This isn't surprising to me, there are many rumors that the Japanese are one of the lost tribes with websites dedicated to it. eat sushi all the time, good stuff.
IDK Guys, this is a rare occurace. Anti-Semitism is big in Japan.
I asked someone about this that lives in Japan, this is what he said.
"Yes. I am Japanese. I guess my English skill is so poor.
I agree with your opinion. Japanese has totally no reason to hate Jewish people in historical and religious contexts.
But I think anti-Jewish feelings in Japan is not popular at all. According to Hungarian mathematician Peter Frankl, Japan is a nation with very limited anti-Semitism. He also said that it is the reason he lives in Japan as Jewish Hungarian., I think majority of Japanese don't know much about Jewish people. Jewish is just a Caucasian(or Gaijin in Japanese) from the Japanese erspective. My friend still doesn't know the difference between "Amish" and "Jewish (I mean Ultra Orthodox Judaism)"."
Originally Posted by Samael
I'm sure if there were Jews in Japan during the 1940's the Japanese would be anti-semetic. Just by the way they treat foreigners now I'm sure they would be anti-semetic now toward Jews.
No, you are not sure.
No, there were not.
Unlike the coward, Nazi a*s kisser government of Italy and other puppet governments in Europe, there was really limited discrimination against Jewish in Japan during the WW2.
Do you know there were Jewish communities and Synagogue in Tokyo and Kobe? The government didn't send them to any concentration camps nor gettoes in Japna. The Jewish people in Japan have had a peaceful life until the air raids of the US air force and the starvation.
Some Jewish in Japan were famous and important people, especially in the field of classic music.
Leo Sirota Sirota was a famous pianist and Ukrainian Jewish who was in Japan from 1929 to 1945. He was the most respected musician and an educator in Japan at that time. He also contributed to the improvements of Yamaha pianos during the era. Many Japanese thanks to him because he is considered as a father of Yamaha pianos and the industry.
Leonid Kreutzer Kreutzer was a famous pianist and German Jewish who was in Japan from 1933 to 1953. He also was the most respected musician and educator in Japan at that time. He became a professor of Imperial Art University of Tokyo in 1937. He married with Japanese woman.
Joseph Rosenstock Rosenstock was a famous conductor and German Jewish who was in Japan from 1936 to 1945. He came to Japan as a refugee from Germany, and he became a Permanent Conductor of NHK Symphony Orchestra(one of the most prestigious Orchestra in Japan) in 1937.
Klaus Pringsheim
Klaus Pringsheim was a German Jewish born composer, conductor, music-educator, and twin brother of Katharina Pringsheim (a wife of Thomas Mann). He was in Japan from 1931 to 1946. He became a professor of Imperial Art University of Tokyo in 1931. The students loved him so much even during the WW2, and his nickname was "Purin-Sensei".
Michael Kogan Kogan was Ukrainian Jewish who has been to Japan from 1939 to 1984. He is a president of Taito Corporation and a founder of Japanese video game business. He is the one of the most important person for Otaku history. Because without him, the Japanese video game industry does not exist. He is a peson with a mysterious background.
They have survived in Japan during the WW2. They may have been on starvation just like other Japanese citizens, but they didn't die by starvation even though millions of Japanese children were starving and dying in the era.
There were some ironical stories during the era. When Klaus Pringsheim (Thomas Mann's brother in law) was eating dinner in the restaurant of Tokyo Imperial Hotel in 1942, he suddenly realized the guy in the next table was Joseph Meisinger who was known as a massacrer of Warsaw, SS colonel and the commander of Gestapo Tokyo office. Pringsheim lost his appetite, and he left the restaurant.
Interestingly, the antisemitism in Japan is big after the WW2. Groups of Japanese communists started to hate Jewish, American and Japanese for some mysterious reasons. They are also strongly pro-Communist China and pro-DRRK. 1972, Japanese Red Army attacked Lod Airport, because they believe that "Japanese militarist government" is controlled by some Jewish organization, and they have to kill Jewish to crash the Japanese government. I have no idea how they got that stupid idea.
By the way, I feel sympathy to Israel because pro-Communist China and pro-DRRK Japanese are genarally anti-Israel. I dislike those Jew-hater Japanese groups. They have lost thier political powers these days (They claim "Japanese militarist government" gained power), but they still have some influences in Japan."
"Your hypothesis really makes sense to me.
There are Right Wing Pan-Asianism and Left Wing Pan-Asianism in Japan. They share multiple fundamental ideas and they have only one difference.
Right Wing Pan-Asianism: "Asia should be united under the leadership of Imperial Japanese Army."
Left Wing Pan-Asianism: "Asia should be united under the leadership of Chinese Communist Party."
Right Wing Pan-Asianists such as ultranationalists, sects in IJA and some cults of Nichiren Buddhists almost disappeared from Japan in 1945, after the fall of IJA and they lost their most powerful ally (and a sponser) Nazi Germany. However, Left Wing Pan-Asianists such as JRA still remain influences. For LWPA in Japan, Chinese People's Liberation Army is the "Neo Imperial Japanese Army" which the army should rule Asia.
Oh, In speaking of antisemitism in Japan, Pan-Asianists in both sides tend to be antisemitic. It is an analogy that Pan-Slavism caused Pogrom in Russia and East Europe. Also, Pan-Germanism aka Nazism caused the horrible Holocaust. LWPA believes Israel is a western invader occupying a sacred land of "Asia". Moreover, Pan-Asianists hate "corrupted western caplitalism" and they demonize Jewish as a symbol of world economy."