it's Hillary that put nukes in the hands of Iran in just a few years... As for disrespecting people here I disagree the little attack dogs that parrot the leader here run off at the mouth at times and need to have their leash jerked back a bit :::D Whatever the case the membership here is just not what it use to be and it's do to things like that... This is a forum where people should come do discus different opinions but sadly unless everyone is on the same page it a crime against humanity. Amen!
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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As I have said and been called a liar for it I was well in the Cruz camp before most people here until it was plain that the man could not be elected for local dog catcher... He could be as good as gold on Israel but what good will it do if he could not be elected in the primaries where the voters should all be on the same page... I have not meet one person that was willing to vote for him or had anything good to say about him... His back room strategy to get elected shows me just how beholden he would have been to special interests and shows deception... Trump on the other hand went with the people and came out ahead for it... I don't care what Trump did in his business life... If he was such a criminal he would have been called on the carpet like Martha Stewart was...  He has not been and as far as his taxes the IRS would have been on top of him years ago it there was anything illegal... Anyway Trump is who I personally will be voting for and as I said a good deal of you membership will be doing the same thing... Like a good part of the U.S voting block come election day... I have a strong feeling people who said they were for Hillary will be voting for Trump... Just remember it's Hillary that put nukes in the hands of Iran in just a few years... As for disrespecting people here I disagree the little attack dogs that parrot the leader here run off at the mouth at times and need to have their leash jerked back a bit :::D Whatever the case the membership here is just not what it use to be and it's do to things like that... This is a forum where people should come do discus different opinions but sadly unless everyone is on the same page it a crime against humanity. Amen!
Not true, I don't care who wins but to vote for either OR encourage others to do so is pardoning both their evil behaviour. If there was some good in the two of them then they should be considered but there isn't.
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Online Joe Gutfeld

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Yeah, because Trump was just a young 59 year old when all that happened. Why hold all this “rapey” sexual harassment against poor Trump? In fact, he's a role model... even the KKK thinks so.

Those who bashed on Bill Clinton (and rightfully so) and now defend Trump are hypocrites. Some of the very people who warned us about moral relativism and situational ethics now ask us to become moral relativists for the sake of an election.

Looks like his supporters really don't care what kind of person they place in the most powerful and important role in our country as long as they are “right” and have their orange and cruel reality TV star in the big boy seat. They use Hillary as an excuse to push a dangerous egomaniac who praises dictators into the the white house with the nuke buttons ready so he can ruin the chance a conservative will ever get back into the white house. They also couldn't care less how dangerous Trump is for Israel and don't mind throwing all those Jews under the bus.
I'm not excusing what Trump said, but it is 11 years ago now, not 11 days ago.

Offline nessuno

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ChaimFan was allowed to say false things and make innuendos.
We are trolls and troll fans. :::D
Plus, I told him repeatedly that neither of 'the twins' were initially for Trump.
What would be the reason to lie about it?  My brother flat out said he voted Trump in the primaries.  He didn't start out with that intention.
I voted for Cruz.  But I now believe that Cruz would have been another McCain or Romney.
He is so civil.  Clinton would have walked into the presidency without breaking a sweat over her scandalous past and performance.
I think Trump is the only one 'CRAZY' enough to keep exposing the Clinton's.

I have a question for JTF.
And what do we make of the Obama's campaigning for Clinton?
Promise of appointment to the Supreme Court looming? 
How detrimental would an Obama on the supreme court be to this country?
Or a 7 to 2 majority of liberal judges?

I think it's game over, for the country, if Clinton wins.
That is not advertising for Clinton.  That is what I'm thinking.

Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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No, for ages your brother swore he supported Cruz in the primaries. So did you. Paulette was honest, you guys weren't. That makes every bit of my criticism valid.

You profess to hate RINOs but you two voted for one. Those people you bring up, McCain and Romney, are both a lot more conservative than Amnesty Don. Both would both be beating Shitlery right now. You can accept it ot not, but you two are part of why we will be stuck with at least four years of her. I hope spiting Cruz and the other conser atives was worth your tantrum. Thanks a lot.

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McCain is and was a useless RINO sellout.  He purposely lost the debate to Obama, and he would roll over for Hillary.  Romney was a little stronger.  But somehow I don't see him giving Hillary the beotch-slapping she so richly deserves. 

No, for ages your brother swore he supported Cruz in the primaries. So did you. Paulette was honest, you guys weren't. That makes every bit of my criticism valid.

You profess to hate RINOs but you two voted for one. Those people you bring up, McCain and Romney, are both a lot more conservative than Amnesty Don. Both would both be beating Shitlery right now. You can accept it ot not, but you two are part of why we will be stuck with at least four years of her. I hope spiting Cruz and the other conser atives was worth your tantrum. Thanks a lot.

Offline nessuno

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No, for ages your brother swore he supported Cruz in the primaries. So did you. Paulette was honest, you guys weren't. That makes every bit of my criticism valid.

You profess to hate RINOs but you two voted for one. Those people you bring up, McCain and Romney, are both a lot more conservative than Amnesty Don. Both would both be beating Shitlery right now. You can accept it ot not, but you two are part of why we will be stuck with at least four years of her. I hope spiting Cruz and the other conser atives was worth your tantrum. Thanks a lot.
No.  I did support Cruz in the primaries.  Until he lost.  For the last time.  He lost.   All on his own accord.  Despite my voting for him.  You are a jerk.
I voted for a RINO.  Then Ted Cruz is a Rino according to YOU.  One of Paulette's best qualities is her honesty.  And her kindness.  But you were a jerk to her too.  You made your big apology to her as a dig to us.  She is so smart she can see right through you. 
If Hillary Clinton wins then you will be part of the reason why.  Not I.  YOU.
And if she wins it's better for the country right?  Better for Israel.  So, you should be thanking me in the end according to your thinking.

McCain and Romney would be beating Clinton.   :::D  They couldn't beat their way out of a paper bag.  Losers. 

I hope you enjoy the Clinton presidency you so richly deserve.  Topped off with an Obama supreme court justice. 

Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline nessuno

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McCain is and was a useless RINO sellout.  He purposely lost the debate to Obama, and he would roll over for Hillary.  Romney was a little stronger.  But somehow I don't see him giving Hillary the beotch-slapping she so richly deserves.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline cjd

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No, for ages your brother swore he supported Cruz in the primaries. So did you. Paulette was honest, you guys weren't. That makes every bit of my criticism valid.

You profess to hate RINOs but you two voted for one. Those people you bring up, McCain and Romney, are both a lot more conservative than Amnesty Don. Both would both be beating Shitlery right now. You can accept it ot not, but you two are part of why we will be stuck with at least four years of her. I hope spiting Cruz and the other conser atives was worth your tantrum. Thanks a lot.
Do you drink? Because if you don't perhaps you should... When are you going to get it through your head that Cruz had no potential to even win a reasonable amount if the primary races without resorting to backroom deals... The way you spout off that I was for this and that makes it sound like we have some sort of personal relationship... I don't know you from crap so how in the world do you know what I was for and when I was for it... I know you as the JTF gossip columnist reviewer a issue I have little or no interest in... That tells you just how much I paid attention to your postings here... Do me a favor don't mention my name and I will not mention yours... Dealing with ramblings of the mentally ill gives me a headache... If anything helped get Hillary into office here its JTF videos and posts one after another bashing Trump.
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Dealing with ramblings of the mentally ill gives me a headache... If anything helped get Hillary into office here its JTF videos and posts one after another bashing Trump.

Yeah, and not the fact that Trump is a womanizer and a sleazebag. If you're going to insult someone don't follow it up with a highly irrational comment.

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Yeah, and not the fact that Trump is a womanizer and a sleazebag. If you're going to insult someone don't follow it up with a highly irrational comment.
Thirty year old allegations don't cut it for me... The Clinton's track record is bad on all levels... He was disbarred due to his behavior and Hillary swore to his innocence... My concern is for the United States supreme court which will go liberal for the duration of my lifetime... With Trump their might be a chance he will appoint some reasonable justices with Hillary you know well what we will get... Vote and support  who you like it makes little or no difference... The fact that the evil media is protecting the Clinton's should give people pause instead of Clinton machine 30 year old accusations against Trump that come out on the eve of an election... Honestly I think there is a grassroots movement that  will carry Trump through.
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Do you drink? Because if you don't perhaps you should... When are you going to get it through your head that Cruz had no potential to even win a reasonable amount if the primary races without resorting to backroom deals... The way you spout off that I was for this and that makes it sound like we have some sort of personal relationship... I don't know you from crap so how in the world do you know what I was for and when I was for it... I know you as the JTF gossip columnist reviewer a issue I have little or no interest in... That tells you just how much I paid attention to your postings here... Do me a favor don't mention my name and I will not mention yours... Dealing with ramblings of the mentally ill gives me a headache... If anything helped get Hillary into office here its JTF videos and posts one after another bashing Trump.

"backroom deals" is your dumb tripe with no evidence behind it but to make it sound like you're right about Donald.  Just stop.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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The only "backroom deals" were the ones Rence Priebus set up with the RNC to make sure Trump won at any cost.

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The only "backroom deals" were the ones Rence Priebus set up with the RNC to make sure Trump won at any cost.
A statement like this only shows how out of touch you are... Just vote for Hillary or don't vote at all... I am voting for Trump along with the rest of the deplorables.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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"backroom deals" is your dumb tripe with no evidence behind it but to make it sound like you're right about Donald.  Just stop.
You better open your eyes... Which state was it that the people were demanding to overturn the delegate vote because they were bypassed... I believe it was Colorado...Over 1million people were ignored... But Cruz was a looser anyway so as Hillary says "what difference does it make... 
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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A statement like this only shows how out of touch you are... Just vote for Hillary or don't vote at all... I am voting for Trump along with the rest of the deplorables.
Because you know that Priebus and the RNC rigged the votes and the convention, because he did not have enough votes to win fair and square.